Revision history for Perl extension Aspect
0.13 Wed, 21 Nov 2007 18:20:28 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- Made sure every module has a $VERSION
- removed META.yml as it is being generated by Module::Install
- added requirements to Makefile.PL
- converted Makefile.PL to use Module::Install
- Aspect::Hook::LexWrap now uses warnings and strict; some changes were
necessary for those to go through
- fixed POD error in Aspect::Modular
- added spaces where necessary to avoid having the template's start_tag in
the code
- renamed t/all_tests.t to t/01_all.t
- added t/perlcriticrc
- added .shipit
- set version to 0.13
- updated MANIFEST
- updated t/perlcriticrc
0.12 Sat, 24 Mar 2007 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- You can now attach advice to subs in main:: package, see Advice tests
- Made everything easier to install by including dependencies required for
- Added __always_fire option to Listenable
- Listenable: You can now let listeners receive any parameters, not just
the event, see the test object_listener
- Modified our hack on Hook::LexWrap so it does not ignore prototypes, see
Advice tests
- Removed old warning from Makefile.PL
0.11 Tue, 03 Aug 2004 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- Fixed problem in upgrading from 0.08, was getting confused on
Advice and Modular, because they had no version numbers, and undef is
smaller than 0.08. (merlyn)
- Lowered dependency on Test::Class to 0.03
0.10 Fri, 30 Jul 2004 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- No longer a developer release
- Added Listenable reusable aspect
- Added subject_params() support for TestClass library aspect
0.09_03 Tue, 06 Jul 2004 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- Added Carp::Heavy to list of untouchables in, to avoid Carp
dumping core
- Test::Class aspect allows for customizing IUT through init_subject_state
0.09_02 Sat, 06 Mar 2004 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- AdviceContext now has the original code, so you can do AspectJ-style
around advice. You can call the original code from before or after
advice. Added AdviceContext::run_original.
- Memoize can memoize in any context, not just scalar, again
- Added Test::Class helper aspect
- Started using Devel::Symdump
0.09_01 Sat, 06 Mar 2004 00:00:00 +0100 (Ran Eilam <>)
- Released for review by participants in YAPC::Israel 2004
- New syntax is incompatible with old
- New maintainer, Ran Eilam
- Control flow pointcut: cflow(), done according to Marcel's design
- Advice context trapping for control flow pointcuts
- Use Test::Class for unit tests
- Wormhole reusable aspect
- Added prototypes so you can dispense with parentheses
- Removed return/around pointcuts, added after advice
- Removed attribute interface
- Added a mutated version of Hook::LexWrap with support for
appending/removing arguments
- Moved reusable aspects to Aspect::Library
- regression: Aspect exported subs generate join points again
0.07 Wed, 31 Jul 2002 22:42:27 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- The distribution has been adapted for use with perl5.8.0.
C<Hook::LexWrap> is now a core module, but there was a problem with
context (wantarray) handling with Aspect::Memoize. Sorry about the perl
5.6.x users, but this is bleeding-edge stuff, so you're expected to use
the very latest gear. Anyway, you can still get an earlier version (up
to 0.07) from CPAN, which will work with perl 5.6.x.
- Aspect::Memoize is now intended for subroutines returning scalars only.
That is, if the sub is called in list context, it will still only
memoize, and return, a memoized scalar. Void context obviously doesn't
matter when it comes to memoization; subroutines returning lists are
something I have to think about.
- Tests now use Test::More
0.07 Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:04:51 +0100 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- symbols exported from now don't generate join points. So I
added Aspect::import() and modified Aspect::JoinPoint::enum() to check
for %Aspect::exp_syms.
0.06 Fri, 26 Oct 2001 16:42:51 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- added around() function to
- added Aspect::Profiled
- added Aspect::Attribute interface to creating advice
- made Aspect::Advice's enable() and disable() return $self
- added cookbook example program
- added cookbook recipes for bounds checking and change tracking, plus
sample programs
0.05 Thu, 11 Oct 2001 09:44:50 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- removed dependency on Data::Denter
0.04 Mon, 01 Oct 2001 18:33:00 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- removed the patched Hook::LexWrap now that 0.20 is out which fixes all
the problems of 0.10
- added documentation (a recurring theme, never finishes)
0.03 Sun, 30 Sep 2001 19:43:56 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- added documentation
- Included a patched Hook::LexWrap that fixes a bug with wantarray
preservation in subroutine wrappers. Will be removed if and when Damian
approves of the patch or otherwise fixes the bug.
0.02 Fri, 28 Sep 2001 12:59:06 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- added documentation
- added '$::thisjp' global variable
- added modular memoization aspect: Aspect::Memoize
- added modular tracing aspect: Aspect::Trace
0.01 Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:36:08 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- original version