#Last Change: 2006-11-01
#Copyright (c) 2006 Marc-Seabstian "Maluku" Lucksch
#Version 0.28
#This file is part of the sofu.pm project, a parser library for an all-purpose
#ASCII file format. More information can be found on the project web site
#sofu.pm is published under the terms of the MIT license, which basically means
#"Do with it whatever you want". For more information, see the license.txt
#file that should be enclosed with libsofu distributions. A copy of the license
#is (at the time of this writing) also available at
=head1 NAME
Data::Sofu::Value - A Sofu Value
Provides a interface similar to the original SofuD (sofu.sf.net)
=head1 Synopsis
require Data::Sofu::Value;
my $v = Data::Sofu::Value->new();
$v->set("Hello World");
=head1 SYNTAX
This Module is pure OO, exports nothing
use strict;
require Data::Sofu;
our @ISA = qw/Data::Sofu::Object/;
our $VERSION="0.29";
=head1 METHODS
Also look at C<Data::Sofu::Object> for methods, cause Value inherits from it
=head2 new([DATA])
Creates a new C<Data::Sofu::Value> and returns it
Converts DATA to a string if DATA is given.
$val = Data::Sofu::Value->new("Hello World");
sub new {
my $self={};
bless $self,shift;
$$self{Value}="".shift if @_;
if (@_) {
return Data::Sofu::List->new($$self{Value},@_);
return $self if defined $$self{Value};
return Data::Sofu::Undefined->new();
=head2 set(DATA)
Sets the contents of this Value (replaces the old contents).
Note: DATA will be converted to a string.
sub set {
my $self=shift;
=head2 asValue()
Returns itself, used to make sure this Value is really a Value (Data::Sofu::Map and Data::Sofu::List will die if called with this method)
sub asValue {
return shift;
=head2 asScalar()
Perl only
Returns this Value as a perl Scalar (same as toString)
sub asScalar {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value};
=head2 toString()
Returns this as a string
sub toString {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value};
=head2 C<toUTF16()>, C<toUTF8()>, toUTF32()
Not working in Perl (cause there is no wchar, char, dchar stuff going on, if you need to convert strings use "Encode")
They just return the same as toString()
sub toUTF16 {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value};
sub toUTF8 {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value};
sub toUTF32 {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value};
=head2 toInt()
Return the Value as an Integer
$v->toInt() === int $v->toString();
sub toInt {
my $self=shift;
return int $$self{Value};
=head2 toFloat()
Return the Value as a Float
$v->toFloat() === $v->toString()+0;
sub toFloat {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value}+0;
=head2 toLong()
Return the Value as a Long
$v->toLong() === int $v->toString();
sub toLong {
my $self=shift;
return int $$self{Value};
=head2 toDouble()
Return the Value as a Double
$v->toDouble() === $v->toString()+0;
sub toDouble {
my $self=shift;
return $$self{Value}+0;
=head2 isValue()
Returns 1
sub isValue {
return 1
#=head2 string()
#Same as Data::Sofu::Object::string(), but skips the Reference building.
#sub string { #No References for Values at this time (just remove this function to enable them
# my $self=shift;
# return $self->stringify(@_);
=head2 C<stringify(LEVEL,TREE)>
Returns a string representation of this Value.
LEVEL and TREE are ignored...
sub stringify {
my $self=shift;
my $level=shift;
my $tree=shift;
return "Value = ".Data::Sofu::Sofuescape($$self{Value}).$self->stringComment()."\n" unless $level;
return Data::Sofu::Sofuescape($$self{Value}).$self->stringComment()."\n";
=head2 C<binarify(TREE,BINARY DRIVER)>
Returns the binary version of this Value using the BINARY DRIVER. Don't call this one, use binaryPack instead.
sub binarify {
my $self=shift;
my $tree=shift;
my $bin=shift;
my $str=$bin->packType(1);
return $str;
=head1 BUGS
most of the methods do the same, because perl does the converting for you.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Data::Sofu>, L<Data::Sofu::Binary>, L<Data::Sofu::Object>, L<Data::Sofu::Map>, L<Data::Sofu::Value>, L<Data::Sofu::Undefined>, L<http://sofu.sf.net>