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use strict;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;
require Enbld::Home;
# directory list for symbolic link
our $dir_list = {
'bin' => {
'dir' => 'bin',
'omit' => undef,
'sbin' => {
'dir' => 'sbin',
'omit' => undef,
'lib' => {
'dir' => 'lib',
'omit' => [ 'pkgconfig', 'perl5' ],
'pkgconfig' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'lib', 'pkgconfig' ),
'omit' => undef,
'include' => {
'dir' => 'include',
'omit' => undef,
'script' => {
'dir' => 'script',
'omit' => undef,
'support-files' => {
'dir' => 'support-files',
'omit' => undef,
'man-man1' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'man', 'man1' ),
'omit' => undef,
'man-man3' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'man', 'man3' ),
'omit' => undef,
'share-man1' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'share', 'man', 'man1' ),
'omit' => undef,
'share-man3' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'share', 'man', 'man3' ),
'omit' => undef,
'share' => {
'dir' => 'share',
'omit' => [ 'emacs', 'info', 'man', 'doc', 'aclocal' ],
'doc' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'share', 'doc' ),
'omit' => undef,
'site-lisp' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'share', 'emacs', 'site-lisp' ),
'omit' => undef,
'aclocal' => {
'dir' => File::Spec->catdir( 'share', 'aclocal' ),
'omit' => undef,
sub delete_symlink {
my ( $pkg, $old_depository ) = @_;
foreach my $dir ( sort keys %{ $dir_list } ) {
my $installed = File::Spec->catdir(
next unless ( -d $installed );
opendir( my $dh, $installed );
my @list = grep { !/^\.{1,2}$/ } readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
chdir $installed;
foreach my $file ( @list ) {
next unless ( -l $file );
my $link = readlink( $file );
if ( index( $link, $old_depository ) == 0 ) {
unlink $file;
sub create_symlink {
my ( $pkg, $new_depository ) = @_;
foreach my $dir ( sort keys %{$dir_list} ) {
my $link_from_path =
File::Spec->catdir( $new_depository, $dir_list->{$dir}{dir} );
next unless ( -d $link_from_path );
opendir( my $dh, $link_from_path );
my @list = grep { !/^\.{1,2}$/ } readdir $dh;
closedir $dh;
my $link_to_path = File::Spec->catdir(
unless ( -d $link_to_path ) {
make_path( $link_to_path );
foreach my $file ( @list ) {
next if ( grep {/^$file$/ } @{$dir_list->{$dir}{omit}} );
my $symlink = File::Spec->catfile( $link_to_path, $file );
if ( -l $symlink ) {
unlink $symlink;
unless ( -e $symlink ) {
symlink File::Spec->catfile( $link_from_path, $file ), $symlink;