  name: Class-Accessor-Complex
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.13
      - Class::Accessor::Complex now uses List::MoreUtil's uniq() to filter out duplicate method names
      - 't/01_integer.t: added test to check that no (redefined) warnings occurred'
    date: 2008-02-13T22:38:17Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.13
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - Converted Changes file to YAML style
      - '.shipit: added Twitter step'
      - 'Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()'
      - 'lib/*: converted to template'
      - updated MANIFEST
      - improved documentation generated for mk_new()
      - added documentation generated for mk_singleton()
      - added documentation generated for mk_class_scalar_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_concat_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_class_array_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_hash_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_class_hash_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_boolean_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_integer_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_set_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_object_accessors()
      - added documentation generated for mk_forward_accessors()
      - slightly improved generated documentation
      - documented that it generates documentation
      - updated t/perlcriticrc
    date: 2007-11-21T18:20:58Z
    version: 0.12
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - added mk_class_scalar_accessors() and its tests
    date: 2007-11-02T16:26:48+01:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.11
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - now uses Class::Accessor::Installer
    date: 2007-10-23T23:35:42+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.10
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - fixed a bug in mk_object_accessors() where we used $class instead of $type
    date: 2007-10-21T19:58:17+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.09
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - added mk_forward_accessors()
    date: 2007-10-21T10:18:11+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.08
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - simplified accessor declaration
    date: 2007-10-20T22:16:22+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.07
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - hopefully fixed the '"my" variable $class masks earlier declaration in same scope' bug
    date: 2007-10-20T10:03:26+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.06
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - added mk_class_array_accessors()
      - added t/10_class_array.t
      - 'mk_new() and mk_singleton() now accept an argument list instead of just one string, and create a constructor for each string.'
      - 'mk_object_accessors() is now more flexible, allowing you to define several objects at once, with different composite methods on different slots.'
    date: 2007-10-19T22:09:36+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.05
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - fixed version requirement of Test::More
      - added mk_scalar_accessors()
      - fixed bug in mk_array_accessors()'s *_index() method
      - added tests to t/06_array.t for *_splice() and *_index()
      - added mk_concat_accessors and t/08_concat.t
      - added mk_singleton and t/09_singleton.t
      - fixed potential variable name clash ($class) in mk_new()
    date: 2007-10-18T10:09:39+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.04
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - 'mk_array_accessors() now also generates C<*_index>, C<index_*>, C<*_splice> and C<splice_*>.'
    date: 2007-10-17T23:36:30+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.03
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - 'as well as generating C<*_foo> methods, it now also generates C<foo_*> methods so you can choose which one to use depending on which one is more readable.'
    date: 2007-10-17T22:55:15+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.02
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - original version
    date: 2007-10-17T11:02:38+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.01