Revision history for Perl extension Hook::Modular

0.04  Sa Sep 22 12:13:26 CEST 2007
        - next attempt at fixing annoying CPAN testers' pseudo-bug reports:
          they still ran tests with 5.6.2 even though I specified that 5.8 is
          needed, and there were some strange Perl::Critic failures with
          messages that aren't even in Perl::Critic
        - more documentation
        - added t/00_pod_coverage.t, but it skips all for now
        - updated all modules' $VERSION to 0.03
        - only run t/00_critic.t if $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} is set

0.03  Fr Sep 21 23:10:28 CEST 2007
        - updated requirements in Makefile.PL
        - more ideas in TODO
        - t/00_critic.t now checks for the desired version of Perl::Critic
        - updated all modules' $VERSION to 0.03

0.02  Do Sep 20 14:28:17 CEST 2007
        - requires perl 5.8
        - more tests
        - more documentation
        - rewriting the config file is now optional, turned off by default

0.01  Do Sep 20 00:05:55 CEST 2007
        - original version