Revision history for Perl extension Devel-SearchINC

1.101000  2010-04-10 18:35:28 Europe/Vienna
    - added bin/distfind, adapted from the now-deprecated Dist::Joseki
    - removed unused variables

1.100850  2010-03-26 21:34:37 Europe/Vienna
    - converted the distribution to Dist::Zilla-style

1.39 Sat 2010.02.06 14:46:06 CET (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - set broad untaint_pattern for File::Find, as that gets it wrong on OS X
      (its pattern doesn't allow spaces in filenames)

1.38 Tue Aug  4 19:09:11 WEST 2009 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - more output under :debug
    - prune a directory if it contains INC.SKIP

1.37  Thu Nov  6 23:09:35 CET 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - caused a bug where a program running under -T caused an "Insecure
      dependency in chdir while running with -T switch" error

1.36  Tue Nov  4 12:49:31 CET 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - build_cache() just returns if no paths were set to avoid a warning from
      File::Find::find(); had CPAN tester failures because of that; my own
      tests worked because I used Devel::SearchINC in $PERL5OPT...

1.35  Thu Oct 30 16:32:55 CET 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - If a module is found, set its entry in %INC to avoid the
      '/loader/0x1234567/Foo/' effect, so it works nicely with

1.34  Thu Jul 25 15:27:43 CEST 2008 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - Changed dist style and Changes back to standard. People didn't like it -
      the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
    - Added standard test files; this will also help with CPANTS.
    - Devel::SearchINC now uses File::Find::find() like
      Devel::SearchINC::FindLib does, and caches the result during the first
      pass. So this is more flexible than the previous version and allows you
      to use Devel::SearchINC with complex development directory setups,
      without the disadvantage of Devel::SearchINC::FindLib cluttering up your

1.33  Thu, 29 May 2008 12:04:28 -0000 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - Converted Changes file to YAML style
    - .shipit: added Twitter step
    - Makefile.PL: added auto_install() and process_templates()
    - lib/*: converted to template
    - updated MANIFEST
    - Devel::SearchINC::FindLib now also skips skel/
    - added t/perlcriticrc
    - updated MANIFEST
    - moved generated documentation of interited methods to after documentation
      of this class' methods so the manpage is more readable
    - Devel::SearchINC::FindLib can now handle semicolon-separated paths as
    - .shipit: new svk.tagpattern
    - Devel::SearchINC::FindLib: also deal with blib; ignore _build
    - .shipit: fixed svk.tagpattern
    - tags: NEWFEATURE

1.32  Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:09:39 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - fixed version requirement of Test::More

1.31  Wed, 03 Oct 2007 17:27:25 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - changed the $VERSION of all modules to '1.31'.
    - switched back to Makefile.PL and to Module::AutoInstall
    - uses Module::Install::StandardTests

1.03  Thu, 17 Feb 2005 23:53:39 +0100 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - added Devel::SearchINC::FindLib
    - switched to Build.PL

1.02  Sun, 01 Sep 2002 12:06:22 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - tests now use Test::More and have been reorganized
    - added a debugging option and verbose debugging output
    - previously it tried to open last guess regardless of whether the search
      loop was ended because there were no more paths to search or because it
      found a file. So I introduced a $found variable that takes care of that.

0.03  Thu, 11 Oct 2001 09:46:10 +0200 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - added PERL5OPT documentation (thanks Michael Graham)

0.02  Sat, 19 May 2001 13:39:31 +0100 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - can now also find modules in lib/ subdirectories

0.01  Thu, 15 Mar 2001 14:38:37 +0100 (Marcel Gruenauer <>)
    - original version