WWW::Selenium - Perl Client for the Selenium Remote Control test tool


	use WWW::Selenium;
	my $sel = WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost", 
                                      port => 4444, 
                                      browser => "*iexplore", 
                                      browser_url => "",
	$sel->open "";
	$sel->type "q", "hello world";
	$sel->click "btnG";
	$sel->wait_for_page_to_load 5000;
	print $sel->get_title;


Selenium Remote Control (SRC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. SRC provides a Selenium Server, which can automatically start/stop/control any supported browser. It works by using Selenium Core, a pure-HTML+JS library that performs automated tasks in JavaScript; the Selenium Server communicates directly with the browser using AJAX (XmlHttpRequest).

This module sends commands directly to the Server using simple HTTP GET/POST requests. Using this module together with the Selenium Server, you can automatically control any supported browser.

To use this module, you need to have already downloaded and started the Selenium Server. (The Selenium Server is a Java application.)

Element Locators

Element Locators tell Selenium which HTML element a command refers to. Many commands require an Element Locator as a parameter.

We support the following strategies for locating elements:


Select the element with the specified @id attribute. If no match is found, select the first element whose @name attribute is id. (This is normally the default; see below.)


Select the element with the specified @id attribute.


Select the first element with the specified @name attribute.


Find an element using JavaScript traversal of the HTML Document Object Model. DOM locators must begin with "document.".

  • dom=document.forms['myForm'].myDropdown

  • dom=document.images[56]


Locate an element using an XPath expression. XPath locators must begin with "//".

  • xpath=//img[@alt='The image alt text']

  • xpath=//table[@id='table1']//tr[4]/td[2]


Select the link (anchor) element which contains text matching the specified pattern.

  • link=The link text

Without an explicit locator prefix, Selenium uses the following default strategies:

  • dom, for locators starting with "document."

  • xpath, for locators starting with "//"

  • identifier, otherwise

String-match Patterns

Various Pattern syntaxes are available for matching string values:


Match a string against a "glob" (aka "wildmat") pattern. "Glob" is a kind of limited regular-expression syntax typically used in command-line shells. In a glob pattern, "*" represents any sequence of characters, and "?" represents any single character. Glob patterns match against the entire string.


Match a string using a regular-expression. The full power of JavaScript regular-expressions is available.


Match a string exactly, verbatim, without any of that fancy wildcard stuff.

If no pattern prefix is specified, Selenium assumes that it's a "glob" pattern.


The following methods are available:

$sel = WWW::Selenium->new( %args )

Constructs a new WWW::Selenium object, specifying a Selenium Server host/port, a command to launch the browser, and a starting URL for the browser.


  • host

    host is the host name on which the Selenium Server resides.

  • port

    port is the port on which the Selenium Server is listening.

  • browser_url

    browser_url is the starting URL including just a domain name. We'll start the browser pointing at the Selenium resources on this URL, e.g. "" would send the browser to ""

  • browser or browser_start_command

    This is the command string used to launch the browser, e.g. "*firefox", "*iexplore" or "/usr/bin/firefox"

    This option may be any one of the following:

    • *firefox [absolute path]

      Automatically launch a new Firefox process using a custom Firefox profile. This profile will be automatically configured to use the Selenium Server as a proxy and to have all annoying prompts ("save your password?" "forms are insecure" "make Firefox your default browser?" disabled. You may optionally specify an absolute path to your firefox executable, or just say "*firefox". If no absolute path is specified, we'll look for firefox.exe in a default location (normally c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe), which you can override by setting the Java system property firefoxDefaultPath to the correct path to Firefox.

    • *iexplore [absolute path]

      Automatically launch a new Internet Explorer process using custom Windows registry settings. This process will be automatically configured to use the Selenium Server as a proxy and to have all annoying prompts ("save your password?" "forms are insecure" "make Firefox your default browser?" disabled. You may optionally specify an absolute path to your iexplore executable, or just say "*iexplore". If no absolute path is specified, we'll look for iexplore.exe in a default location (normally c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe), which you can override by setting the Java system property iexploreDefaultPath to the correct path to Internet Explorer.

    • /path/to/my/browser [other arguments]

      You may also simply specify the absolute path to your browser executable, or use a relative path to your executable (which we'll try to find on your path). <b>Warning:</b> If you specify your own custom browser, it's up to you to configure it correctly. At a minimum, you'll need to configure your browser to use the Selenium Server as a proxy, and disable all browser-specific prompting.

  • $sel->click($locator)

    Clicks on a link, button, checkbox or radio button. If the click action causes a new page to load (like a link usually does), call waitForPageToLoad.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->fire_event($locator, $event_name)

    Explicitly simulate an event, to trigger the corresponding "onevent" handler.

    $locator is an element locator. $event_name is the event name, e.g. "focus" or "blur".

  • $sel->key_press($locator, $keycode)

    Simulates a user pressing and releasing a key.

    $locator is an element locator. $keycode is the numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key..

  • $sel->key_down($locator, $keycode)

    Simulates a user pressing a key (without releasing it yet).

    $locator is an element locator. $keycode is the numeric keycode of the key to be pressed, normally the ASCII value of that key..

  • $sel->key_up($locator, $keycode)

    Simulates a user releasing a key.

    $locator is an element locator. $keycode is the numeric keycode of the key to be released, normally the ASCII value of that key..

  • $sel->mouse_over($locator)

    Simulates a user hovering a mouse over the specified element.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->mouse_down($locator)

    Simulates a user pressing the mouse button (without releasing it yet) on the specified element.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->type($locator, $value)

    Sets the value of an input field, as though you typed it in.

    Can also be used to set the value of combo boxes, check boxes, etc. In these cases, value should be the value of the option selected, not the visible text.

    $locator is an element locator. $value is the value to type.

  • $sel->check($locator)

    Check a toggle-button (checkbox/radio)

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->uncheck($locator)

    Uncheck a toggle-button (checkbox/radio)

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->select($locator, $option_locator)

    Select an option from a drop-down using an option locator.

    Option locators provide different ways of specifying options of an HTML Select element (e.g. for selecting a specific option, or for asserting that the selected option satisfies a specification). There are several forms of Select Option Locator.


    matches options based on their labels, i.e. the visible text. (This is the default.)

    • label=regexp:^[Oo]ther


    matches options based on their values.

    • value=other


    matches options based on their ids.

    • id=option1


    matches an option based on its index (offset from zero).

    • index=2

    Without a prefix, the default behaviour is to only match on labels.

    $locator is an element locator identifying a drop-down menu. $option_locator is an option locator (a label by default).

  • $sel->add_selection($locator, $option_locator)

    Add a selection to the set of selected options in a multi-select element using an option locator.

    @see #doSelect for details of option locators

    $locator is an element locator identifying a multi-select box. $option_locator is an option locator (a label by default).

  • $sel->remove_selection($locator, $option_locator)

    Remove a selection from the set of selected options in a multi-select element using an option locator.

    @see #doSelect for details of option locators

    $locator is an element locator identifying a multi-select box. $option_locator is an option locator (a label by default).

  • $sel->submit($form_locator)

    Submit the specified form. This is particularly useful for forms without submit buttons, e.g. single-input "Search" forms.

    $form_locator is an element locator for the form you want to submit.

  • $sel->open($url)

    Opens an URL in the test frame. This accepts both relative and absolute URLs.

    Note: The URL must be on the same domain as the runner HTML due to security restrictions in the browser (Same Origin Policy). If you need to open an URL on another domain, use the Selenium Server to start a new browser session on that domain.

    $url is the URL to open; may be relative or absolute.

  • $sel->select_window($window_i_d)

    Selects a popup window; once a popup window has been selected, all commands go to that window. To select the main window again, use "null" as the target.

    $window_i_d is the JavaScript window ID of the window to select.

  • $sel->choose_cancel_on_next_confirmation()

    Instructs Selenium to click "Cancel" on the next JavaScript confirmation dialog to be raised. By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effect as manually clicking OK. After running this command, the next confirmation will behave as if the user had clicked Cancel.

  • $sel->answer_on_next_prompt($answer)

    Instructs Selenium to return the specified answer string in response to the next JavaScript prompt [window.prompt()].

    $answer is the answer to give in response to the prompt pop-up.

  • $sel->go_back()

    Simulates the user clicking the "back" button on their browser.

  • $sel->close()

    Simulates the user clicking the "close" button in the titlebar of a popup window or tab.

  • $sel->get_alert()

    Retrieves the message of a javascript alert generated during the previous action, or fail if there were no alerts.

    Getting an alert has the same effect as manually clicking OK. If an alert is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail. NOTE: under Selenium, javascript alerts will NOT pop up a visible alert dialog. NOTE: Selenium does NOT support javascript alerts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.

  • $sel->get_confirmation()

    Retrieves the message of a javascript confirmation dialog generated during the previous action.

    By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effect as manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of the chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command. If an confirmation is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.

    NOTE: under Selenium, javascript confirmations will NOT pop up a visible dialog.

    NOTE: Selenium does NOT support javascript confirmations that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually click OK.

  • $sel->get_prompt()

    Retrieves the message of a javascript question prompt dialog generated during the previous action.

    Successful handling of the prompt requires prior execution of the answerOnNextPrompt command. If a prompt is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail. NOTE: under Selenium, javascript prompts will NOT pop up a visible dialog. NOTE: Selenium does NOT support javascript prompts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.

  • $sel->get_absolute_location()

    Gets the absolute URL of the current page.

  • $sel->assert_location($expected_location)

    Verify the location of the current page ends with the expected location. If an URL querystring is provided, this is checked as well.

    $expected_location is the location to match.

  • $sel->get_title()

    Gets the title of the current page.

  • $sel->get_body_text()

    Get the entire text of the page.

  • $sel->get_value($locator)

    Gets the (whitespace-trimmed) value of an input field (or anything else with a value parameter). For checkbox/radio elements, the value will be "on" or "off" depending on whether the element is checked or not.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->get_text($locator)

    Gets the text of an element. This works for any element that contains text. This command uses either the textContent (Mozilla-like browsers) or the innerText (IE-like browsers) of the element, which is the rendered text shown to the user.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->get_eval($script)

    Gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet. The snippet may have multiple lines, but only the result of the last line will be returned.

    Note that, by default, the snippet will be run in the runner's test window, not in the window of your application. To get the window of your application, you can use the JavaScript snippet selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow(), and then run your JavaScript in there.

    $script is the JavaScript snippet to run.

  • $sel->get_checked($locator)

    Get whether a toggle-button (checkbox/radio) is checked. Fails if the specified element doesn't exist or isn't a toggle-button.

    $locator is an element locator pointing to a checkbox or radio button.

  • $sel->get_table($table_cell_address)

    Gets the text from a cell of a table. The cellAddress syntax tableLocator.row.column, where row and column start at 0.

    $table_cell_address is a cell address, e.g. "foo.1.4".

  • $sel->assert_selected($locator, $option_locator)

    Verifies that the selected option of a drop-down satisfies the optionSpecifier.

    See the select command for more information about option locators.

    $locator is an element locator. $option_locator is an option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith").

  • $sel->get_selected_options($locator)

    Gets all option labels for selected options in the specified select or multi-select element.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->get_select_options($locator)

    Gets all option labels in the specified select drop-down.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->get_attribute($attribute_locator)

    Gets the value of an element attribute.

    $attribute_locator is an element locator followed by an.

  • $sel->assert_text_present($pattern)

    Verifies that the specified text pattern appears somewhere on the rendered page shown to the user.

    $pattern is a pattern to match with the text of the page.

  • $sel->assert_text_not_present($pattern)

    Verifies that the specified text pattern does NOT appear anywhere on the rendered page.

    $pattern is a pattern to match with the text of the page.

  • $sel->assert_element_present($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is somewhere on the page.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->assert_element_not_present($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is NOT on the page.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->assert_visible($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is both present and visible. An element can be rendered invisible by setting the CSS "visibility" property to "hidden", or the "display" property to "none", either for the element itself or one if its ancestors.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->assert_not_visible($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is NOT visible; elements that are simply not present are also considered invisible.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->assert_editable($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is editable, ie. it's an input element, and hasn't been disabled.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->assert_not_editable($locator)

    Verifies that the specified element is NOT editable, ie. it's NOT an input element, or has been disabled.

    $locator is an element locator.

  • $sel->get_all_buttons()

    Returns the IDs of all buttons on the page.

    If a given button has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.

  • $sel->get_all_links()

    Returns the IDs of all links on the page.

    If a given link has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.

  • $sel->get_all_fields()

    Returns the IDs of all input fields on the page.

    If a given field has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.

  • $sel->set_context($context, $log_level_threshold)

    Writes a message to the status bar and adds a note to the browser-side log.

    If logLevelThreshold is specified, set the threshold for logging to that level (debug, info, warn, error). (Note that the browser-side logs will not be sent back to the server, and are invisible to the Client Driver.)

    $context is the message to be sent to the browser. $log_level_threshold is one of "debug", "info", "warn", "error", sets the threshold for browser-side logging.

  • $sel->get_expression($expression)

    Return the specified expression.

    This is useful because of JavaScript preprocessing. It is used to generate commands like assertExpression and storeExpression.

    $expression is the value to return.

  • $sel->wait_for_condition($script, $timeout)

    Runs the specified JavaScript snippet repeatedly until it evaluates to "true". The snippet may have multiple lines, but only the result of the last line will be considered.

    Note that, by default, the snippet will be run in the runner's test window, not in the window of your application. To get the window of your application, you can use the JavaScript snippet selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow(), and then run your JavaScript in there

    $script is the JavaScript snippet to run. $timeout is a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error.

  • $sel->set_timeout($timeout)

    Specifies the amount of time that Selenium will wait for actions to complete.

    Actions that require waiting include "open" and the "waitFor*" actions.

    The default timeout is 30 seconds.

    $timeout is a timeout in milliseconds, after which the action will return with an error.

  • $sel->wait_for_page_to_load($timeout)

    Waits for a new page to load.

    You can use this command instead of the "AndWait" suffixes, "clickAndWait", "selectAndWait", "typeAndWait" etc. (which are only available in the JS API). Selenium constantly keeps track of new pages loading, and sets a "newPageLoaded" flag when it first notices a page load. Running any other Selenium command after turns the flag to false. Hence, if you want to wait for a page to load, you must wait immediately after a Selenium command that caused a page-load.

    $timeout is a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error.


For more information about Selenium Remote Control, visit the website at


The Selenium Remote Control JIRA issue tracking system is available online at


Maintained by Dan Fabulich <>


Copyright (c) 2006 ThoughtWorks, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

53 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 371:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 387:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 403:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 419:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 435:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 451:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 465:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 480:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 499:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 513:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 527:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 617:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 634:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 651:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 666:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 686:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 702:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 719:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 734:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 747:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 761:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 784:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 816:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 840:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 853:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 868:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 881:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 894:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 910:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 927:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 948:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 962:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 977:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 995:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1009:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1023:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1037:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1051:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1065:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1079:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1093:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1110:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1125:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1140:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1155:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1171:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1187:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1203:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1225:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1243:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1266:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1284:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 1315:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'