How to create an EPUB ebook from RFCs
There are three steps to create an EPUB ebook from an RFC.
Download the RFC from
wget > download/rfc2328.html
Since the HTML RFCs from are not directly suitable for use in an EPUB, clean up the HTML file with this script in the directory examples/rfc.
bin/ download/rfc2328.html > clean/rfc2328.html
Make the EPUB.
make-epub -publisher IETF \ -rights 'The Internet Society' \ -title RFC2328 \ -spine rfc2328 \ -tocdepth 2 \ -output rfc2328.epub \ clean
Check your EPUB ebook
If you happen to have installed epubcheck you can verify the EPUB
epubcheck rfc2328.epub
If there are any problems with the HTML in the ebook, try to repair them by adjusting the script bin/
If there are any problem with the rest of the EPUB please file a bug at