Revision history for Perl extension Class::Null.

1.06  So Sep 23 10:03:20 CEST 2007
        - now uses Module::Install::StandardTests

1.05  Sa Sep  8 09:38:55 CEST 2007
        - fixed the documentation
        - use warnings; use strict;
        - converted to new-style distro (with Module::Install and such)

1.04  Wed Jan 11 15:44:53 MEZ 2006
        - Consistency improvements

1.03  Wed Feb  9 15:26:03 CET 2005
        - Removed Test::Distribution requirement
        - Added method chaining

1.02  Fri Sep  6 18:58:47 CEST 2002
        - changed AUTOLOAD to return undef. Up to now it returned the glob
          created by *{$AUTOLOAD}, which is not what the called would expect
          from sub {}.

1.01  Sun Aug 18 13:52:05 CEST 2002
        - Class::Null is now a singleton to reduce memory overhead (thanks
        - Class::Null now creates an empty subroutine when autoloading, to
          increase the speed of subsequent calls (they don't have to go through
          AUTOLOAD again) (thanks nwetters)

1.00  Sat Aug 17 11:38:47 CEST 2002
        - changed 'our' to 'use vars' for $VERSION so it runs under earlier
          versions of perl (thanks richardc)
        - fixed a POD typo
        - removed the '5.008' requirement from Makefile.PL

0.01  Fri Aug 16 17:01:00 2002
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
            -XAn Class::Null