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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Kmer.pm: a kmer counting module
# Author: Lee Katz <lkatz@cdc.gov>
package Bio::Kmer;
require 5.12.0;
our $VERSION="0.01";
use strict;
use List::Util qw/max/;
use File::Basename qw/basename fileparse dirname/;
use File::Temp ('tempdir');
use threads;
use Exporter qw/import/;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
our @fastqExt=qw(.fastq.gz .fastq .fq .fq.gz);
our @fastaExt=qw(.fasta .fna .faa .mfa .fas .fa);
our @bamExt=qw(.sorted.bam .bam);
our @vcfExt=qw(.vcf.gz .vcf);
our @richseqExt=qw(.gbk .gbf .gb .embl);
our @sffExt=qw(.sff);
our @samExt=qw(.sam .bam);
our $fhStick :shared; # Helps us open only one file at a time
# TODO if 'die' is imported by a script, redefine
# sig die in that script as this function.
local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { my $e = $_[0]; $e =~ s/(at [^\s]+? line \d+\.$)/\nStopped $1/; die("$0: ".(caller(1))[3].": ".$e); };
=head1 NAME
A module for helping with kmer analysis.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Kmer;
my $kmer=Kmer->new("file.fastq.gz",{kmerCounter=>"jellyfish",numcpus=>4});
my $kmerHash=$kmer->count();
my $countOfCounts=$kmer->histogram();
A module for helping with kmer analysis. The basic methods help count kmers and can produce a count of counts. Currently this module only supports fastq format. Although this module can count kmers with pure perl, it is recommended to give the option for a different kmer counter such as Jellyfish.
=head1 AUTHOR
Author: Lee Katz <lkatz@cdc.gov>
=head1 METHODS
=item new
Create a new instance of the kmer counter. One object per file.
Applicable arguments:
Argument Default Description
kmercounter perl What kmer counter software to use.
Choices: Perl, Jellyfish.
kmerlength 21 Kmer length
numcpus 1 This module uses perl
multithreading with pure perl or
can supply this option to other
software like jellyfish.
gt 1 If the count of kmers is fewer
than this, ignore the kmer. This
might help speed analysis if you
do not care about low-count kmers.
my $kmer=Kmer->new("file.fastq.gz",{kmerCounter=>"jellyfish",numcpus=>4});
sub new{
die "ERROR: need a sequence file" if(!$seqfile);
die "ERROR: could not locate the sequence file" if(!-e $seqfile);
# Set optional parameter defaults
$$settings{kmerlength} ||=21;
$$settings{numcpus} ||=1;
$$settings{gt} ||=1;
$$settings{kmerCounter} ||="perl";
# Initialize the object and then bless it
my $self={
seqfile =>$seqfile,
kmerlength =>$$settings{kmerlength},
numcpus =>$$settings{numcpus},
tempdir =>tempdir("Kmer.pm.XXXXXX",TMPDIR=>1,CLEANUP=>1),
gt =>$$settings{gt},
# Values that will be filled in after analysis
kmers =>{},
return $self;
=item count
Count kmers. If Jellyfish is found, then it will be used. Otherwise, pure perl will be used which is slower.
Arguments: none
Returns: Reference to a hash of kmers where the key is
the kmer, and the value is count
# Count kmers with faster programs in this order of
# priority: jellyfish (TODO: KAnalyze)
# and lastly, pure perl.
sub count{
my $seqfile=$self->{seqfile};
my $kmerlength=$self->{kmerlength};
my $kmerHash={};
if($self->{kmerCounter}=~ /(pure)?.*perl/i){
} elsif($self->{kmerCounter} =~ /jellyfish/i){
} else {
die "ERROR: I do not understand the kmer counter $self->{kmerCounter}";
return $kmerHash;
=item histogram
Count kmers. If Jellyfish is found, then it will be used. Otherwise, pure perl will be used which is slower.
Arguments: none
Returns: Reference to an array of counts. The index of
the array is the frequency.
sub histogram{
my %hist=();
my @hist=(0); # initialize the histogram with a count of zero kmers happening zero times
#$hist[0]=4**$self->{kmerlength}; # or maybe it should be initialized to the total number of possibilities.
if(!values(%{ $self->{kmers} } )){
die "ERROR: kmers have not been counted yet. Run Kmer->count before running Kmer->histogram";
for my $kmercount(values(%{ $self->{kmers} } )){
# Turn this hash into an array
$hist[$_] = $hist{$_} || 0;
#$hist[0]=$hist[0] - $hist[$_]; # subtract off from the total space of possible kmers
return \@hist;
sub countKmersPurePerl{
# Multithreading
my $seqQ=Thread::Queue->new;
my @thr;
# Pure perl to make this standalone... the only reason
# we are counting kmers in Perl instead of C.
my $fastqFh=$self->openFastq($seqfile);
my $i=0;
my @buffer=();
while(<$fastqFh>){ # burn the read ID line
my $seq=<$fastqFh>;
push(@buffer, $seq);
if($i % 1000000 == 0){
# Burn the quality score lines
close $fastqFh;
# Send the termination signal
$seqQ->enqueue(undef) for(@thr);
while($seqQ->pending > @thr){
last if($seqQ->pending <= @thr);
sleep 1;
# Join the threads and put everything into a large kmer hash
my %kmer=();
my $threadKmer=$_->join;
for my $kmer(keys(%$threadKmer)){
# Filtering step
delete($kmer{$kmer}) if($count < $self->{gt});
return \%kmer;
sub _countKmersPurePerlWorker{
my %kmer;
while(defined(my $seq=$seqQ->dequeue)){
my $numKmersInRead=length($seq)-$kmerlength;
# Count kmers in a sliding window.
# We must keep this loop optimized for speed.
for(my $j=0;$j<$numKmersInRead;$j++){
return \%kmer;
sub countKmersJellyfish{
my $basename=basename($seqfile);
my %kmer=();
# Version checking
my $jfVersion=`jellyfish --version`; chomp($jfVersion);
# e.g., jellyfish 2.2.6
if($jfVersion =~ /(jellyfish\s+)?(\d+)?/){
my $majorVersion=$2;
if($majorVersion < 2){
die "ERROR: Jellyfish v2 or greater is required";
my $outprefix="$self->{tempdir}/$basename.mer_counts";
my $jfDb="$self->{tempdir}/$basename.merged.jf";
my $kmerTsv="$self->{tempdir}/$basename.jf.tsv";
# Counting
my $jellyfishCountOptions="-s 10000000 -m $kmerlength -o $outprefix -t $self->{numcpus}";
my $uncompressedFastq="$self->{tempdir}/$basename.fastq";
system("zcat $seqfile > $uncompressedFastq"); die if $?;
system("jellyfish count $jellyfishCountOptions $uncompressedFastq");
} else {
system("jellyfish count $jellyfishCountOptions $seqfile");
die "Error: problem with jellyfish" if $?;
my $lowerCount=$self->{gt}-1;
system("jellyfish dump --lower-count=$lowerCount --column --tab -o $kmerTsv $outprefix");
die if $?;
# Load kmers to memory
open(TSV,$kmerTsv) or die "ERROR: Could not open $kmerTsv: $!";
my @F=split /\t/;
close TSV;
# cleanup
for($jfDb, $kmerTsv, $outprefix, $uncompressedFastq){
unlink $_ if($_ && -e $_);
return \%kmer;
sub which{
my $tool_path="";
for my $path ( split /:/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
if ( -f "$path/$exe" && -x "$path/$exe" ) {
$tool_path = "$path/$exe";
return $tool_path;
# Opens a fastq file in a thread-safe way.
# Returns a file handle.
sub openFastq{
my $fh;
die "ERROR: could not read $fastq as a fastq file";
# Open the file in different ways, depending on if it
# is gzipped or if the user has gzip installed.
if($ext =~/\.gz$/){
# use binary gzip if we can... why not take advantage
# of the compiled binary's speedup?
if(-e "/usr/bin/gzip"){
open($fh,"gzip -cd $fastq | ") or die "ERROR: could not open $fastq for reading!: $!";
$fh=new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip($fastq) or die "ERROR: could not read $fastq: $!";
} else {
open($fh,"<",$fastq) or die "ERROR: could not open $fastq for reading!: $!";
return $fh;
# In case I accidentally do $Kmer->closeFastq without thinking
# how ridiculous that is, let's just avoid that problem with
# this subroutine.
sub closeFastq{
close $fastq;
return 1;