Sys::Manage::Desktops - Centralised management for desktop computers



use Sys::Manage::Desktops;

my $s =Sys::Manage::Desktops->new(-option=>value,..);

$s->set(-option=>value,..); # See Script Configuration

$s->{-dla} =[{-option=>value,..} # See Assignment Parameters


$s->Run(@ARGV); # See Command line

Command line

perl run-mode args

command line may be used (with appropriate run mode) as startup, shutdown, logon, logoff script.

Maintenance command line 'perl refresh' is to be used against management computer only.

See Run Modes.



This is a core module for script implementing assignments of commands to be executed on desktop computers.

The Script may define and organise commands or scripts to be executed every startup, logon, logoff, shutdown, as described with -under. Commands may be addressed to particular computers, users, groups. User will not be asked to agree with any startup, logon, logoff, shutdown.

The Script may provide assignments of commands to be executed once, -under 'system' or 'user', within appropriate Run Modes: startup, logon, runapp, agent. Assignments may be addressed to particular computers, users, groups. The assignments to be executed will be listed for user to agree. The assignments will be executed only when user agrees. The execution of assignment may interact with user.

The recurrent and non-recurrent assignments are unified and may be distinguished with -under value: Recurrent assignments: startup, logon, logoff, shutdown. Non-recurrent assignments: 'system', 'user'.

The organising means includes lists of assignments to be previously executed (-doid); computers, users and groups assignments to executed for (-nodes, -users).

The debug and correcting means includes time-based redo of assignment (-doop); agent remote activation and changing periodicity (agent say).

This module does not assumes anything about repository of commands or scripts.

Sys::Manage::Cmd module implements assignments, but synchronous and without interaction to user.


Run Modes

Maintenance or management run modes: query to list assignments; refresh to be used against manager computer only; agent say to be used from manager side.

Desktop or agent run modes may be used against desktop or agent system: startup, logon, agent, runapp, logoff, shutdown.

Scriptic run modes may be used to define or organise appropriate scripts: startup, logon, logoff, shutdown for desktop or agent system. See also startup1 and logon1 Script Modes.

Run modes to check or execute assignments (with appropriate Assignment Modes) on desktop or agent system: startup and agent to execute system assignments; logon and runapp to check system and to execute user assignments.

Windows 95/98: startup executed in logon; agent, logoff, shutdown unimplemented.

Windows 2000/XP: all Run Modes implemented; agent uses 'at' Scheduler commands, may be activated via 'startup period' command line.

agent (start | stop | loop | apply) ?minutes

Periodical agent operation. system assignments may be executed. user assignments may be checked.

This item is very platform dependent, see Limitations, Bugs, Problems.

agent say
agent say node ?minutes
agent say node -redo assignmentId
agent say node -unreg assignmentId
agent say node agent action...

Activate agent from manager via Sys::Manage::Conn(-conn). Default action is 'agent loop'. Immediate actions '-redo' and '-unreg' may be used instead of assignment with -doop => [[-redo=>id] || [-unreg=>id]]. See agent for other actions available, i.e. 'agent stop'.


Execute logoff scripts


Execute logon scripts (-under => 'logon'), then user level assignments (-under => 'user') may be executed. Complete with post-logon scripts (-under => 'logon1').

query runmode|'undef'|'' ?node|'undef' ?user|'undef'

Queries assignments database, displays result. Maintenance run mode.

refresh pressing

Maintenance run mode, to be executed against manager only. Refreshes application startup scripts, etc. See also runapp, -mcf, -fresh.


Application startup operation. The Script is called if -fresh from application startup script generated by refresh for -mcf. system and user assignments will be checked, user assignments may be executed.


Execute shutdown scripts


Execute startup scripts (-under => 'startup'), then system level assignments (-under => 'system') may be executed. Complete with post-startup scripts (-under => 'startup1').

startup period
startup agent
startup agent start period

Execute startup, start agent, if appropriate.


Script Modes

-under assignment parameter may be used to define startup, logon, logoff, shutdown scripts, and also post-startup and post-logon scripts.

Post-startup scripts will be executed after startup scripts and startup system assignments.

Post-logon scripts will be executed after logon scripts and logon user assignments.


-under => 'logon1'

Post-logon scripts to complete logon process.


-under => 'startup1'

Post-startup scripts to complete startup process.


Assignment Modes

-under assignment condition may be one of Run Modes, Script Modes, or Assignment Modes.

Assignments under Run Modes and Script Modes are executed at each run of the Script.

Assignments under Assignment Modes are executed once during appropriate Run Modes: startup, logon, agent, runapp.

System level assignments (-under => 'system') will be executed before user level assignments (-under => 'user').

See also Description, Run Modes.


-under => 'system'

The assignment should be executed under system session with considerable permissions. Users profiles may be affected via something like w32regenu.


-under => 'user'

The assignment should be executed under user session with permissions of the user and user's profile available.


Script Configuration

Maintenance run mode (refresh) may need special values for: -dirmcf.

The most commonly used parameters are: -banner, -support, -mgrcall, -dirmcf, -dhu, -dhn, -dla, -xnodes, -xusers

=> "Centralised management for desktop computers\n"

Text to display starting execution. See also -lang, -support.

=> empty || {-option => value} || config file name

Configuration for Sys::Manage::Conn object to be used for agent say.

=> undef || {node name => [group names]}

Node groups database, used to match assignment -nodes. If undefined, OS system catalogue may be used and slow performance. If -dla text file, may be reassigned from its -dhn rows when matched. See also -dhu.

=> undef || {user name => [group names]}

User groups database, used to match assignment -users. If undefined, OS system catalogue may be used and slow performance. If -dla text file, may be reassigned from its -dhu rows when matched. See also -dhn.

=> $ENV{SystemRoot} .'\\' .$s->{-prgcn}
|| '/var/' .$s->{-prgcn}

Path to system client/agent registrations of assignments. Each system assignment executed will be registered as a file named according to assignment -id under this path. An assignment may be duplicated also inward -dirmrs.

=> $ENV{AppData} .'\\' .$s->{-prgcn}
|| $ENV{HOME} .'/' .$s->{-prgcn}

Path to user client/agent registrations of assignments. Each user assignment executed will be registered as a file named according to assignment -id under this path. An assignment may be duplicated also inward -dirmru.

=> '%LOGONSERVER%\\NetLogon\\' .$s->{-prgcn} .'-mcf'

Path to menu command files or application startup scripts for -mcf and refresh.

=> undef
|| 'directory' for 'node/id' or 'node-user/id' files
|| file path mask 'directory/[n][-u]/[f][e]'
|| file path mask 'directory/[n]/[f][-ul][e]'
|| ...

File paths for log files on manager. Will be assigned to $ENV{SMLOG} for startup, logon, logoff, shutdown scripts. Subdirectories will be created when required. Path mask may be used with symbols following:

[SignValSign] - value with optional markup signs, value may be:
n	- node name,
u	- user name,
us	- user name or 'sys',
ul	- user name or getlogin(),
uw	- user name or getlogin() on Windows 95/98, else 'sys',
f	- file name (assignment id),
e	- file name extension, including '.'
=> undef || see '-dirmls' and '-dirmlu'

File paths to duplicate -dircrs and -dircru registrations to inform manager. Subdirectories will be created when required. See -dirmls and -dirmlu for path mask. Consider synchronisation procedure globing mask to be obtained using replacement of '[f][e]' symbols with '*'. Avoid mixing -dirmls, -dirmrs, -dirmlu, -dirmru files in the same directories or carefully consider naming of files.

=>[{id=>'identifier',...}, ...] | 'file name'

Assignments and commands database to find assignments/commands to be executed. See also Assignment Parameters.

Assignments database may be a perl data structure (array ref) or a text file. Text database format:

# comment row
-dhn=>['node name','group name',...]	# node groups
-dhu=>['user name','group name',...]	# user groups
-id=>'name'	# starting assignment
-attr=>value	# parameter of assignment, use perl syntax for value
=> domain name

Domain of the user current, see also -user.

=> 0 | 1 | sub{}

Error handler on $SIG{__DIE__}.

=> host name

Full DNS name of the computer current, see also -node

=> host domain

Domain part of the -host.

=> 'en' | 'ru'

Language of user. See also -banner, -support

=> "perl $0"

Management script call from desktop (agent) systems. To be used for agent and refresh(-mcf, -fresh).

=> node name

Node name of the computer current, may be short of the -host.

=> 'Sys-Manage-Desktops'

Program class name, used to construct another names.

=> ''

Run mode, see Command line, Run Modes.

=> '' | ('mngr' | 'manager') | ('agent' | 'desktop') | 'query'

Script run role to limit Run Modes in Run() to management or maintenance, agent or desktop, query. This may be useful programmatically limiting domain of the Script for parcticular nodes (i.e. w32dcf or w32srv) or users.

=> not exists || 'smtp server name'
=> not exists || ['e-mail address',...]

SMTP server name (for smtpsend) and addressee list to receive errors. May be useful while -yerr.

=> "Call support or press 'Enter' finishing"

Text to display finishing with error(s). See also -lang, -banner.

=> user name
=> is admin user?
=> is system user?

User current, see also -domain, -node.

=> undef || 'name' || ['name',...]

Exclusive nodes and users assignments should not be executed to.

=> undef || boolean

Assume 'yes' to execute assignments during startup and logon, do not ask user.

=> undef || boolean

Assume 'yes' confirming error messages, do not ask user. May be used along with -smtpeto.


Assignment Parameters

Assignments and commands are organised in assignments database, -dla.

The most used parameters of assignment are: -id, -cmt, -under, -nodes, -users, -do, -doid, -doop.

=> comment string

Description of assignment.

=> empty | sub{}(self, assignment)

Execution condition. More preferred is using -nodes, -users, -doid, -doop.

=> empty | command line | ?! command line

Command line to be executed to apply assignment.

Optional starting char may be used to interpret exit code: '?' - success if 0, '!' - success if not 0. Default operation ignores exit code.

Embedded 'do perl-script-file' comand evaluates file given as sub{}(self, assignment). Some of Methods may be called. Empty result will be considered as faiure.

=> empty | assignment id | [assignment id,...]

Assignments to be executed before this assignment. Will be listed to user to agree.

=> empty | [[-operation => assignment id],...]

Operations to be executed before (-doop) and after (-doop1) this assignment, but not listed to user. Operations available:

-unreg => id - unregister assignment

-unreg => id, time-string - unregister if registered before time specified

-redo => id, time-string - unregister and execute again, if registered before time specified

-unmenu => id - delete -menu and -mcf items from menu

The -unreg=>(id, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') and -redo=>(id, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') operations of -doop may be used effectively in debug procedures. The assignment of this operation only will not be registered, may be executed repeatable with different time specified, will be listed to user only when applicable.

=> empty | assignments overcovering

If this assignment is overcovered by newer assignments. Used only in refresh to include -mgrcall into menu command files for -mcf items.

=> unique identifier

Unique identifier of assignment and name of registration file.

=> empty | true

Requests user to restart computer, breaks execution of the list of assignments.

=> empty | [{param => value,..},..]

Menu items to be creted for execution via command files. The -mcf optional parameter with -id describes the name of command file within -dirmcf. See -menu for another details, refresh and -fresh for usage.

This item is very platform dependent, see Limitations, Bugs, Problems.

=> empty | [{parameter => value,..},..]

Menu items to be created, see also -mcf. 'Name' parameter contains menu item name.

Platform dependent. For Windows see Win32::Shortcut and it's parameters: 'Path', 'Arguments', 'WorkingDirectory', 'Description', 'ShowCmd', 'Hotkey', 'IconLocation', 'IconNumber'. 'Name' may be started with 'Programs', 'Desktop' or 'Startup' subdirectory term. For system assignments will be used 'All Users' menu, for user assignments will be used current user menu.

This item is very platform dependent, see Limitations, Bugs, Problems.

=> empty | 'none' | 'name' | [name,...]

On which nodes (computers) assignment should be executed (except -xnodes). May be used group names from -dhn. Empty value means all nodes; 'none' value allows execution only via -doid or -doop.

=> empty | 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'

Date-time since assignment should be executed.

=> empty | 'system' | 'user' | 'startup' | 'logon' | 'logoff' | 'shutdfown'

How to execute assignment: at each startup, logon, logoff, shutdown, or once under user or system session. Empty value treated as system. See also Run Modes, Assignment Modes.

=> empty | 'none' | 'name' | [name,...]

For which users assignment should be executed (except -xusers). May be used group names from -dhu. Empty value means all users; 'none' value allows execution only via -doid or -doop.


Environment Variables

May be used in command lines to be executed.


ID of the assignment running.


First and last parts of file path to upload to manager. Obtained using -dirmls or -dirmlu. For startup, shutdown, logon, logoff scripts this is $ENV{SMLOG} broken on $ENV{SMID}.


Registration file path and name, may be used for output of the command. May contain blanks and may need to be quoted in command lines, i.e. cmd.exe /c dir c:\\>>"%SMLOG%". For startup, shutdown, logon, logoff scripts this is log file name formed using -dirmls and -dirmlu.



Useful for Script: new, set, fread, w32dcf/w32srv, Run

Useful for -do => 'do perl-script-file': fcopy, fedit; w32olenew, w32oleget, w32olein; w32registry and w32regenu; w32wmiq and w32wmiqf; acRegDel, acRegRen, meDel; echo, error; and others

Most of methods will die if fail. So, success/failure return value is often not needed.

acReg ({assignment}) -> fwrite() | die
acReg ({assignment}, string,...) -> fwrite() | die

Assignment call registration. acReg({assignment}) creates registration file using fwrite(), acReg({assignment}, string,...) appends strings to this file.

acRegDel ({assignment}) -> unlink() | die
acRegDel ({assignment}, ? max mtime string) -> unlink() | die

Assignment call registration delete. Deletes registration file using unlink(), returns 0 if there is nothing to be deleted. Max mtime of the registration file to be deleted may be specified as 'yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss'; registration file will not be deleted if its mtime is greater then specified.

acRegRen ({assignment}, extension) -> rename() | die

Assignment call registration rename. Renames registration file to new extension using rename(). I.e. acRegRen({...},'.err').

echo (args) -> print (args).

Output to user. Alike print().

error (message) -> die

Failure exit.

fcopy (?-opt, source file | dir | dir mask, target file | base dir | dir, condition sub(self, source, target){}) -> copied | die
fcopy (source file, target file)
fcopy (source file, target base dir)
fcopy (source dir, target base dir)
fcopy (source dir/mask, target dir)

Copy files and directories.

fedit (file, sub(self, file, $_=content){} -> new content) -> fwrite() | die

Edit file. Loads file using fread(file), executes editor sub{} to achieve new content, stores content changed using fwrite(file).

fglob (path with mask) -> (dir list) | die

Directory listing.

fpthtmp (?{assignment}, ?mkdir) -> temp dir may be created

Path to temporary directory for Script or assignment. The second parameter is boolean to create directory if not exists. See also ftmp.

fread (?'-b', file name) -> content | die

Reads file, returns it's content as a scalar.

ftmp (?assignment, ?pid) -> temp file name

Temporary file for Script or assignment. See also fpthtmp.

fwrite (?'-b', file name, string,...) -> true | die

Writes strings joined with "\n" to file.

meDel ({assignment}) -> true | die

Deletes user shell menu elements (-menu, -mcf) for assignment.

meStore ({assignment})

Creates user shell menu elements (-menu, -mcf) for assignment.

new (-option => value,..) -> object

Constructor to create new object.

Run (command line args)

Executes Script Configuration assigned by Script.

set () -> (slot names of the object)
set (-option) -> value of the option given
set (-option=>value,...) -> self object

Retrieves and sets values of the Script Configuration. $s->{-option} direct access may be used also, but set smartly processes some options.

w32ADSystemInfo () -> IADsADSystemInfo object
w32ADComputer () -> IADsComputer object

Windows 2000. Access to ADSI objects, see MSDN for details. Example: w32ADSystemInfo->{DomainShortName}

w32dcf () -> netlogon scripts dir if DC

Windows 2000 DC. Path to 'scripts' subdirectory in 'netlogon' share if domain controller. See also ‘<w32srv>.

w32olenew (progid, ?destructor) -> object | die

Win32. Win32::OLE->new(args) call (may be known also as 'CreateObject'). 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', 'WScript', 'WScript.Shell', 'WScript.Network' objects may be created.

w32oleget (moniker, ?destructor) -> object | die

Win32. Win32::OLE->GetObject(args) call.

w32olein (object) -> enumerated

Win32. Win32::OLE::in(object) call.

w32oleerr () -> last error message string

Win32. Win32::OLE->LastError() formatted.

w32registry (?key) -> {registry}

Win32. $Win32::TieRegistry::Registry wrapper.

w32regenu (sub(self, key name, $_ ={key hash}, profile dir){})

Win32 (Windows 95 not recommended). Enumerates users registry files for sub{} given. Calls sub{} with relevant Win32::TieRegistry subtree for each user profile. May be useful for system assignments affecting user profiles.

w32srv () -> is Windows Server

Win32. Returns true for Windows server or domain controller. See also w32dcf.

w32wmiq (class | query) -> SWbemObjectSet
w32wmiqf (class | query) -> first object
w32wmiqf (class | query, iterator sub(self, $_ = object){})

Win32. Access to WMI executing query and fetching object(s) via Win32::OLE::in(w32oleget('winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//node/root/cimv2')->ExecQuery(query | 'select * from class')). Where class may be 'Win32_OperatingSystem', 'Win32_ComputerSystem', etc, see MSDN for details. Examples: w32wmiqf('Win32_OperatingSystem')->{ProductType}, w32wmiqf('Win32_ComputerSystem')->{Model}.



Defines single management server across domain in %SMSERVER% environment variable. Should be placed inside 'Netlogon' share on domain controller.

@rem Defines single management server in the domain.
@rem Smserver.bat - echoes %SMSERVER%.
@rem Smserver.bat command line - executes command line with %SMSERVER% defined.
@rem Use ^%SMSERVER^% notation in command line.
@set SMSERVER=\\servername
@if "%1" == "" @echo %SMSERVER%
@if not "%1" == "" call %*

Script implementation. Should be placed inside 'Netlogon' share on domain controller.

#!perl -w
my $script =Win32::GetFullPathName($0);
my $domain =eval('use Net::Domain; Net::Domain::hostdomain') 
	||Win32::DomainName() ||$ENV{USERDOMAIN};
my $spath =$script =~/^(.+?)[\\\/][^\\\/]+$/ 
		? $1
		? "$ENV{LOGONSERVER}\\NetLogon"
		: "\\\\$domain\\NetLogon";
eval{require ("$spath\\")}
	||eval{require Sys::Manage::Desktops}
	||die('Cannot load Sys::Manage::Desktops');
my $s=Sys::Manage::Desktops->new(-errhndl=>1);

if (!$ENV{SMSERVER} && $ARGV[0]) {	# %SMSERVER% read
	$s->fread("$spath\\SMServer.bat") =~/set\s*SMSERVER\s*=\s*([^\r\n\s]+)/
	: $s->error("Missing %SMSERVER%\n");
if ($s->w32dcf()) { 			# DC - Run on Manager
	$s->set( -mgrcall=> "perl.exe \\\\$domain\\NetLogon\\" .$s->{-prgsn}
		,-dirmcf => "$ENV{SMSERVER}\\SMShare"
else {					# Agent Run
	$s->set( -mgrcall=> ($ENV{PERLPATH}||'') ."perl.exe $script"
		,-dirmcf => "%SMSERVER%\\SMShare"

$s->{-runrole} =$s->w32srv()		# Limit agent to desktops
		? 'mngr' : '';
$s->{-dla} ="$spath\\smserver.txt";	# Assignments Database

$s->Run(@ARGV);				# Evaluate $ARGV[0] operation
Group Policy

To configure startup and logon scripts.

Security: user, computer$: Apply
Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Scripts
	Startup = ..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\SMServer.bat perl ^%0\..\ startup agent
Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Scripts
	Run Startup Scripts Visible = +
	Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts = (default=600 sec)
User Configuration / Windows Settings / Scripts 
	Logon = ..\..\..\..\..\Scripts\SMServer.bat perl ^%0\..\ logon
User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Scripts
	Run Logon Scripts Visible = +


    Limitations, Bugs, Problems

    This module is implemented and tested with Perl 5.6.0 and 5.8.8 on Windows 2000/XP.

    Implementation predominantly for Windows desktops, espacially -menu and -mcf, agent, 'w32' functions.

    Linking system and user assignments with -doid or -doop is undesirable.

    Mixing system assignments with -users condition is undesirable, however -nodes condition may be in user assignments.

    Startup or logon scripts may be liable to timeouts or may became hidden from user, so response timeouts used interacting with user.

    See also at the top of the source code.







Documentation written.




This is free software; you can use redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Andrew V Makarow <makarow at>, for zhenya

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 42:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 80:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 929:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '‘<w32srv>.'. Assuming CP1252

Around line 1101:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'