Perlude - an attempt to port a part of Haskell prelude in Perl


Haskell prelude miss you when you write perl stuff? Perlude is a port of the most common keywords. Some other keywords where added when there is no haskell equivalent.

Example: in haskell you can write

nat        = [0..]
is_even x  = ( x `mod` 2 ) == 0
evens      = filter is_even
main       =  mapM_ print
    $ take 10
    $ evens nat

in perlude, the same code will be:

use Perlude;
my $nat = enlist { state $x = 0; $x++ };
sub is_even { ($_ % 2) == 0 }
sub evens   { filter {is_even} shift }
traverse {say} take 10, evens $nat


relations between the computation world and perl


enlist transform a coderef to a lazy list.

my $nat = enlist { state $x = 0; $x++ }

$nat is a lazy list of the naturals.


consume a lazy list in an array

my @top10nat =
    fold take 10,
    enlist { state $x=0; $x++ }


the conterpart of fold


take the n first elements of a lazy list


returns the head of a lazy list that matches a crteria.

sub below { takeWhile { $_ < 1000 } shift }
say for fold below 1000, enlist { state $x=0; $x++ }

drop, dropWhile

like take and takeWhile but remove elements instead of returning them

filter, apply

grep and map alike on lazy lists

sub double { apply  { $_*2 } shift }
sub evens  { filter { ($_ % 2) == 0 } shift }


eval the block for every element of the list.

traverse {say} take 10, unfold 0..13;


bind lazy list together.

traverse {say} take 10, concat
( unfold(1..5)
, unfold(20..67)

misc. functions

definitely need other namespaces for them!

cycle range tuple lines

missing functions

foldl foldr


  • Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

  • Marc Chantreux (eiro)

  • Olivier Mengué (dolmen)


  • High five with Stéphane Payrard (cognominal) and thanks to Nicolas Pouillard (#haskell-fr@freenode) for his help about haskell lazyness.

  • French Perl Workshop 2011

  • Chartreuse Verte