Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS PSU.
foreach my $psu (sort $ucs->chassis(1)->get_psus) {
print 'PSU ' . $psu->id . ' voltage: ' . $psu->voltage . "\n"
# PSU 1 voltage: ok
# PSU 2 voltage: ok
# PSU 3 voltage: ok
# PSU 4 voltage: ok
# Print the output power of all chassis, and the output of
# each PSU in each chassis
map {
printf( "Chassis: %d - Output power: %.3f\n",
map {
printf( "\tPSU: %d - Ouput power: %s\n",
sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $_->get_psus
sort {
$a->id <=> $b->id
} $ucs->get_chassiss;
# Should yeild something similar to:
# Chassis: 1 - Output power: 660.000
# PSU: 1 - Ouput power: 144.096008
# PSU: 2 - Ouput power: 178.934998
# PSU: 3 - Ouput power: 167.005997
# PSU: 4 - Ouput power: 168.112000
# Chassis: 2 - Output power: 1188.000
# PSU: 1 - Ouput power: 229.653000
# PSU: 2 - Ouput power: 300.200012
# PSU: 3 - Ouput power: 288.192017
# PSU: 4 - Ouput power: 374.696991
# ... etc.
Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU::Stats is a class providing common operations with Cisco UCS PSU power and environmental statistics.
Note that you are not supposed to call the constructor yourself, rather a Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU::Stats object is created for you automatically by the stats() method call in Cisco::UCS::Chassis::PSU.
ambient_temp =head3 ambient_temp_avg =head3 ambient_temp_max =head3 ambient_temp_min =head3 id =head3 input_210v =head3 input_210v_avg =head3 output_210v_max =head3 input_210v_min =head3 model =head3 operability =head3 operState =head3 output_12v =head3 output_12v_avg =head3 output_12v_min =head3 output_12v_max =head3 output_3v3 =head3 output_3v3_avg =head3 output_3v3_max =head3 output_3v3_min =head3 output_current =head3 output_current_avg =head3 output_current_max =head3 output_currenti_min =head3 output_power =head3 output_power_avg =head3 output_power_min =head3 output_power_max =head3 performance =head3 power =head3 presence =head3 psu_temp_1 =head3 psu_temp_2 =head3 revision =head3 serial =head3 suspect =head3 thresholded =head3 time_collected =head3 thermal =head3 vendor =head3 voltage
Luke Poskitt, <ltp at>
Some methods may return undefined, empty or not yet implemented values. This is dependent on the software and firmware revision level of UCSM and components of the UCS cluster. This is not a bug but is a limitation of UCSM.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cisco-ucs-common-psu-stats at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU::Stats
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Copyright 2013 Luke Poskitt.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.