name: Data-Conveyor
- author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
- set the version to 0.03
- added plugin mechanism
- 'Data::Conveyor::Charset::ViaHash is no longer a singleton, but avoids re-converting already converted characters'
date: 2008-03-26T16:50:19Z
tags: []
version: 0.03
- author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
- Converted Changes file to YAML style
- Data::Conveyor::Charset::ViaHash is now a singleton to make repeated instantions work; also added tests to verify that
- '.shipit: added Twitter step'
- 'Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()'
- 'lib/*: converted to template'
- updated MANIFEST
- 'Makefile.PL: added Date::Calc as a requirement'
- Data::Conveyor::Exception::ServiceMethodHelp->run_method() now catches now catches and rethrows Data::Conveyor::Exception::ServiceMethodHelp exceptions
- updated t/perlcriticrc
- 'Makefile.PL: require v0.03 of Class::Scaffold'
- set_state service method is no more; use set_stage
- moved generated documentation of interited methods to after documentation of this class' methods so the manpage is more readable
- removed unnecessary imports from some modules
- added Data::Conveyor::Service::Result::Tabular_TEST
- updated MANIFEST
- added lib/Data/Conveyor/Service/Result/Tabular_TEST.pm
date: 2008-02-13T10:23:48Z
version: 0.02
- author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
- original version
date: 2007-11-07T15:49:49+01:00
tags: []
version: 0.01