Win32::Script - system administrator`s library - for login and application startup scripts, etc
use Win32::Script; # or use Win32::Script ':DEFAULT'
$a =FileRead('c:\\autoexec.bat');
FileEdit('c:\\autoexec.bat',sub{s/(SET *TMP *= *)/${1}c:\\tmp/i});
use Win32::Script ':ALL'; # import from @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK
use Win32::Script ':ALL',':OVER'; # silently overwrite with imported
At primary this module was written for system administrator needs in centralised administration of Win32 clients: logon and application startup scripts, etc. Later some functions useful in Windows NT server scripts was added. Now many functions may run on UNIX or may be developed for it. But area of Win32 servers and clients is very specific.
This module was made for several reasons:
- for useful functions does not (yet?) implemented as core perl functions.
- for more flexible and powerful functional style programming functions, than exists.
- to load used perl modules when required, with "eval('use ...')".
- to support scripting modes: printing of commands executed, die on errors.
This module calls for it`s functions many other modules from standard and site perl libraries and OS commands, and depends on their implementations and limitations. GUI functions implemented with Perl Tk.
Currently this module is implemented and tested on Win32 platform.
use vars qw($Interact $GUI $Echo $ErrorDie $Error $FileLog $Print %WScript);
# example usage: $Win32::Script::Interact=0
$Interact =1; # interact with user in functions as Prompt, Die, GUIMsg
$GUI =1; # use GUI interaction instead of terminal in functions
# as Die, GUIMsg
$Echo =1; # print commands as 'set echo on' in DOS
$ErrorDie =0; # die on error if 1, 2 inside Try
$@ = $Error =''; # last error occurred
$FileLog =''; # log file name (LOG handle) for Echo, Print, errors...
$Print =''; # external print routine reference
Some functions have not printout, and are not controlled by $Echo. Some functions are not controlled by $Echo due to used components.
Some (boolean) functions returns TRUE to show success, or FALSE (0, '').
Returning values functions returns on error empty value: 0 or '' or ().
Undefined and negative results are escaped as possible for better functional programming style support. Values '0E0' or '0 but true' (numeric 0 and logical true) are not used.
Variable $@ or $Error may be used to distinguish erroneous empty values from normal.
(see Exporter)
@EXPORT = qw(CPTranslate Die Echo FileACL FileCompare FileCopy FileCRC FileCwd FileDelete FileDigest FileEdit FileFind FileGlob FileHandle FileIni FileLnk FileMkDir FileNameMax FileNameMin FileRead FileSize FileSpace FileTrack FileWrite FTPCmd GUIMsg NetUse OLECreate OLEGet OrArgs Pause Platform Print Registry Run RunInf RunKbd SMTPSend StrTime UserEnvInit UserPath WMIService WScript);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(FileLog TrAnsi2Oem TrOem2Ansi Try(@) TryHdr);
- Error processing functions
- File functions
- FTP functions
- Registry functions
- Run & Misc functions
- Mail functions
- String functions
- Interactive functions
- Obsolete functions
- CPTranslate ( fromCP, toCP, string,... ) -> $translatedString
- TrAnsi2Oem ( ansiString ) -> oemString - obsolete, not recommended
- TrOem2Ansi ( oemString ) -> ansiString - obsolete, not recommended
Translates strings from codepage fromCP to codepage toCP, returns translated string or list of strings. Codepages may be 'oem', '866','ansi', '1251','koi' prone of koi8, '8859-5' prone of ISO 8859-5.
- Die ( ?string,... )
Displays blank delimited strings to user and dies with error code 1. As a default message $@ is used. For GUI uses
with text translated from 'oem' to 'ansi'. If $Interact == 0, does not waits for user response. - Echo ( text,... ) -> success
Prints given text list delimited with blanks and terminated with "\n". May be switched off with $Echo or redefined with $Print.
- FileACL ( ?'-r+', fileMask, ?sub(...), user => access,... ) -> success
Sets access control list for directories and files matching fileMask and sub. Without given access control list, prints current, this behaviour may be changed. Uses
, Win32::FileSecurity.Options: 'r'ecurse subdirectories, '+' - add ACL entries instead of replacing them.
Sub parameters are like in
.Access: 'add' (not implemented), 'add&read', 'add&list' (not implemented), 'read', 'change', 'full', reference to array of array references [[directory low level rights],[file low level rights]].
- FileCompare ( file1, file2 ) -> differs
Compares two files and returns 0 for identical files, 1 for unequal files, -1 when error. Uses File::Compare
- FileCopy ( ?'-rdfi', fromFileMask, toPath ) -> success
Copies fromFileMask to toPath. On 'MSWin32' uses
with switches H, R, K, E, Q, Z.Options: 'r'ecurse subdirectories, 'd'irectory target hint, 'f'ile target hint, 'i'gnore errors - continue copying.
- FileCRC (?'-adler', file) -> CRC
Calculates CRC of file or 0 if error. Uses Compress::Zlib.
Options: 'adler' or 'adler32' or '-a adler', 'crc32' (default).
- FileCwd () -> cwd
eval('use Cwd; getcwd()')
- FileDelete ( ?'-r', fileMask,... ) -> success
Deletes files and directories fileMask. Uses
.Options: 'r'ecurse subdirectories.
- FileDigest ( ?-digest, filename ) -> digest
Returns hex digest (default MD5) of file given. Uses Digest::MD5.
- FileEdit ( ?'-im', file, ?fileTo, sub(section, @variables)) -> success
- FileEdit ( file, ?'-im', sub ) - obsolete, not recommended
Edits given file with given sub using local variable $_ for text to edit. Uses
, File::Copy.Options: 'i'nplace edit in memory (default), 'i ext' - use temporary file with given extension, 'm'ultiline edit instead of evaluation sub for each row of file.
Parameters of sub: $_, $_[0] - section name (determined with '[' sign in row beginning), @_(1...) - temporary variables with lifetime of FileEdit execution.
- FileFind ( ?'-i!dlmrs', fileMask,..., sub(\@stat,path,name)...) -> num_matches
- FileFind ( ?'-i!dlmrs', fileMask,..., sub(\@stat,,,result)...) -> result
- FileFind ( ?'-i!dlmrs', sub(\@stat), fileMask...) - obsolete, not recommended
Finds files and directories with given mask and evaluates sub, locally setting $_ to filename. Returns number of sub agrees, or result if defined, or 0 on errors. There may be several subs and several filemasks for each sub, and they will be executed within one transaction of FileFind call. Uses
Options: 'i'gnore stat errors, '!' - not, 'd'irectories, 'l'ow before deep scan, 'm'ountpoints, 'r'ecurse directories, 's'ymlinks.
Parameters of sub are local $_ with full current filename, $_[0] with reference to @stat array, $_[1] with path, $_[2] with filename, $_[3] as optional result storage (initially undefined). Sub can return undefined value in $_ to signal stop, determine directories with $_[0]->[2] & 0040000, prevent recursing by assigning $_[0]->[2] =0.
Options for
and based on it functions asFileACL
should and should not be the same. FileFind defaulty recurses, other commands traditionally not. Set of FileFind options may be extended in future, but existing programs should be preserved, and so FileFind options should be negative instead of traditionally positive options of other commands. Based on FileFind functions are restricted, not using all possible FileFind features. All functions may be called from comprehensiveFileFind
to get all features. - FileGlob ( mask ) -> filelist
Globs filenames with mask and returns list of them such as standard function
. On error returns empty list? When $^O eq 'MSWin32' own implementation with fragments from File::DosGlob is used, elseglob
is called.Standard glob is not well on Win32 platforms, when working with filenames in foreign languages and calling external executable dosglob.exe should be placed in path.
File::DosGlob has some problems with non-english letters in filenames and long filenames.
- FileHandle ( \*filehandle, sub(oldhandle) ) -> result
- FileHandle ( filename, sub(oldhandle) ) -> result
Selects given filehandle, evals sub, selects previously selected handle. For filename, temporarily opens file with handle 'HANDLE', selects this handle, evals sub... Returns result of sub, or empty ('') if error.
- FileIni ( ?'-', file, item,... ) -> success
- FileIni ( ?'-', file) -> hash of items
Edits ini-file in Windows format with given items. Without items returns a hash structure $hash{section}->{name}=value. Uses
.Options: reserved for future use.
Format of items: '[sectionName]', ';comment', [name => value]; ['[sectionName]', op], [';comment', op], [name, value, op]
Operations: '+' - set (default), '-' -delete, 'i'nitial value, 'o'ptional value.
- FileLnk (?'-mda', ?filename) -> Win32::Shortcut object
- FileLnk (?'-mdac', filename, path, args, dir, description, show, hotkey, iconlocation, iconnumber ) -> Success
- FileLnk (?'-mdac', filename, {-path=>path, -arg=>args, -dir=>dir, -desc=>description, -show=>show, -hot=>hotkey, -il=>iconlocation, -in=>iconnumber}) -> Success
Returns Win32::Shortcut object or creates Win32 shortcut file. Uses Win32::Shortcut. Filename may be absolute or relative to 'm'enu or 'd'esktop according to this options. Default filename extension is '.lnk'. Names of parameters for shortcut may be given above or may be names of properties of Win32::Shortcut object.
Options: 'm'enu relative filename, 'd'esktop relative filename, 'a'll users profile use instead of current user profile, 'c'reate shortcut file instead of update.
- FileLog (logfile) -> success
- FileLog () -> filename
- FileLog (undef)
Sets or requests log file name, opens log file with LOG handle for errors, warnings,
. - FileMkDir ( dir, ?mask) -> success
Executes standard mkdir call, uses optional access mask (0777 default).
- FileNameMax ( fileMask, ?sub(fullName, $_=fileName, digits)) -> max || (name, max)
Finds filename with maximal number in it. Returns this number or list of full filename and number in list context. Numeric comparing is used. Sub may be used to translate filename to comparable value or ignore values. Uses
- FileNameMin ( fileMask, ?sub(fullName, $_=fileName, digits)) -> name || (name, min)
Finds filename with minimal number in it. Returns full name of this file or list of full filename and number in list context. Numeric comparing is used. Sub may be used to translate filename to comparable value or ignore values. Uses
- FileRead ( ?'-asb', file, ?sub ) -> list of rows || data
Reads given file into memory as array or list ('-a'), text scalar ('-s'), binary scalar ('-b'). Default, '-a' or '-b', is determined with wantarray.
If sub is defined, it is evaluated for each row read into local $_, and with '-a' option results of each evaluation are returned as a list, true is returned otherwise.
On error returns empty list or scalar, according to option '-a','-s','-b'.
- FileSize ( ?opt, fileMask, ?sub ) -> size in bytes
Returns total size in bytes for directories and files matching fileMask and sub. Uses
with given options (-i default), parameters of sub are the same. - FileSpace ( ?filesystem ) -> free disk space in bytes
Returns free disk space in bytes for specified dir. Users Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetDiskFreeSpaceEx'||'GetDiskFreeSpace'...) or `\%COMSPEC\% /c dir $dir`.
- FileTrack ( ?'-it!cdrt', sourceDir, destDir, ?sub(\@stat,path,name)) -> arcDir
Tracks changed files matched 'sub' in 'sourceDir' into 'destDir'. Returns path to new archive directory inside 'destDir' or empty string if none archived. 'Sub' gets current filename in $_ and returns 'true' if match. Code and interface are like
. UsesFileCopy
.Options: 'i'gnore errors, 't'est and track CRC, '!' - not, 'c'opy changed files, 'd'irectories, 'r'ecurse directories, 't'ime check.
- FileWrite ( ?'-b', file, data,...) -> success
Writes given data into given file. Option '-b' chooses binary mode and binary write. Without '-b', each element of data list is printed with trailing "\n" added.
- FTPCmd ( host, user, passwd, ?command, command, ?arguments) -> success
- FTPCmd ( {-host=>host, -user=>user, -passwd=>passwd}, ?command, command, ?arguments) -> success
- FTPCmd ( {-s=>host, -u=>user, -p=>passwd}, ?command, command, ?arguments) -> success
Executes FTP command. First command may be 'ascii','binary','ebcdic','byte'. Second command may be 'dir', 'ls', 'get', 'put', sub($ftp). Returns result of command executed, for 'dir' and 'ls' - list of values. Uses Net::FTP.
- GUIMsg ( title, string,...)
- GUIMsg ( text )
Popups given message to user. Uses Tk.
- NetUse ( disk, resource ) -> success
Executes Windows commands 'net use disk /d' and 'net use disk resource'. Uses
- OLECreate ( progid, ?destructor ) -> OLE object
Creates Win32::OLE object via Win32::OLE->new(@_) call
- OLEGet ( moniker, ?destructor ) -> OLE object
Gets Win32::OLE object via Win32::OLE->GetObject(@_) call
- OLEIn ( OLE object | OLEGet args | OLECreate args ) -> list of OLE objects
Win32::OLE::in(object) call to list OLE containers. Example: foreach my $e (OLEIn('WinNT://domain/computer')) {print $e->{Class},"\t",$e->{Name},"\n"}
- OrArgs (sub, arg,...) -> succeeded arg
- OrArgs (function string, arg,...) -> succeeded arg
Evaluates sub or function given with local $_ set to each arg until success. Returns successful arg. Example: OrArgs('-d','c:/home','c:/users') returns first existed directory.
- Pause ( ?text,... ) -> response
Prints given text list delimited with blanks and terminated with "\n", reads row from STDIN and returns it.
- Platform ( parameter ) -> value
Determine value of parameter: 'os', 'osname', 'win32', 'ver', 'patch', 'lang', 'prodid', 'windir', 'name', 'domain', 'host', 'hostdomain', 'user','userdomain'... Uses available environment variables, perl functions, OS commands, stored in registry values. 'windir' parameter may be used when Win32 'windir' environment variable is not available.
- Print ( text,... ) -> success
Prints given text list delimited with blanks and terminated with "\n". May be redefined with $Print.
- Registry (?'-\\|/', key) -> value
- Registry (?'-\\|/', key, ?type, value) -> success
- Registry (?'-\\|/', key, value, ?type) - possible, but not recommended
Works with values in Windows registry: returns value for given key and name, sets given value, deletes if undefined value given. Uses Win32::TieRegistry, error processing is unsupported.
Option defines delimiter for key parts: '\\' (default), '|' or '/'.
Value name may be delimited with double delimiter ('key\\\\name') as recommended Win32::TieRegistry, or single delimiter ('key\\name') as also supported.
Last parts of key not present in registry are automatically created, that improves behaviour of Win32::TieRegistry.
Type may be 'REG_SZ' (default), 'REG_EXPAND_SZ', 'REG_BINARY', 'REG_MULTI_SZ', 'REG_DWORD'.
- Run (command, ?arguments) -> success
Runs specified command with system call, returns !($? || $!). Shell is used as in system call - if command and arguments are in the same string. Last argument may be sub to print to program called.
- RunInf (filename, ?section, ?reboot mode) -> run string
Generates command to run to install given inf-file on Windows. Default section name is 'DefaultInstall'. Default reboot mode is 128, not 132 as in Windows file association.
- RunKbd (?timeout, title mask) -> window handle
- RunKbd (?timeout, title mask, ?timeout, keyboard string) -> success
- RunKbd (?timeout, title mask, '') -> success
Finds window with title mask (regexp) given and types keyboard string into it. Without keyboard string returns handle of window found. With empty keyboard string waits window to disappear. Find operation retries to be sucessful within timeout. Keyboard typing is delayed with timeout. Uses Win32::GuiTest. Special symbols in keyboard string: '~' -ENTER, '+' -SHIFT, '^' -CONTROL, '%' -ALT; () - grouping, {} - quote special characters; {BACKSPACE}, {BS}, {BKSP} - backkspace; {BREAK}, {CAPS}, {DELETE}, {DOWN}, {END}, {ENTER}, {ESCAPE}, {HELP}, {HOME}, {INSERT}, {LEFT}, {NUMLOCK}, {PGDN}, {PGUP}, {PRTSCR}, {RIGHT}, {SCROLL}, {PAUSE}; {F1} .. {F24}.
- SMTPSend ( host, ?from, ?\@to, row,... ) - > success
Sends MIME message to SMTP host, catenating rows via "\n". If 'from' or 'to' argument undefined, values are searched within rows of message as 'From:', 'Sender:', 'To:'. If array reference 'to' occurs in place of of message row, it will be converted to 'To:' MIME string. Uses Net::SMTP.
- StrTime ( ?mask, ?@time ) -> string
Converts given date-time array into string using given mask. Default mask is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' or ' hh:mm:ss', constructs are 'yyyy', 'yy', 'mm', 'dd', 'hh', 'mm' or 'MM', 'ss'. Default time is 'localtime(time)'.
- Try ( eval {...}, default ) -> result
- Try ( eval {...}, \&catch ) -> result
- Try ( sub {...}, ... ) -> result
Try-Catch construction. Function
returns result of eval on success. If error occurred (determined by $@), it returns default value or result of catch evaluation. - TryHdr (subject, stage)
- TryHdr (undef, stage)
Declare title and/or stage name of transaction to insert into $@ inside
. May be used only insideTry
(sub{},...). - UserEnvInit ( ?'-nhy', ?documents dirs )
Initiates user`s environment on Win32. Uses Win32::TieRegistry,
, reskit utilitieswinset
.Default options are '-nhy', option '-y' redefines environment variables when they defined, options may be '-n', '-ny', '-h'.
Option 'n' sets on Win95 environment variables used on WinNT: 'OS', 'COMPUTERNAME', 'USERNAME'.
Option 'h' works if 'c:/Home' directory exists. It creates directory 'c:/Home/Username' if it not exists (WinNT ACL setting applied), sets value for $$Registry{'CUser\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders\\\\Personal'} to 'c:/Home/Username' or 'c:/Home/Work' (for systems with single user profile), sets 'My Pictures' based on 'Personal', sets 'HOME' environment variable to $ENV{USERPROFILE}
- UserPath (user) -> home dir
- UserPath (user, subdir) -> home subdir
Returns path to user profile directory or subdirectory on Win32 or path to user home directory ($ENV{HOME}) or subdirectory on other platforms. User may be 'all' users, 'default', '' - current. Subdir on Win32 may be 'Desktop', 'Personal','Programs','Start Menu','Startup', and other Win32 registry names under 'Explorer / Shell Folders'. If Win32 subdir is not found for user, 'all users' profile' is used, and vice versa.
- WMIService ( ?connect args ) -> Windows Management Instrumentation service object
Creates Windows Management Instrumentation service Win32::OLE object with
('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator')->ConnectServer(@_). Example: WMIService->ExecQuery("SELECT Name,FreeSpace FROM Win32_LogicalDisk").OLEGet
("WinNT:...") calls may be used instead. See also 'wbemtest.exe', Web Based Enterprise Management (WBEM). - WScript ( object ) -> Windows Script Host object
- WScript ( ?undef, object, ?args ) -> Windows Script Host object
Creates or returns Windows Script Host Win32::OLE object - 'Shell', 'Network', 'Controller',... May be used also 'FSO' for 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' object. Object created will be stored within %WScript hash for future reuse, first undefined argument prohibits this. Last optional arguments are used for
call. Example: print WScript('Network')->ComputerName, "\t", WScript('FSO')->GetDrive('c:')->AvailableSpace, "\n". See also Win32::OLE::Browser for Windows Script Host Object Model.
- Changed
FileSpace - Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetDiskFreeSpaceEx' ||'GetDiskFreeSpace'...) attempted before using 'dir' command.
WScript - May be used also 'FSO' for 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' object.
- Changed
NetUse - optimized again
- New
- Changed
Renamed from
, thanks to Jonathan Stowe <> - New
- Changed
on Windows NT some optimization.Platform
('host') corrected to return full host name with domain. If Sys::Hostname returns string without dot signs, Net::Domain is catenated.
23/09/2001 - 27/09/2001
- New
Module size reduced as sub delimiters
- Changed
- blank names are now quoted in 'cacls' runUserEnvInit
- $ENV{HOME} changed to ENV{USERPROFILE}, 'My Pictures' set, alternative documents dirs may be specified as parametersUserPath
- all arguments are optional - Problems
does not use current locale and supports only Russian.
24/11/2000 - 26/02/2001
- Changed
- echo format changed.FileDelete
- '-i'gnore option added.NetUse
- WinNT specific code added.StrTime
- 'mm' is month placeholder, 'MM' or second 'mm' is minutes placeholder.
- Changed
- are exported by default (moved from @EXPORT_OK to @EXPORT).FileACL
- processed files are printed, not echoed; uses 'cacls.exe' when possible.FileCopy
- '-d' removed from 'cp'.FileCopy
- usesRun
- support for filenames with '()'.FileLog
- $SIG{__DIE__} dies if !defined($^S) too.FileSpace
- digit grouping symbol may be ','.FileTrack
- internal filehandle renamed from 'LOG' to 'TRACK'.NetUse
- invokes 'net use ... /Yes' on Win95.Registry
- supports unnamed registry values.Run
- last argument may be sub to print to program called.UserPath
- excludes blanks at the end of path as may be on WinNT.
- New
- Changed
- value 2 introduced and used insideTry
because of$^S
may be incorrect insideeval
('string') ordo
- usedpipe
to answer to xcopy beforesystem
call because of codepage translation problem inopen
(commandline) on Win32 and incorrect $? ofwait
of IPC::Open3 on Win95.FileEdit
- restored sub's parameter $_[0] with with section name, removed 28/02/2000.FileFind
- filenames with '?' are ignored only when $^O eq 'MSWin32'.FileFind
- options added: !'l'ow before deep scan, 'm'ountpoints, 's'ymlinks.FileGlob
- created own implementation for 'MSWin32' supporting non-english letters and long filenames instead of File::DosGlob.FileHandle
- uses caller's namespace for HANDLE.FileTrack
- added '!t' option to disable mtime checking.FTPCmd
- first parameter may be hash ref with host, username and password.Pause
- returns string entered as documented, instead ofchomp
- new parameter 'windir'.
16-17/06/2000, 03-05/07/2000, FileTrack and some corrections
- New
- Changed
- translates '/' into '\' under Win32.FileFind
- corrected regular expressions for options.Pause
08/05/2000, Log writing and some corrections
- New
- Changed
- filepath and filename inserted into sub args after stat reference;FileMkDir
- new default mode is 0777;StrTime
- always 4-digit years after 2000
24/03/2000, Improved error processing
Module Carp
used, croak
should be called instead of TryErr
or die
, TryEnd
12/02/2000 - 28/02/2000, Error processing and UNIX compatibility
Error processing made with eval
{} and $@, see Try
. Variable $Error is syncronised with $@ and becomes optional.
$^O (osname) introduced into some functions.
, Try
, TryEnd
, TryErr
, $@
, FileCopy
('cp -dpRf' for unix compatibility), FileEdit
(removed parameter with section name), FileFind
(backslash replaced with slash for unix compatibility, -i introduced), FileGlob
for unix compatibility), FileSize
(options, -i FileFind
option), FileSpace
('df -k' used for unix), Platform
($^O (osname) and getlogin
), Print
($Echo dependence moved into Echo
), SMTPSend
and $PrintErr (use warn
and $SIG{__WARN__} instead)
(failure Win32::FileSecurity on non-local users and groups), FileFind
(failure stat
on non-standard filenames, f.e. with '?')
- review options and arguments. It should accept violating needs when deleting and creating. When creating, sub should see directories first, when deleting - contents first.
, Platform
, SMTPSend
, - approve and test.
Analysis of functions:
p - 5 - platform (windows specific) realisation only, 2 - unix+win
w - 3 - windows specific
e - - no error handling
31 - total number of functions
CPTranslate e
Die e
Echo e
FileACL p
FileCopy 2
FileGlob e
FileSpace p
NetUse pw
Platform ?
Print e
Registry pw
StrTime e
UserEnvInit pw
19/10 - 08/11/99, First documented release
- Source changing
Functions sorted alphabetically.
- New variables:
$Interact, $GUI, $Echo
- Removed variables:
$noInteract (replaced with $Interact)
- New functions:
- Changed functions:
- ToDo:
RetCodes - '0E0' for successful empty?
- debug and develop.FileFind
- correctedstat
bug for filenames with sign '?'.FileFind
- review options and arguments.FileFind
- should accept violating needs when deleting and creating. When creating, sub should see directories first, when deleting - contents first.FTPCmd
- approve and test.Platform
- approve and test.Print
- should this functions be exported by default?UserEnvInit
- approve and test, especially for russian WinNT.
24/02/99 - 02/07/99, Corrections and Developments
Corrections and developments was made 02/07/99, 28/06/99, 23/06/99, 15/06/99, 01/04/99, 25/03/99, 23/03/99, 20/03/99, 19/03/99, 17/03/99, 15/03/99, 13/03/99, 12/03/99, 09/03/99, 06/03/99, 03/03/99, 02/03/99, 01/03/99, 27/02/99, 24/02/99
18/02/99 13:04, First release
A small module with a few functions was created and turned onto exploitation.
Andrew V Makarow <>, Denis E Medvedyuk <>
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 899:
You can't have =items (as at line 903) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item
- Around line 917:
You can't have =items (as at line 925) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item