Revision history for Perl extension Getopt::Attribute
1.43 Do Okt 18 10:09:39 CEST 2007
- fixed version requirement of Test::More
1.42 So Sep 9 23:11:11 CEST 2007
- require perl 5.8, as I got some test failures on 5.6.x
1.41 Sa Sep 8 11:10:40 CEST 2007
- converted to new-style distribution (ShipIt, Module::Install)
- moved files to proper locations (lib/, t/)
- fixed documentation
1.32 Sat May 31 18:44:12 2003
- added tests
1.30 Thu Jul 18 12:37:51 2002
- first release version
0.01 Tue May 8 04:05:59 2001
- original version