Egg::Response - It processes it concerning the response of Egg.
# Access from Egg to this object.
$e->response; or $e->res;
# Content-Type is set.
# Contents are output.
$responce->body('Hello, world!');
# An original header is set.
$responce->header( 'X-Orign' => 'foooo' );
$responce->push_header( 'X-Orign' => 'foooo' );
# Redirect
$response->redirect('http://domainname/', 307);
It is a module that takes charge of the contents output of Egg.
$response->content_type([content type]);
* output content type is set. * Please set $e->config->{content_type}. default is 'text/html'.
$response->no_cache([1 or 0]);
* We will cast a spell so that a browser of the client should not cache it.
$response->set_cache([1 or 0]);
* We will cast a spell so that a browser of the client may cache it.
$response->body([content]); or $response->output([content]);
* It keeps it temporarily until contents are output. * It maintains it internally by the Scalar reference.
$response->create_header( $response->body );
* Response header is assembled and it returns it.
$response->cookie([KEY NAME], [VALUE]);
* Cookie is set with each key.
* Set cookie is returned by HASH reference.
* All set cookie is canceled.
* Set-Cookie header is assembled and it returns it.
$response->redirect([URL], [status code]);
* Screen is forward to passed URL. * Status code can be set by the second argument. default is 302.
$response->redirect_page([URL], [MESSAGE], [OPTION]);
* Screen is output and when changing, the fixed form contents are output once. * URL and message and option in argument. * Please pass the option by HASH reference. * Following values can be specified for option.
- wait = Time until changing the screen every second. default is 0
- alert = Message is output with alert of JAVA script.
- body_style= style of <body> is defined.
- div_style = style of container is defined.
- h1_style = background of message and style of frame line are defined.
* Configuration can do default.
In the name of key, it is redirect_page and the content is HAHS reference.
- default_url = Default when URL is not passed.
- default_msg = Default when message is not passed.
- default_wait= Time until changing the screen every second. default is 0
- body_style, div_style, h1_style, etc.
* Setting example.
redirect_page=> {
default_url => '/',
default_msg => 'Please wait.',
default_wait=> 1,
body_style => 'background:#FFEDBB; text-align:center;',
div_style => 'font-size:12px; border:#D15C24 solid 3px;',
h1_style => 'font:bold 20px sans-serif;',
$response->status([status code]);
* HTTP status code that wants to be returned at the end of processing is set. (200, 404, 403, 500 etc..)
* Accessor to HTTP::Headers object.
Masatoshi Mizuno, <lt><gt>
Copyright (C) 2006 Bee Flag, Corp. <>, All Rights Reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.