  name: Text-Pipe-Translate
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.03
      - updated MANIFEST
      - slight fix to documentation
      - updated t/perlcriticrc
      - moved generated documentation of interited methods to after documentation of this class' methods so the manpage is more readable
      - "t/01_babelfish.t: Text::Pipe doesn't export pipe() anymore, it's called PIPE() now"
    date: 2008-02-29T14:32:55Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.03
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - set the version to 0.02
      - added Twitter step to .shipit
      - removed comment from Makefile.PL
      - re-generated and re-released now that Module-Install-Template uses Data::Dumper instead of YAML; there were CPAN testers failure reports
    date: 2007-11-16T07:32:18Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.02
  - author: 'Marcel Gruenauer <marcel@cpan.org>'
      - original version
    date: 2007-11-14T21:27:30Z
    tags: []
    version: 0.01