CGI::Bus::wg - Widgets


use CGI::Bus;
$s =CGI::Bus->new();


This module is a collection of HTML widgets. Some of them are extended envelopes of CGI methods. The others are associated with a several basic HTML widgets.

See CGI::Bus::Base for inherited slots and methods.




ddlb (name, data, field name,...) -> HTML drop-down list box
ddlb (name, data, [field name => label],...)

Generate input helper drop-down list box HTML. Name is used as the common part of names of the HTML widgets - submits, scrolling_list, buttons, which names are generated by appending '_' sign and suffix. Data may be array ref with list of values, hash ref with internal and external values, sub{} to produce above. Other arguments are field names to fill with values. Field names with leading \t corresponds to multivalue fields.

fsdir ( name, edit?, allow edit?, files path, URL, ?filesystemURL, ?rows, ?cols )

Generate filesystem directory editor HTML. This may be IE HTML IFRAME tag pointed to filesystem, URLs, or filefield for upload files and checkboxes to delete. Name is used as the common part of names of the HTML widgets. 'index.html' or 'index.htm' file may be embedded below file list when view mode.

textarea (-name=>...,-arows=>min, -hrefs=>1,...) -> textarea HTML

Like CGI::textarea call, but with additional attributes: -arows=>min autosizes widget to it's content. -hrefs=>1 searches HTML hyperlinks in content and displays them, special URL protocols may be used and translated: 'host://' -> '/'. -htmlopt=>1 is to autodetect and use in view mode HTML data format, it is ignored (deleted).

textfield (-name=>..., -asize=>min) -> textfield HTML

Like CGI::textfield call, but with additional attributes: -asize=>min autosizes widget to it's content.




fsdir displays now filesystem URLs only in edit mode. Files URLs supplied with '_blank' option.



textarea: special URL protocols may be used and translated in the text: 'host://' -> '/'.



Implemented and Documented. Widgets developed in CGI::Bus since 20/12/2001.




Andrew V Makarow <>

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 91:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 93:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 99:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 101:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 107:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 109:

'=item' outside of any '=over'