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This distribution is up for adoption!
If you're interested then please contact the PAUSE module admins via
Changes for version 0.93 - 2008-02-15
- added example codes.
- now AUTOLOAD method after prepare() can support built-in methods. $client -> __VERSION__ ( => $client calls the name 'VERSION' procedure )
- Your application can set subroutines allowable by allowable_procedure(). (Thanks to seagull's suggestion)
- JSON::RPC::Server::Apache config supports 'return_die_message'.
- require LWP::UserAgent 2.001 or later.
JSON-RPC server sample class
JSON-RPC server sample class
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC client
JSON-RPC Service attributes
Perl implementation of JSON-RPC sever
(DEPRECATED) Perl implementation of JSON-RPC protocol
in lib/JSON/RPC/Client.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Server/Apache.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Server/CGI.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Server/Daemon.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Server/FastCGI.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Server.pm
in lib/JSON/RPC/Client.pm
in ex/MyApp.pm