Changes for version 2.06 - 2017-12-09

  • Method poll() did not scale well with many SSH connections due to the partially blocking nature of SSH authentication which could cumlatively make all objects timeout; algorithm is now optimized to re-credit a cycle time duration to the underlying object timeouts so as to compensate and allow the deisred scaling. The changes also improve the frequency of calling the poll_code, which can now be called in between objects when these take longer than the poll_timer to complete a poll, instead of only at the end of a full cycle
  • New "atomic_connect" argument for the connect() method for use in non-blocking mode, with SSH, when many class objects are polled via Control::CLI poll() method, it allows the connect() method to treat socket setup + SSH authentication as one single poll action to prevent the far end from timing out the connection if a delay is seen between socket setup and SSH authentication


Command Line Interface I/O over either Telnet or SSH (IPv4 & IPv6) or Serial port