Revision history for Perl extension Text::ASCIITable.
0.14 Sun Mar 21 23:56:12 2004
Cleaned/rewrote the Text::ASCIITable::Wrap code. Same result, better code.
Removed code wich prevented a external callbacksub for align from functioning
if allowANSI or allowHTML was set.
Added support for a callback subroutine instead of the internal count function.
Added some caching in getColWidth.
alignCol and setOptions now accepts a hash to set values.
Columns containing just 0 was not shown. Fixed.
addRow no longer expects exact number of columns.
0.13 Sun Feb 22 20:30:00 2004
Fixed first bug. Tables got wider if it was a lot of html/ansi codes
even if ansisupport was turned on.
Fiex bug in draw() on designoutput. delim character was set to
Made a wordwrap-module from scratch, and turned out to be more
accurate than the previous. Text::ASCIITable::Wrap.
Fixed a bug which prevented you to have ANSI/HTML-codes in the
beginning and end of a rowline and in headingText.
Added support for cutting the table for page-viewing. With a max
width. Thanks to Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda <> for
the code and the idea.
0.12 Sat Jan 17 00:01:21 2004
Made the ANSI stripper accept more advanced escape-codes.
Added support for auto-aligning.
Added support for "user-defined" aligning.
Added alignColName to align each column in the "column-name-row".
Beautified some code.
0.11 Sat Aug 16 16:33:42 2003
Added easier access to printing. You can now use print $t; which
does the same as print $t->draw() do.
Changed the default look/"theme". It was just too ugly :P
Added multiline support for columnnames.
Cleaned up some code.
0.10 Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 2003
Fixed so headingText makes the table wider, if its wider than the
table should originally be. Thanks to my friend Rune F. Akselsen
for the nice and easy "formula".
Added allowANSI support. Works just like allowHTML just with ANSI
codes. Exampletext with ansicodes: "Hi \33[1mThis is bold\33[m..."
0.09 Sat Feb 15 12:24:42 2003
Added headingText option, wich makes a Title on the top of
the table, spanning all the columts to one large title.
Added descriptions to all the possible options in the
0.08 Sat Jan 18 14:44:21 2003
Added drawRowLine option, to make it draw a line
between every row.
Added FEATURES section to the documentation.
Added strict option to setColWidth. If $strict is set to a
true value, the width of the column will be set to this width.
0.07 Tue Jan 14 12:45:03 2003
Stopped to use Text::Aligner, because I needed one
with the possibillity to change strictness of the function
and counting procedures. So I made my own simple align function.
Added allowHTML option. To do this i needed to stop using
0.06 Sat Jan 11 17:41:32 2003
Went over to use Text::Aligner instead of own functions.
Added alignCol. (Which uses Text::Aligner)
Made alignColRight an alias to alignCol($col,'right');
Added options to hide lines/headrow from output.
Added 'reporterrors' for removal of error reporting to STDERR.
Added multiline support for AddRow.
Added wordwrap support, using Text::Wrap.
0.05 Sun Dec 23 06:46:45 2002
Started to use make dist instead of packing it wrong.
(not making its own directory)
0.04 Sun Dec 22 23:33:45 2002
Added support for changing layout on rows.
Updated the documentation
0.03 Sun Dec 22 05:33:43 2002
fixed a bug in draw() which could have made weird
output in some cases.
Fixed pod documentation to display code correctly when
converted to html.
Released it on CPAN.
0.02 Sat Dec 21 --:--:-- 2002
ported my similar script made in PHP
0.01 Sat Dec 21 13:12:21 2002
original version; created by h2xs 1.19