REST::Neo4p - Perl object bindings for a Neo4j database
use REST::Neo4p;
$i = REST::Neo4p::Index->new('node', 'my_node_index');
$i->add_entry(REST::Neo4p::Node->new({ name => 'Fred Rogers' }),
guy => 'Fred Rogers');
$index = REST::Neo4p->get_index_by_name('my_node_index','node');
($my_node) = $index->find_entries('guy' => 'Fred Rogers');
$new_neighbor = REST::Neo4p::Node->new({'name' => 'Donkey Hoty'});
$my_reln = $my_node->relate_to($new_neighbor, 'neighbor');
$query = REST::Neo4p::Query->new("START n=node(".$my_node->id.")
MATCH p = (n)-[]->()
$path = $query->fetch->[0];
@path_nodes = $path->nodes;
@path_rels = $path->relationships;
Batch processing (see REST::Neo4p::Batch for more)
# loader...
use REST::Neo4p;
use REST::Neo4p::Batch;
open $f, shift() or die $!;
batch {
while (<$f>) {
($name, $value) = split /\t/;
REST::Neo4p::Node->new({name => $name, value => $value});
} 'discard_objs';
provides a Perl 5 object framework for accessing and manipulating a Neo4j graph database server via the Neo4j REST API. Its goals are
(1) to make the API as transparent as possible, allowing the user to work exclusively with Perl objects, and
(2) to exploit the API's self-discovery mechanisms, avoiding as much as possible internal hard-coding of URLs.
Neo4j entities are represented by corresponding classes:
Nodes : REST::Neo4p::Node
Relationships : REST::Neo4p::Relationship
Indexes : REST::Neo4p::Index
Actions on class instances have a corresponding effect on the database (i.e., REST::Neo4p
approximates an ORM).
The class REST::Neo4p::Query provides a DBIesqe Cypher query facility.
Property Auto-accessors
Depending on the application, it may be natural to think of properties as fields of your nodes and relationships. To create accessors named for the entity properties, set
Then, when "set_property()" is used to first create and set a property, accessors will be created on the class:
$node1->set_property({ flavor => 'strange', spin => -0.5 });
printf "Quark has flavor %s\n", $node1->flavor;
If your point of reference is the database, rather than the objects, auto-accessors may be confusing, since once the accessor is created for the class, it will exist for all future instances:
print "Yes I can!\n" if REST::Neo4p::Node->new()->can('flavor');
but there is no fundamental reason why new nodes or relationships must have the property (it is NoSQL, after all). Therefore this is a choice for you to make; the default is no auto-accessors.
Application-level constraints
REST::Neo4p::Constrain provides a flexible means for creating, enforcing, serializing and loading property and relationship constraints on your database through REST::Neo4p. It allows you, for example, to specify "kinds" of nodes based on their properties, constrain properties and the values of properties for those nodes, and then specify allowable relationships between kinds of nodes.
Constraints can be enforced automatically, causing exceptions to be thrown when constraints are violated. Alternatively, you can use validation functions to test properties and relationships, including those already present in the database.
This is a mixin that is not use
d automatically by REST::Neo4p. For details and examples, see REST::Neo4p::Constrain and REST::Neo4p::Constraint.
- connect()
REST::Neo4p->connect( $server )
- get_node_by_id()
$node = REST::Neo4p->get_node_by_id( $id );
Returns false if node
does not exist in database. - get_relationship_by_id()
$relationship = REST::Neo4p->get_relationship_by_id( $id );
Returns false if relationship
does not exist in database. - get_index_by_name()
$node_index = REST::Neo4p->get_index_by_name( $name, 'node' ); $relationship_index = REST::Neo4p->get_index_by_name( $name, 'relationship' );
Returns false if index
does not exist in database. - get_relationship_types()
@all_relationship_types = REST::Neo4p->get_relationship_types;
- get_indexes(), get_node_indexes(), get_relationship_indexes()
@all_indexes = REST::Neo4p->get_indexes; @node_indexes = REST::Neo4p->get_node_indexes; @relationship_indexes = REST::Neo4p->get_relationship_indexes;
REST::Neo4p::Node,REST::Neo4p::Relationship,REST::Neo4p::Index, REST::Neo4p::Query, REST::Neo4p::Path, REST::Neo4p::Batch, REST::Neo4p::Constrain, REST::Neo4p::Constraint.
Mark A. Jensen
majensen -at- cpan -dot- org
Copyright (c) 2012 Mark A. Jensen. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.