WWW::PTV::Route - Class for operations with Public Transport Victoria (PTV) routes
# Create a new WWW::PTV object
my $ptv = WWW::PTV->new();
# Return a WWW::PTV::Route object for route ID 1
my $route = $ptv->get_route_by_id(1);
# Print the route name and outbound description
print $route->name .":". $route->description ."\n";
# Get the route outbound timetable as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object
my $tt = $route->get_outbound_tt;
# Get the route stop names and IDs as a hash in the inbound direction
my %stops = $route->get_stop_names_and_ids( 'in' );
id ()
Returns the route numerical ID.
name ()
Returns the route name - this is a free-form textual description of the route.
direction_out ()
Returns the outbound route description - this is freeform text that will probably take the form 'To $LINE_NAME/$SUBURB_NAME/$LOCALITY'.
direction_in ()
Returns the inbound route description - this is freeform text that will probably take the form 'To $LINE_NAME/$SUBURB_NAME/$LOCALITY'.
direction_out ()
Returns the outbound route description.
direction_in_link ()
Returns the URI for the timetable for the route in the inbound direction.
direction_out_link ()
Returns the URI for the timetable for the route in the outbound direction.
description_in ()
Returns the inbound route description - this is freeform text that typically describes the major stops of the route and major direction changes.
description_out ()
Returns the outbound route description - this is freeform text that typically describes the major stops of the route and major direction changes.
get_inbound_tt ()
Returns the inbound timetable for the route as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object.
get_outbound_tt ()
Returns the outbound timetable for the route as a WWW::PTV::TimeTable object.
get_stop_names_and_ids ( in|out )
Returns an array of lists with each list containing two elements; a stop ID, and a stop descriptive name. The elements of the list represent the in-order list of the stops on the route in the direction specified.
operator ()
Returns the line operator (i.e. the service provider).
operator_ph ()
Returns the phone number of the line operator.
Luke Poskitt, <ltp at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-ptv-route at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::PTV::Route
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Copyright 2014 Luke Poskitt.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.