Revision history for Perl module IPC::Open3::Callback
1.08 2016-02-26
Fix artifact not found message in resolve_or_die
1.07 2016-02-26
Fix get/deploy/install_command to include global-settings
Fix Maven_MvnAgent.t to skip tests if mvn fails
Set proxy on test global settings
1.06 2016-02-25
Fix default 'user.home' when using cygwin
1.05 2016-02-24
Fix bug in naming when file is found in local repository and to is a
1.04 2016-02-24
Fix 1.03 build that had bad files included in tarball
1.03 2016-02-21
Renamed project to Maven-Agent to comply with pause naming restriction
on top level namespaces
1.02 2016-02-21
Fixed bug in download to directory
1.01 2016-02-19
Cleaned up logging
1.00 2016-02-18
Initial release