Revision history for Perl extension Test::Compile.

0.04  Do Okt 18 10:09:39 CEST 2007
        - fixed version requirement of Test::More

0.03  Mi Okt  3 22:31:43 CEST 2007
        - made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected
        - The documentation now uses Test::More->builder->BAIL_OUT() in order
          to stop the testsuite from running if a compilation fails. Also, the
          documentation now urges that Test::Compile be mandatory (like
          Test::Exception often is) instead of optional (like Test::Pod often
          is).  Thanks to Rob Kinyon for the suggestion.
        - bumped version numbers to '0.03'

0.02  Mi Okt  3 18:30:17 CEST 2007
        - made things cleaner by using UNIVERSAL::require on the suspected
          module name instead of do() on the file name, which introduced
          potential bugs by running at run time what would otherwise happen at
          compile time
        - bumped version numbers to '0.02'

0.01  Sa Sep 22 23:35:34 CEST 2007
        - original version