Revision history for Perl extension Class::Accessor::Complex
0.07 Sa Okt 20 22:16:22 CEST 2007
- simplified accessor declaration
0.06 Sa Okt 20 10:03:26 CEST 2007
- hopefully fixed the '"my" variable $class masks earlier declaration
in same scope' bug
0.05 Fr Okt 19 22:09:36 CEST 2007
- added mk_class_array_accessors()
- added t/10_class_array.t
- mk_new() and mk_singleton() now accept an argument list instead of
just one string, and create a constructor for each string.
- mk_object_accessors() is now more flexible, allowing you to define
several objects at once, with different composite methods on
different slots.
0.04 Do Okt 18 10:09:39 CEST 2007
- fixed version requirement of Test::More
- added mk_scalar_accessors()
- fixed bug in mk_array_accessors()'s *_index() method
- added tests to t/06_array.t for *_splice() and *_index()
- added mk_concat_accessors and t/08_concat.t
- added mk_singleton and t/09_singleton.t
- fixed potential variable name clash ($class) in mk_new()
0.03 Mi Okt 17 23:36:30 CEST 2007
- mk_array_accessors() now also generates C<*_index>, C<index_*>,
C<*_splice> and C<splice_*>.
0.02 Mi Okt 17 22:55:15 CEST 2007
- as well as generating C<*_foo> methods, it now also generates
C<foo_*> methods so you can choose which one to use depending on
which one is more readable.
0.01 Mi Okt 17 11:02:38 CEST 2007
- original version