Perlude - a prelude for perl
Version 0.01
Perlude functions are filters and consumers for generators (Closures). It adds keywords stolen from the haskell world and introduce some perl specific ones.
Rules, naming and conventions
A generator is a closure
* a scalar as a next element
* undef when exhausted
The list of every potential elements of a generator is called "the stream".
sub that takes and returns a closures is a filter, its name is postfixed with a C (mapC, ...).
sub that takes a closure and consume (read) it is a Reader, its name is prefixed with a R (mapR,reduceR,sumR,productR, ...)
keywords stolen from haskell are exceptions to the naming convention (filter,fold,unfold,...)
from haskell: take, takeWhile, filter, fold, (unfold?) concat ...
Notes for haskell users
As perl doesn't have monads, M and M_ functions are replaced by C (for Closure) and R (for Reader). so
mapM_ print => mapR {say}
mapM print => mapC {say}
map (* 2) => mapC { $_ * 2 }
take $n, $C
take $n elements from $C
fold take 10, sub { state $x=0; $x++ }
# => 0..9
takeWhile $test, $C
take all the first elements from the closure that matches $test.
fold takeWhile { $_ < 100 } fibonacci
# returns every terms of the fibonacci sequence under 100
filter $test, $C
remove any elements that matches $test from the steam (as grep does with arrays)
filter { /3/ } fibonacci
removes every terms of fibonacci sequence that contains the digit 3
fold $C
fold every terms of the steam into an array
my @c4 = fold take 50 filter {/4/} nat;
@c4 is the array of the first 50 naturals that contains the 4 digit
unfold $array_ref
stream the array elements
mapR {say if /5/ } unfold [1..5];
is like
map {say if /5/} 1..5;
Marc Chantreux, <khatar at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-lazyness at
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You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Perlude
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Copyright 2010 Marc Chantreux, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.