##in your settings.json
"plugins" : [
"I18N" : {
"path" : "/full/path/to/your/language/files",
"lang" : "en"
##or in your
plugins [
'I18N' => {
path => '/full/path/to/your/language/files',
lang => 'en' #default language
###now create your language files inside language folder
###you set above {lang}.po
##-- en.po
msgid "test"
msgstr "test Hello from english file"
##-- ar.po
msgid "test"
msgstr "مرØبا بك"
##this plugin will export set_lang() & loc() functions to your application by default
use Cake 'Controller';
get '/lang' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $text = $c->loc('test');
###to change language
I18N Cake Plugin is a simple pure Perl translation plugin
$c->loc('Hello %1 %2',['mamod','mehyar']);
##and in your po file
##please make sure msgid match the first argument in loc() method
##-- en.po
msgid "Hello %1 %2"
msgstr "Hello %1 %2"
##-- ar.po
msgid "Hello %1 %2"
msgstr "%2 %1 مرØبا بك"
accepts a single string argument which defines the current language
Sub translations
Sometimes your translation files are huge and better with distributing them across multiple files, to do that you can create a sub folder under your original language path with the same name as the language so for english files for example create a sub folder "en" then put .po files inside with different name like "forms.po"
To call that file instead of the default translation file "en.po" you need to pass an array ref as the first argument to your loc method for fisrt index is the file to be called.
$c->loc(['form','Hello %1 %2'],['Mamod','Mehyar']);
##this will call "Hello %1 %2" msgid from
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 130:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '"مرØبا'. Assuming CP1252