Changes for version 0.15 - 2012-01-18
- Mark Allen Fix groupSet params RT#67145 Mark Allen Support proxy environment variables RT#67145 Mark Allen Update doc for 0.15 Mark Fowler fix all warnings podchecker warns us about Mark Allen Make tag creation use a hash instead of arrayrefs Jeff Finucane documentation fix Jeff Finucane avoid 'Request has expired' on long lived Net::Amazon::EC2 objects Jeff Finucane add group_name to NAE::GroupSet and fix live test "Checking for running instance" Jeff Finucane add in ssl support as suggested by Brad Barden stanaka Accept an array for resourceId. toritori0318 remove debug code toritori0318 add delete tags and tags test toritori0318 add describe tags and instance name. stanaka add create_tags stanaka import 0.14 from cpan
Perl interface to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment.
in Net-Amazon-EC2-0.15/inc/Module/Install/
in Net-Amazon-EC2-0.15/inc/Module/Install/
in Net-Amazon-EC2-0.15/inc/Module/Install/
in Net-Amazon-EC2-0.15/inc/Module/Install/
in Net-Amazon-EC2-0.15/inc/Module/Install/