Cake - A simple perl web framework
use Cake;
get '/hello' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $name = $c->param('name');
$c->body("Hello ".$name);
##bake and serve the cake
Cake is a mix between Dancer simplicity and Catalyst MVC way, I wanted to name it Cancer but since that was a really bad name I went with Cake :)
Cake has zero dependency -- yes -- it requires nothing more than the core modules that come with Perl itself, and this was my design decesion from day one, so I had to reinvent some wheels and steel some others :)
PLEASE NOTE that this is a developer release, which mean it's not finished yet and I still work on it.
Cake apps can be written in one single file, or the catalyst MVC way
Cake apps Can run on any server with standard Perl installation
It comes with a simple template system, something like TT, but we call it Cake-TT
It comes with a simple Database abstraction layer
Cake is also PSGI/Plack friendly by default, no need to change anything to enable your app to run under any of the available Plack webservers