  name: Dist-Joseki
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.13
      - 'bin/ptags: add_overall_tags(): __SUPER__* tag generation is now more robust in the face of missing superclasses'
    date: 2008-02-13T23:07:19Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.13
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.12
      - 'Dist::Joseki::SVK: removed useless line'
      - updated dotfiles
      - 'tools/: added new functionality'
      - moved generated documentation of interited methods to after documentation of this class' methods so the manpage is more readable
      - 'bin/ptags: warn if there were problems use()ing a package'
      - "tools/install_dotfiles: don't cp -pr, just cp -r - sometimes there were problems with -p when cp said 'No such file or directory'"
      - "updated dotfiles: don't chmod .pause; .aliases' todo now points to ~/svk/dev/TODO"
      - updated .screenrc
      - 'ptags now accepts multiple -v options, and has better error reporting if a use() fails'
    date: 2008-02-12T15:57:00Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.12
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.11
      - 'bin/chkbundle, Dist::Joseki::Base: Term::ReadLine no longer necessary because we use IO::Prompt now'
      - 'tools/dotfiles: updated with new aliases and PATH settings'
    date: 2007-11-24T14:26:55Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.11
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.10
      - 'bin/ptags: --lib and --perllib are gone, instead @INC is searched, but only modules in and under --use=<path> are loaded; __ISA__ becomes __SUBCLASS__; __SUPER__ is new'
      - 'tools/dotfiles/.bashrc: projptags() has only one call to ptags now'
      - tools/dotfiles/.vimrc now uses the __SUBCLASS__ and __SUPER__ tags
      - 'bin/ptags: removed support for Class::MethodMaker-generated tags'
      - "tools/dotfiles/.aliases: added 'blib' and iterm-ssh-related aliases"
      - "tools/dotfiles/.bashrc: set TERM=linux for iTerm's benefit"
      - added tools/dotfiles/.mitlib/complete
      - updated t/perlcriticrc
      - updated MANIFEST
      - 'Makefile.PL: added new requirements from bin/chkbundle'
      - added bin/chkbundle
      - updated MANIFEST
      - 'bin/chkbundle: fixed bugs'
      - 'bin/distfind: added --line option'
      - uses IO::Prompt instead of the custom bool_prompt() now
      - 'bin/ptags: removed combine(), was unused'
    date: 2007-11-22T13:03:21Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.10
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.09
      - '.shipit: uses ApplyYAMLChangeLogVersion step'
      - Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::version has --file option now
      - Dist::Joseki::Version has better filename error reporting in get_newest_version()
      - 'Makefile.PL: added App::Cmd to requirements'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::change: recognized a modified MANIFEST and generate simple message for that change'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::props: added private/; now prints header during loop while -p'
      - "tools/dotfiles/.vimrc: added 'set complete' command now that Vim::Complete is there"
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::tagcheck: print dist name when looping over dists'
    date: 2007-11-18T13:27:34Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.09
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - projclean also removes cover_db/; small changes to dotfiles
      - added 'depends' command
      - 'ptags: switched to Getopt::Attribute'
      - 'ptags: when use()ing a module, have local __WARN__ sighandler and local @INC to catch annoying warnings'
      - added opt() and args() to command class so they don't have to be passed around all the time
      - "'dist depends': added restrict_to_CPAN_distributions() and restrict_to_non_core_modules() functionality"
      - 'tools/dotfiles/.aliases: removed sync_to_10_0_1_2, added sync_to_jeongseok and sync_to_maekjeom'
      - 'tools/dotfiles/.bashrc: projptags() now passes args to ptags'
      - 'tools/dotfiles/.rsync-exclude: added .cpan/build and Local'
      - "tools/install_dotfiles: fixed copying so MANIFEST.SKIP and install_dotfiles aren't themselves copied"
      - added Twitter step to .shipit
      - added Module::AutoInstall and process_templates() to Makefile.PL
      - 'added Dist::Joseki::Base, Dist::Joseki::SVK and Dist::Joseki::Version, which were refactored from various commands'
      - added Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::change
      - updated tools/dotfiles/.distrc with 'change' config
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::change: added format_message so the commit messages look nice'
      - slightly improved format_message()
      - slightly improved format_message()
      - fixed filename in tools/dotfiles/.distrc
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Base: added bool_prompt()'
      - "Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::change: added 'svk status' handling"
      - 'Dist::Joseki::SVK: added status(), add()'
      - added lib/Dist/Joseki/SVK
      - added lib/Dist/Joseki/SVK/Status.pm
      - deleted tools/dotfiles/.mitlib/standard_pod_zid
      - 'lib/*: converted to template'
      - 'bin/*: removed standard pod section'
      - updated MANIFEST
      - 'tools/.mitlib/standard_pod: added support for version and other_author'
      - 'bin/ptags: fixed @INC setting'
      - updated MANIFEST
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::smoke: now uses three-arg open()'
      - added t/perlcriticrc
      - deleted t/README
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::clean: fixed argument passing in hook_after_dist_loop()'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::clean: added hook_in_dist_loop_begin()'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::manifest: hook_in_dist_loop_begin() now calls SUPER::'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::smoke: added --cover option; coverage tests will only be run if this option is given'
      - 'Dist::Joseki::Cmd::Command::smoke: added hook_in_dist_loop_begin()'
    date: 2007-11-17T12:57:29Z
    version: 0.08
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - Added requirements
    date: 2007-11-09T18:03:45Z
      - BUGFIX
    version: 0.07
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - 'removed ShipIt::Step::{DistClean,Manifest} as they now live in their own distributions - it was not clean to have them here'
    date: 2007-11-09T10:33:29Z
      - APIBREAK
    version: 0.06
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - changed dotfiles/bashrc's set_project() to include bin/ directories of development distributions in $PATH.
    date: 2007-11-08T13:17:56+01:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.05
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - remove german LC_ALL from tools/dotfiles/bashrc
    date: 2007-11-07T18:15:13+01:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.04
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - getting ready for initial release
    date: 2007-11-07T17:38:43+01:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.03
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - fixed version requirement of Test::More
    date: 2007-10-18T10:09:39+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.02
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - original version
    date: 2007-10-03T18:38:05+02:00
    tags: []
    version: 0.01