=head1 NAME
C<MediaCloud::JobManager> - Perl worker / client library for running jobs
use MediaCloud::JobManager;
Run jobs locally, remotely or remotely + asynchronously.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=head1 AUTHOR
Linas Valiukas, E<lt>lvaliukas@cyber.law.harvard.eduE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2013- Linas Valiukas, 2013- Berkman Center for Internet &
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.18.2 or, at your option,
any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
our $VERSION = '0.19';
use strict;
use Modern::Perl "2012";
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
use Carp;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
level => $DEBUG,
utf8 => 1,
layout => "%d{ISO8601} [%P]: %m%n"
# flush sockets after every write
$| = 1;
# Max. job ID length for MediaCloud::JobManager jobs (when
# MediaCloud::JobManager::Job comes up with a job ID of its own)
Readonly my $MJM_JOB_ID_MAX_LENGTH => 256;
=head2 (static) C<job_status($function_name, $job_id[, $config])>
Get job status.
=over 4
=item * Function name (e.g. "NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer")
=item * Job ID (e.g. "H:localhost.localdomain:8")
Returns hashref with the job status, e.g.:
=begin text
{ # Job ID that was passed as a parameter 'job_id' =>
# Whether or not the job is currently running
'running' => 1,
# Numerator and denominator of the job's progress
# (in this example, job is 1333/2000 complete)
'numerator' => 1333,
'denominator' => 2000
=end text
Returns undef if the job ID was not found; dies on error.
sub job_status($$)
my ( $function_name, $job_id ) = @_;
my $config = $function_name->configuration();
return $config->{ broker }->job_status( $function_name, $job_id );
# (static) Return an unique job ID that will identify a particular job with its
# arguments
# * function name, e.g. 'NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer'
# * hashref of job arguments, e.g. "{ 'how_many_bottles' => 13 }"
# Returns: SHA256 of the unique job ID, e.g. "18114c0e14fe5f3a568f73da16130640b1a318ba"
# (SHASUM of "NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer(how_many_bottles_=_2000)"
# FIXME maybe use Data::Dumper?
sub unique_job_id($$)
my ( $function_name, $job_args ) = @_;
unless ( $function_name )
return undef;
# Convert to string
$job_args =
( $job_args and scalar keys %{ $job_args } )
? join( ', ', map { $_ . ' = ' . ( $job_args->{ $_ } // 'undef' ) } sort( keys %{ $job_args } ) )
: '';
my $unique_id = "$function_name($job_args)";
# Gearman limits the "unique" parameter of a task to 64 bytes (see
# which is usually not enough for most functions, so we hash the
# parameter instead
$unique_id = sha256_hex( $unique_id );
return $unique_id;
# (static) Return an unique, path-safe job name which is suitable for writing
# to the filesystem (e.g. for logging)
# Parameters:
# * function name, e.g. 'NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer'
# * hashref of job arguments, e.g. "{ 'how_many_bottles' => 13 }"
# * (optional) Job ID, e.g.:
# * "H:tundra.home:18" (as reported by an instance of Gearman::Client), or
# * "" (as reported by gearmand)
# Returns: unique job ID, e.g.:
# * "084567C4146F11E38F00CB951DB7256D.NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer(how_many_bottles_=_2000)", or
# * "H_tundra.home_18.NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer(how_many_bottles_=_2000)"
sub _unique_path_job_id($$;$)
my ( $function_name, $job_args, $job_id ) = @_;
unless ( $function_name )
return undef;
my $unique_id;
if ( $job_id )
# If job ID was passed as a parameter, this means that the job
# was run remotely (by running run_remotely() or add_to_queue()).
# Thus, the job has to be logged to a location that can later be found
# by knowing the job ID.
my $config = $function_name->configuration();
# Strip the host part (if present)
$unique_id = $config->{ broker }->job_id_from_handle( $job_id );
# If no job ID was provided, this means that the job is being
# run locally.
# The job's output still has to be logged somewhere, so we generate an
# UUID to serve in place of job ID.
my $ug = new Data::UUID;
my $uuid = $ug->create_str(); # e.g. "059303A4-F3F1-11E2-9246-FB1713B42706"
$uuid =~ s/\-//gs; # e.g. "059303A4F3F111E29246FB1713B42706"
$unique_id = $uuid;
# ID goes first in case the job name shortener decides to cut out a part of the job ID
my $mjm_job_id = $unique_id . '.' . unique_job_id( $function_name, $job_args );
if ( length( $mjm_job_id ) > $MJM_JOB_ID_MAX_LENGTH )
$mjm_job_id = substr( $mjm_job_id, 0, $MJM_JOB_ID_MAX_LENGTH );
# Sanitize for paths
$mjm_job_id = _sanitize_for_path( $mjm_job_id );
return $mjm_job_id;
sub _sanitize_for_path($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_\(\)=,]/_/gi;
return $string;