WWW::PTV::Route - Class for operations with Public Transport Victoria (PTV) routes


# Create a new WWW::PTV object
my $ptv = WWW::PTV->new();

# Return a WWW::PTV::Route object for route ID 1
my $route = $ptv->get_route_by_id(1);

# Print the route name and outbound description
print $route->name .":". $route->description ."\n";

# Get the route outbound timetable as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object
my $tt = $route->get_outbound_tt;

# Get the route stop names and IDs as a hash in the inbound direction
my %stops = $route->get_stop_names_and_ids( 'in' );


id ()

Returns the route numerical ID.

name ()

Returns the route name - this is a free-form textual description of the route.

direction_out ()

Returns the outbound route description - this is freeform text that will probably take the form 'To $LINE_NAME/$SUBURB_NAME/$LOCALITY'.

direction_in ()

Returns the inbound route description - this is freeform text that will probably take the form 'To $LINE_NAME/$SUBURB_NAME/$LOCALITY'.

direction_out ()

Returns the outbound route description.

Returns the URI for the timetable for the route in the inbound direction.

Returns the URI for the timetable for the route in the outbound direction.

description_in ()

Returns the inbound route description - this is freeform text that typically describes the major stops of the route and major direction changes.

description_out ()

Returns the outbound route description - this is freeform text that typically describes the major stops of the route and major direction changes.

get_inbound_tt ()

Returns the inbound timetable for the route as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object.

get_outbound_tt ()

Returns the outbound timetable for the route as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object.

get_stop_names_and_ids ( in|out )

Returns an array of lists with each list containing two elements; a stop ID, and a stop descriptive name. The elements of the list represent the in-order list of the stops on the route in the direction specified.

operator ()

Returns the line operator (i.e. the service provider).

operator_ph ()

Returns the phone number of the line operator.


Luke Poskitt, <ltp at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-ptv-route at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WWW::PTV::Route

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2014 Luke Poskitt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.