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WWW::Google::DistanceMatrix - Interface to Google Distance Matrix API.


Version 0.02


The Google Distance Matrix API is a service that provides travel distance & time for a matrix of origins and destinations.The information returned is based on the recommended route between start & end points as calculated by the Google Maps API & consists of rows containing duration and distance values for each pair. The Distance Matrix API has the following limits in place:

  • 100 elements per query.

  • 100 elements per 10 seconds.

  • 2500 elements per 24 hour period.


Use of the Distance Matrix API must relate to the display of information on a Google Map; for example to determine origin-destination pairs that fall within specific driving time from one another before requesting and displaying those destinations on a map. Use of the service in an application that doesn't display a Google map is prohibited.


The following list of optional parameters can be passed in to the constructor.

    | key          | Required |                                                              |
    | mode         | No       | Specifies what mode of transport to use when calculating     |
    |              |          | directions. Valid values are 'driving', 'walking' and        |
    |              |          | 'bicycling'. Default value is 'driving'.                     |
    | language     | No       | The language in which to return results. Default is 'en'.    |
    | avoid        | No       | Introduces restrictions to the route. Valid values: 'tolls'  |   
    |              |          | and 'highways'. Only one restriction can be specified.       |
    | units        | No       | Specifies the unit system to use when expressing distance as |
    |              |          | text. Valid values: 'metric' (default) and 'imperial'.       |
    | sensor       | No       | Indicates whether your application is using a sensor (such as|
    |              |          | a GPS locator) to determine the user's location. This value  |
    |              |          | must be either 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'false'.        | 


    | Code  | Name                    |  v2   |  v3   |
    | ar    | ARABIC                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | eu    | BASQUE                  | No    |  Yes  |
    | bg    | BULGARIAN               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | bn    | BENGALI                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | ca    | CATALAN                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | cs    | CZECH                   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | da    | DANISH                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | de    | GERMAN                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | de    | GERMAN                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | el    | GREEK                   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | en    | ENGLISH                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | en-AU | ENGLISH (AUSTRALIAN)    | No    |  Yes  |
    | en-GB | ENGLISH (GREAT BRITAIN) | No    |  Yes  |
    | es    | SPANISH                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | eu    | BASQUE                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | fa    | FARSI                   | No    |  Yes  |
    | fi    | FINNISH                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | fil   | FILIPINO                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | fr    | FRENCH                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | gl    | GALICIAN                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | gu    | GUJARATI                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | hi    | HINDI                   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | hr    | CROATIAN                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | hu    | HUNGARIAN               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | id    | INDONESIAN              | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | it    | ITALIAN                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | iw    | HEBREW                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | ja    | JAPANESE                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | kn    | KANNADA                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | ko    | KOREAN                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | lt    | LITHUANIAN              | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | lv    | LATVIAN                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | ml    | MALAYALAM               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | mr    | MARATHI                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | nl    | DUTCH                   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | nn    | NORWEGIAN NYNORSK       | Yes   |  No   |
    | no    | NORWEGIAN               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | or    | ORIYA                   | Yes   |  No   |
    | pl    | POLISH                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | pt    | PORTUGUESE              | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | pt-BR | PORTUGUESE (BRAZIL)     | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | pt-PT | PORTUGUESE (PORTUGAL)   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | rm    | ROMANSCH                | Yes   |  No   |
    | ro    | ROMANIAN                | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | ru    | RUSSIAN                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | sk    | SLOVAK                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | sl    | SLOVENIAN               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | sr    | SERBIAN                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | sv    | SWEDISH                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | tl    | TAGALOG                 | No    |  Yes  |
    | ta    | TAMIL                   | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | te    | TELUGU                  | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | th    | THAI                    | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | tr    | TURKISH                 | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | uk    | UKRAINIAN               | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | vi    | VIETNAMESE              | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | zh-CN | CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED)    | Yes   |  Yes  |
    | zh-TW | CHINESE (TRADITIONAL)   | Yes   |  Yes  |



Returns the distance matrix in the desired output format (json/xml) from the set of origins to the set of destinations. Following parameters can be passed in:

    | key      | Description                                                             |
    | o_addr   | One or more origin address(es).                                         |
    | o_latlng | One or more origin latitude/longitude coordinate(s).                    |
    | d_addr   | One or more destination address(es).                                    |
    | d_latlng | One or more destination latitude/longitude coordinate(s).               |

If you pass coordinates ensure that no space exists between the latitude/longitude values.

    use strict; use warnings;
    use WWW::Google::DistanceMatrix;

    my $google = WWW::Google::DistanceMatrix->new();
    print $google->getDistance(o_addr => 'Bobcaygeon+ON',
                               d_addr => 'Darling+Harbour+NSW+Australia');
    print $google->getDistance(o_addr => '41.43206,-81.38992',
                               d_addr => 'Darling+Harbour+NSW+Australia');
    print $google->getDistance(o_addr => ['Vancouver+BC', 'Seattle'],
                               d_addr => ['San+Francisco', 'Victoria+BC']);                                                          


Mohammad S Anwar, <mohammad.anwar at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-google-distancematrix at, or through the web interface at I will be notified and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::Google::DistanceMatrix

You can also look for information at:


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.