Revision history for Perl extension Business-Address-POBox
0.10 Mon May 4 16:29:37 CEST 2009 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- 'Alte Post' was falsely recognized as a POBox; fixed
0.09 Fri Dec 12 11:51:11 CET 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- 'Am Steinkopf 17' was falsely recognized as a POBox; fixed
0.08 Thu Jul 25 15:27:43 CEST 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- Changed dist style and Changes back to standard. People didn't like it -
the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
- Added standard test files; this will also help with CPANTS.
0.07 Thu, 29 May 2008 19:49:25 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- set the version to 0.07
- .shipit: fixed svk.tagpattern
- .shipit: fixed typo in svk.tagpattern
- added is_pobox_relaxed()
0.06 Thu, 29 May 2008 12:00:55 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- set the version to 0.06
- patterns are now interpreted as literal text, not as regexes
- moved generated documentation of interited methods to after
documentation of this class' methods so the manpage is more readable
- .shipit: fixed svk.tagpattern
- Business::Address::POBox: now uses regexes instead of literal strings
- t/01_is_pobox.t: added more tests
0.05 Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:10:51 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- set the version to 0.05
- Makefile.PL: Test::Exception now required, not build_required; some CPAN
testers didn't pick it up
0.04 Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:34:56 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- set the version to 0.04
- Makefile.PL: build_requires Test::Exception
0.03 Wed, 21 Nov 2007 18:20:47 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- Added missing requirement for Class::Accessor::Constructor
- .shipit: added Twitter step
- Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()
- updated MANIFEST
- updated MANIFEST
- updated t/perlcriticrc
- tags: BUGFIX
0.02 Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:34:03 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- Fixed newlines in pod
- tags: DOCFIX
0.01 Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:28:06 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
- original version