Sys::Manage::Schedule - Scriptic schedule trunk


Script ('')
  use Sys::Manage::Schedule;
  my $s =Sys::Manage::Schedule->new([@ARGV], -option=>value,..);

  if ($s->at('-a')) {	# at any other item execution
  if ($s->at('-'	# at system scheduler arguments given
	,'17:20','/interactive','/every:M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su') {
  if ($s->at('-'	# ... automatically filling arguments repeating
	,['17:24'])) {
  if ($s->at('-s',0)) {	# at operating system startup, if automatic win32 service
  if ($s->at('-d0')) {	# at the beginning of the day
  if ($s->at('-d2s')) {	# at the end of the day, switching user
Command line
perl -runmod atarg

-set		(default) add/replace scriptic schedule into system schedule
-setdel		clear scriptic schedule from system schedule
-run	atarg	running 'atarg' entry from system scheduler
-runsu	atarg	running 'atarg' entry switching user
-svcinst	install scriptic schedule as win32 service to switch user
-svcinst user password
-svcdel		remove scriptic schedule win32 sevice	
'at' call options
-a		run at any '-run'/'-runsu'
-s		run switching user
-w		redirect stdout and stderr into log file
-d0 -d1 -d2	at day   begin, middle, end
-n0 -n1 -n2	at night begin, middle, end


The purpose of this module is to implement a scriptic schedules or scripts for scheduling and executing Perl codes inside.

A benefit of this module is preliminary for Win32 platform with 'at' commands and impersonations, then for UNIX where 'crontab':

* Keeping persistent or significant scheduled commands in a file (at, -set).

* Automatically filling repeating scheduler arguments (at).

* Running impersonated (switched user, -s).

* Logging of execution (-dirv, -w, runlog, vfname).

* Scheduling relative at day or night begin/middle/end (-d0,-d1,-d2,-n0,-n1,-n2).

* Scheduling cyclic tasks (soon)

* Scheduling at operating system startup (-s,0).

This module is implemented and tested with Perl 5.6.0 on Windows 2000.



Usually no options need to be mentioned in a scriptic schedule.


Day begin, middle, end hour. See also AT OPTIONS, -n0, -n1, -n2.

=> base directory

Base directory of script execution, filled automatically using $0.

=> directory marker sign

Directory marker, '/' or '\', filled automatically using $0 or $^O.

=> variables directory

Directory for log and flag files. Default is existing '-dirb/var' subdirectory, or -prgcn will be created. Log file automatic truncation implemented, see -logmax.

=> about 1024*1024 | false

Maximum size of log file, bytes. Used for automatic truncation.

=> true | false | pid file name

Create runtime pid file for monitoring and diagnostics during runtime.


Night begin, middle, end hour. See also AT OPTIONS, -d0, -d1, -d2.

=> f($0)

Common name of script, used also in -dirv subdirectory, filled automatically using $0.

=> f($0)

Full file name of script, filled automatically using $0.

=> f($0)

Short file name of script, used also as win32 service name (-svcinst), filled automatically using $0.

=> run mode

Run mode of script. To be obtained from command line.

See also RUN MODES.

=> schedule arguments escaped

Schedule entry to be executed while some -runmod (-run, -runsu). To be obtained from command line.

=> time()
=> localtime()

Time and localtime when script started



The main methods are new and at.

at (?-options, ?scheduler arguments, ?sub{}) -> allow execution
at (?-options, scheduler arguments,..) -> allow execution
at (?-options, [scheduler arguments],..) -> allow execution
at (?-options, entryName) -> allow execution
at (?-options) -> allow execution

Header of scriptic schedule entry. Or scriptic schedule entry itself, if sub{} given. Allows execution of entry if -run or -runsu. Or sets corresponding system scheduler entries if -set.

Special entryName '0' is intended for operating system startup event (may be implemented, i.e., as a result of -svcinst).

See also AT OPTIONS, soon.

chpswd (user, password, additional host || [host, service],..) -> success

Changes Windows user and service password. Service name estimated is -prgsn. Default user is -prgcn. Default password is autogenerated. Additional computers and/or services will be processed after local, treating empty computer as local and empty service as -prgsn.

Implemented for Windows only, Windows Resource Kit used.

cmdfile (? script file || false, command file, ? history file || false, ? redirect log file || false)
cmdfile (sub{}(command row, redirect log file),...)
cmdfck (script file, command file, ? history file || false, ? redirect log file || false)
cmdfck (sub{}(commands file, ? history file, ? redirect log file),...)

This is an utility methods from Sys::Manage::CmdFile may be useful sometimes.

cmdfile proceeds text file interpreting rows as commands for script or sub{} and moving rows proceeded to history file if given.

cmdfck checks commands file for command rows present. If commands found, executes script or sub{} given once, for file names.

Examples with Sys::Manage::Cmd script:

$s->runlog('perl', './bin/', '-vct', '-gx', 'cmdfile'
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-do.txt', 'cmd-night-done.txt','cmd-log.txt');
$s->cmdfile(sub{$s->runlcl("perl ./bin/ -vt $_") ||die $?>>8}
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-do.txt', 'cmd-night-done.txt','cmd-log.txt');
$s->cmdfck(sub{$s->runlcl("perl ./bin/ -vct -gx cmdfile $_")}
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-do.txt', 'cmd-night-done.txt','cmd-log.txt');
$s->cmdfck(sub{$s->runlog("perl ./bin/ -vct -gx cmdfile", @_)}
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-do.txt', 'cmd-night-done.txt','cmd-log.txt');

$s->runlog('perl', './bin/', '-vct', '-gx', 'cmdfile'
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-assign.txt', '""', 'cmd-log.txt');
$s->runlog('perl', './bin/', '-vct', '-gx', 'cmdfile'
	, './var-cmd/cmd-night-sched.txt', '""', 'cmd-log.txt');
daemonize ()

Suppresses STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR and calls setsid. See perlipc.

ftruncate (file name) -> success

Truncates file to -logmax, if greater then.

fwrite (file name, string,...) -> success
fwrite (>>file name, string,...) -> success

Writes file or appends to it.

new ('class', -option=>value,..) -> new object
new ('class', [command line arguments], -option=>value,..) -> new object

Creates new Sys::Manage::Schedule object. See also set syntax.

printflush (print arguments) -> print result

Prints STDOUT with $|=1. May be useful where output redirections.

run (OS command, arg,..) -> !($?>>8)
runopen (OS command, arg,..) -> IO::Handle
runlist (OS command, arg,..) -> output strings list
runlcl (OS command, arg,..) -> !($?>>8)
runlog (OS command, arg,..) -> !($?>>8)

Executes operating system command alike system(). Using runlcl, only command line and exit code will be logged. For runlog redirection, IPC::Open3 used, instead of immediate STDOUT/STDERR redirection in -w.

set () -> (slot names of the object)
set (-option) -> value of the option given
set (-option=>value,..) -> self object
set ([command line arguments], -option=>value,..) -> self object

Retrieves and sets values of the SLOTS. $s->{-option} direct access may be used also, but set smartly processes some options.

soon (?-options, seconds, entryName, sub{}) -> result

Cyclic entry in scriptic schedule. Sub{} will be executed after seconds given since its previous execution. The first sub{} execution depends on the script executions.

Implemented for Windows only.

See also at, -i, -s, -w.

soon (?-options, seconds, 'command line') -> at
soon (?-options, seconds, 'self', -runmod, -runarg) -> at

Schedules command line given with delay, -i option is available. Alike 'soon' utility in Windows Resource Kit.

vfname (partial file name) -> full file name

File name, based on -dirv, -dirm, -prgcn. Log file name is vfname('log.txt'); lock file name is vfname('lck.txt'); Additional lock file name is vfname('lcs.txt'); -d0 flag file name is vfname('d0.txt'). This method may be useful forming names of additional log files.



at call options considered as a first argument beginning with '-' sign. Several options may be catenated into options string without additional '-' signs.


Execute at any -run or -runsu.


Execute daily at the beginning/middle/end of the day, or nightly at the beginning/middle/end of the night. Only one of this options may be included in each at.


Execute interactivelly, soon only.


Execute switching user (-runsu).

On Win32 user may be switched using impersonated service (installed via -svcinst), or via WMI (-susr and -spsw required).

On other platforms 'su' is called by 'root', 'sudo' otherwise.


Write (redirect) STDOUT/STDERR into log file. See better runlog, instead of -w, which may not work sometimes.



Usually operator need not deal with any run mode, because -set is default, when empty arguments.

The mainly used run modes are -set, -setdel, -run, -runsu.

Supplemental run modes are -svcinst, -svcdel.

Internal run mode is -surun


Run -runarg entry.


Run -runarg entry switching user (-s option of at).


Remove existing scriptic schedule entries (recognized using -prgfn) from the system schedule ('at' or 'crontab'). Add actual scriptic schedule using at method calls resulting in 'at' or 'crontab' calls.


Remove existing scriptic schedule entries (recognized using -prgfn) from the system schedule ('at' or 'crontab').


Remove -prgsn win32 service.

See also -svcinst.


Create -prgsn win32 service using 'instsrv' and 'srvany' from Windows Resource Kit. Additional command line arguments are user name and password.

Service may be needed to switch user (-s, -runsu).

Service may be deleted using -svcdel.

Settings of service created should be checked.


Switch user and execute -runsu -runarg. Used internally for transition from system scheduler.



New -logpid to create runtime pid file for monitoring and diagnostics during runtime.


New cmdfck method.


Published 0.50 version.




This is free software; you can use redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Andrew V Makarow <makarow at>, for tav