MCE - Many-Core Engine for Perl. Provides parallel processing capabilities.


This document describes MCE version 1.202_001


Many-core Engine (MCE) for Perl helps enable a new level of performance by maximizing all available cores. MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the data and bank-tellers the parallel workers. MCE enhances that model by adding the ability to chunk the next n elements from the input stream to the next available worker.

Both chunking and input are optional in MCE. One can simply use MCE to have many workers run in parallel.


new ( [ options ] )

use MCE;

## A new instance shown with all available options.

my $mce = MCE->new(

   tmp_dir      => $tmp_dir,

       ## Default is $MCE::Signal::tmp_dir which points to
       ## $ENV{TEMP} if defined. Otherwise, tmp_dir points
       ## to /tmp.

   input_data   => $input_file,       ## Default is undef

       ## input_data => '/path/to/file' for input file
       ## input_data => \@array for input array
       ## input_data => \*FILE_HNDL for file handle
       ## input_data => \$scalar to treat like file

   chunk_size   => 2000,              ## Default is 1

       ## Less than or equal to 8192 is number of records.
       ## Greater than 8192 is number of bytes. MCE reads
       ## till the end of record before calling user_func.

       ## chunk_size =>     1,        ## Consists of 1 record
       ## chunk_size =>  1000,        ## Consists of 1000 records
       ## chunk_size => 16384,        ## Approximate 16384 bytes
       ## chunk_size => 50000,        ## Approximate 50000 bytes

   max_workers  => 8,                 ## Default is 1
   use_slurpio  => 1,                 ## Default is 0
   use_threads  => 1,                 ## Default is 0 or 1

       ## Number of workers to spawn, whether or not to enable
       ## slurpio when reading files (passes raw chunk to user
       ## function), and whether or not to use threads.

       ## By default MCE does forking (spawns child processes).
       ## MCE also supports threads via 2 threading libraries.
       ## The use of threads in MCE requires that you include
       ## threads support prior to loading MCE.
       ##    use threads;                  use forks;
       ##    use threads::shared;   (or)   use forks::shared;
       ##    use MCE                       use MCE;

   spawn_delay  => 0.035,             ## Default is undef
   submit_delay => 0.002,             ## Default is undef
   job_delay    => 0.150,             ## Default is undef

       ## Time to wait, in fractional seconds, before spawning
       ## each worker, parameters submission to each worker,
       ## and job commencement (staggered) for each worker.
       ## For example, use job_delay when wanting to stagger
       ## many workers connecting to a database.

   on_exit_post => \&on_exit_post,    ## Default is undef
   on_run_post  => \&on_run_post,     ## Default is undef

       ## Execute code block immediately after a worker exits
       ## (exit, $self->exit, or die). Execute code block after
       ## running a job ($self->process or $self->run).

       ## One can take action immediately after a worker exits
       ## or wait till after the job has completed.

   user_begin   => \&user_begin,      ## Default is undef
   user_func    => \&user_func,       ## Default is undef
   user_end     => \&user_end,        ## Default is undef

       ## Think of user_begin, user_func, user_end like the awk
       ## scripting language:
       ##    awk 'BEGIN { ... } { ... } END { ... }'

       ## MCE workers calls user_begin once per job, then
       ## calls user_func repeatedly until no chunks remain.
       ## Afterwards, user_end is called.

   user_error   => \&user_error,      ## Default is undef
   user_output  => \&user_output,     ## Default is undef

       ## When workers call the following functions, MCE will
       ## pass the data to user_error/user_output if defined.
       ## $self->sendto('stderr', 'Sending to STDERR');
       ## $self->sendto('stdout', 'Sending to STDOUT');

   stderr_file  => 'err_file',        ## Default is STDERR
   stdout_file  => 'out_file',        ## Default is STDOUT

       ## Or to file. User_error/user_output take precedence.

   flush_file   => 1,                 ## Default is 0
   flush_stderr => 1,                 ## Default is 0
   flush_stdout => 1,                 ## Default is 0

       ## Flush sendto file, standard error, or standard output.


## The 1.200 release introduces a new option to allow for flexible
## workers. The user_tasks option takes an array of tasks. Each task
## allows for 5 options:
##   max_workers, use_threads, user_begin, user_func, and user_end
## In addition, task_end can be specified for the manager process
## to run when workers under task have completed processing.
## Forking and threading can be inter-mixed among tasks except under
## CYGWIN. Input data (if defined) can only be processed by the first
## task. The run method will remain running until all workers have
## completed processing.
## Go here for further reading on the new user_tasks option.
## L<>

my $mce = MCE->new(
   input_data => $list_file,

   user_tasks => [{
      max_workers => 2,
      user_func   => \&parallel_task1,
      use_threads => 0,
      task_end    => sub {
         print "Task 1 completed processing\n";

      max_workers => 4,
      user_func   => \&parallel_task2,
      use_threads => 1




## Run calls spawn, kicks off job, workers call user_begin,
## user_func, user_end. Run shuts down workers afterwards.


## OR, spawn workers early.


## Acquire data arrays and/or input_files. The same pool of
## workers are used.

$mce->process(\@input_data_1);        ## Process arrays

$mce->process('input_file_1');        ## Process files

## Shutdown workers afterwards.



## Executed following a worker exiting (exit, $self->exit, or die).
## e.g. $pid: PID_1234 or THR_123

sub on_exit_post {

   my ($self, $wid, $pid, $status, $msg, $id) = @_;



## Executed after running ($self->process or $self->run).

sub on_run_post {

   my ($self, $status_ref) = @_;

   foreach my $h ( @{ $status_ref } ) {
      print "$h->{wid}: $h->{pid}: $h->{status}: $h->{msg}: $h->{id}\n";


## Both user_begin and user_end functions, if specified, behave
## similarly to awk 'BEGIN { ... } { ... } END { ... }'.

## Each worker calls this once prior to processing.

sub user_begin {                   ## Optional via user_begin option

   my $self = shift;

   ## Prefix variables with wk_
   $self->{wk_total_rows} = 0;

## And once after completion.

sub user_end {                     ## Optional via user_end option

   my $self = shift;

   printf "## %d: Processed %d rows\n",
      $self->wid(), $self->{wk_total_rows};

SYNTAX for USER_FUNC with use_slurpio => 0 option

## MCE passes a reference to an array containing the chunk data.

sub user_func {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

   foreach my $row ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
      print $row;
      $self->{wk_total_rows} += 1;

SYNTAX for USER_FUNC with use_slurpio => 1 option

## MCE passes a reference to a scalar containing the raw chunk data.

sub user_func {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

   my $count = () = $$chunk_ref =~ /abc/;


## MCE will direct $self->sendto('stderr/out', ...) calls to these
## functions in a serialized fashion. This is handy if one wants to
## filter, modify, and/or send the data elsewhere.

sub user_error {                   ## Optional via user_error option

   my $error = shift;

   print LOGERR $error;

sub user_output {                  ## Optional via user_output option

   my $output = shift;

   print LOGOUT $output;


Methods listed below are callable by the main process and workers.

abort ( void )

## Notifies workers to abort after processing the current chunk.
## The abort method is only meaningful when processing input data.


wid ( void )

## Returns the worker ID of worker.

my $wid = $self->wid();


Methods listed below are callable by the main process only.

forchunk ( $input_data [, { options } ], sub { ... } )

## Both forchunk & foreach are sugar methods in MCE. Workers are
## automatically spawned, the code block is executed in parallel,
## and workers are shut down afterwards. Do not call these methods
## if wanting workers to remain up after processing.
## Specifying options is optional. Valid options are the same as
## for the process method.

my $mce = MCE->new(
   chunk_size  => 20,
   max_workers => $max_workers

## Arguments inside code block are the same as for user_func.

$mce->forchunk(\@input_data, sub {
   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

   foreach ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
      $self->sendto("stdout", "$chunk_id: $_\n");

## Passing chunk_size as an option.

$mce->forchunk(\@input_data, { chunk_size => 30 }, sub {

foreach ( $input_data [, { options } ], sub { ... } )

## Foreach always implies chunk_size => 1 (cannot be overwritten).

my $mce = MCE->new(
   max_workers => $max_workers

## Arguments inside code block are the same as for user_func.
## This holds true even if chunk_size is set to 1. MCE is both
## a chunking engine plus parallel engine all in one. Arguments
## within the block are the same whether chunking is 1 or > 1.

$mce->foreach(\@input_data, sub {
   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   my $row = $chunk_ref->[0];
   $self->sendto("stdout", "$chunk_id: $row\n");

## Passing an anonymous array as input data. For example,
## wanting to parallelize a serial for loop with MCE.

for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
   ...  ## Runs serially
for my $i (0 .. $max - 1) {
   ...  ## Runs serially

$mce->foreach([ (0 .. $max - 1) ], sub {
   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   my $i = $chunk_ref->[0];  (OR)  my $i = $chunk_id - 1;
   ...  ## Runs in parallel

process ( $input_data [, { options } ] )

## The process method will spawn workers automatically if not already
## spawned. It will set input_data => $input_data. It calls run(0) to
## not auto-shutdown workers. Specifying options is optional.
## Allowable options { key => value, ... } are:
##   chunk_size input_data job_delay spawn_delay submit_delay
##   flush_file flush_stderr flush_stdout stderr_file stdout_file
##   on_exit_post on_run_post user_begin user_end user_func
##   user_error user_output use_slurpio
## Options remain persistent going forward unless changed. Setting
## user_begin, user_end, or user_func will cause already spawned
## workers to shutdown and re-spawn automatically. Therefore, define
## these during instantiation if possible.

my $mce = MCE->new( ... );

$mce->process($array_ref, { stdout_file => $output_file });

restart_worker ( $wid )

## One can restart a worker who has died or exited.
## The job never ends below due to restarting each time.
## It's recommended to specify the same wid which has exited.
## Press ctrl-c to exit.

my $mce = MCE->new(

   on_exit_post => sub {
      my ($self, $wid, $pid, $status, $msg, $id) = @_;
      print "$wid: $pid: status $status: $msg";

   user_begin => sub {
      my $self = $_[0];
      ## Not interested in die messages going to STDERR.
      ## The die handler calls $self->exit(255, $_[0]).
      close STDERR;

   user_tasks => [{
      max_workers => 5,
      user_func   => sub {
         my $self = $_[0]; sleep $self->wid();
         $self->exit(3, "exited from " . $self->wid() . "\n");
      max_workers => 4,
      user_func   => sub {
         my $self = $_[0]; sleep $self->wid();
         die("died from " . $self->wid() . "\n");


-- Output

1: PID_85388: status 3: exited from 1
2: PID_85389: status 3: exited from 2
1: PID_85397: status 3: exited from 1
3: PID_85390: status 3: exited from 3
1: PID_85399: status 3: exited from 1
4: PID_85391: status 3: exited from 4
2: PID_85398: status 3: exited from 2
1: PID_85401: status 3: exited from 1
5: PID_85392: status 3: exited from 5
1: PID_85404: status 3: exited from 1
6: PID_85393: status 255: died from 6
3: PID_85400: status 3: exited from 3
2: PID_85403: status 3: exited from 2
1: PID_85406: status 3: exited from 1
7: PID_85394: status 255: died from 7
1: PID_85410: status 3: exited from 1
8: PID_85395: status 255: died from 8
4: PID_85402: status 3: exited from 4
2: PID_85409: status 3: exited from 2
1: PID_85412: status 3: exited from 1
9: PID_85396: status 255: died from 9
3: PID_85408: status 3: exited from 3
1: PID_85416: status 3: exited from 1


run ( [ $auto_shutdown [, { options } ] ] )

## The run method, by default, spawns workers, processes once,
## and shuts down workers. Set $auto_shutdown to 0 if not wanting
## to auto-shutdown workers after processing (default is 1).
## Specifying options is optional. Valid options are the same as
## for the process method.

my $mce = MCE->new( ... );

$mce->run(0);                         ## Disables auto-shutdown

shutdown ( void )

## The run method will automatically spawn workers, run once, and
## shutdown workers automatically. The process method leaves workers
## waiting for the next job after processing. Call shutdown after
## processing all jobs.

my $mce = MCE->new( ... );


$mce->process(\@input_data_1);        ## Processing multiple arrays

$mce->process('input_file_1');        ## Processing multiple files


spawn ( void )

## Workers are normally spawned automatically. The spawn method is
## beneficial when wanting to spawn workers early.

my $mce = MCE->new( ... );



Methods listed below are callable by workers only.

do ( 'callback_func' [, $arg1, ... ] )

## MCE can serialized data transfers from worker processes via
## helper functions do & sendto. The main MCE thread will process
## these in a serial fashion. This utilizes the Storable Perl module
## for passing data from a worker process to the main MCE thread.
## The callback function can optionally return a reply.

[ $reply = ] $self->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);

## Passing args to a callback function using references & scalar.

sub callback {
   my ($array_ref, $hash_ref, $scalar_ref, $scalar) = @_;

$self->do('main::callback', \@a, \%h, \$s, 'hello');
$self->do('callback', \@a, \%h, \$s, 'hello');

## MCE knows if wanting a void, list, hash, or a scalar return value.

$self->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);

my @array  = $self->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);
my %hash   = $self->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);
my $scalar = $self->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);

exit ( [ $status [, $message [, $id ] ] ] )

## The worker exits the current job.

$self->exit();          ## default is 0
$self->exit(2, 'error: entire chunk failed', $chunk_id);

last ( void )

## Worker immediately exits the chunking loop or user func.
## Call this inside foreach, forchunk, and user_func.

my @list = (1 .. 80);

$mce->forchunk(\@list, { chunk_size => 2 }, sub {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   $self->last if ($chunk_id > 4);

   my @output = ();

   foreach my $rec ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
      push @output, $rec, "\n";

   $self->sendto('stdout', @output);

-- Output (each chunk above consists of 2 elements)


next ( void )

## Worker starts the next iteration of the chunking loop.
## Call this inside foreach, forchunk, and user_func.

my @list = (1 .. 80);

$mce->forchunk(\@list, { chunk_size => 4 }, sub {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   $self->next if ($chunk_id < 20);

   my @output = ();

   foreach my $rec ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
      push @output, $rec, "\n";

   $self->sendto('stdout', @output);

-- Output (each chunk above consists of 4 elements)


sendto ( 'to_string', $arg1, ... )

The sendto method is called by workers to serialize data to standard output, standard error, or to end of file. The action is done by the main process or thread.

Release 1.100 adds the ability to pass multiple arguments.

syntax for 1.00x

## Release 1.00x supported only 1 data argument.
## /path/to/file is the 3rd argument for 'file'.

$self->sendto('stdout', \@array);
$self->sendto('stdout', \$scalar);
$self->sendto('stdout', $scalar);

$self->sendto('stderr', \@array);
$self->sendto('stderr', \$scalar);
$self->sendto('stderr', $scalar);

$self->sendto('file', \@array, '/path/to/file');
$self->sendto('file', \$scalar, '/path/to/file');
$self->sendto('file', $scalar, '/path/to/file');

syntax for 1.100 and later releases

## Notice the syntax change for appending to a file.

$self->sendto('stdout', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);
$self->sendto('stderr', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);
$self->sendto('file:/path/to/file', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);

## Passing a reference is no longer necessary beginning with 1.100.

$self->sendto("stdout", @a, "\n", %h, "\n", $s, "\n");

## To retain 1.00x compatibility, sendto outputs the content when a
## a single data argument is specified and is a reference.

$self->sendto('stdout', \@array);
$self->sendto('stderr', \$scalar);
$self->sendto('file:/path/to/file', \@array);

## Otherwise, the reference for \@array and \$scalar is shown,
## not the content. Basically, output matches the print statement.
## Ex. print STDOUT "hello\n", \@array, \$scalar, "\n";

$self->sendto('stdout', "hello\n", \@array, \$scalar, "\n");


MCE comes with various examples showing real-world use case scenarios on parallelizing something as small as cat (try with -n) to greping for patterns and word count aggregation.

INCLUDED WITH DISTRIBUTION    Concatenation script, similar to the cat binary.  Egrep script, similar to the egrep binary.     Word count script, similar to the wc binary.
          A parallel driven script to report lines containing
          null fields. It's many times faster than the binary
          egrep command. Try against a large file containing
          very long lines.
          Perform ping test and report back failing IPs to
          standard output.

          An implementation of wide finder utilizing MCE.
          As fast as MMAP IO when file resides in OS FS cache.
          2x ~ 3x faster when reading directly from disk.
          These take the same sqrt example from Parallel::Loops
          and measures the overhead of the engine. The number
          indicates the size of @input which can be submitted
          and results displayed in 1 second.

          Parallel::Loops:     600  Forking each @input is expensive
          MCE foreach....:  18,000  Sends result after each @input
          MCE forchunk...: 385,000  Chunking reduces overhead

CHUNK_SIZE => 1 (in essence, wanting no chunking on input data)

## Imagine a long running process and wanting to parallelize an array
## against a pool of workers.

my @input_data  = (0 .. 18000 - 1);
my $max_workers = 3;
my $order_id    = 1;
my %result;

## Callback function for displaying results. The logic below shows
## how one can display results immediately while still preserving
## output order. The %result hash is a temporary cache to store
## results for out-of-order replies.

sub display_result {

   my ($wk_result, $chunk_id) = @_;
   $result{$chunk_id} = $wk_result;

   while (1) {
      last unless (exists $result{$order_id});

      printf "i: %d sqrt(i): %f\n",
         $input_data[$order_id - 1], $result{$order_id};

      delete $result{$order_id};

## Compute via MCE.

my $mce = MCE->new(
   input_data  => \@input_data,
   max_workers => $max_workers,
   chunk_size  => 1,

   user_func => sub {

      my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my $wk_result = sqrt($chunk_ref->[0]);

      $self->do('display_result', $wk_result, $chunk_id);



## Compute via MCE. Foreach implies chunk_size => 1.

my $mce = MCE->new(
   max_workers => $max_workers

## Worker calls code block passing a reference to an array containing
## one item. Use $chunk_ref->[0] to retrieve the single element.

$mce->foreach(\@input_data, sub {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   my $wk_result = sqrt($chunk_ref->[0]);

   $self->do('display_result', $wk_result, $chunk_id);


## Chunking reduces overhead many folds. Instead of passing a single
## item from @input_data, a chunk of $chunk_size is sent instead to
## the next available worker.

my @input_data  = (0 .. 385000 - 1);
my $max_workers = 3;
my $chunk_size  = 500;
my $order_id    = 1;
my %result;

## Callback function for displaying results.

sub display_result {

   my ($wk_result, $chunk_id) = @_;
   $result{$chunk_id} = $wk_result;

   while (1) {
      last unless (exists $result{$order_id});
      my $i = ($order_id - 1) * $chunk_size;

      foreach ( @{ $result{$order_id} } ) {
         printf "i: %d sqrt(i): %f\n", $input_data[$i++], $_;

      delete $result{$order_id};

## Compute via MCE.

my $mce = MCE->new(
   input_data  => \@input_data,
   max_workers => $max_workers,
   chunk_size  => $chunk_size,

   user_func => sub {

      my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my @wk_result;

      foreach ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         push @wk_result, sqrt($_);

      $self->do('display_result', \@wk_result, $chunk_id);



## Compute via MCE.

my $mce = MCE->new(
   max_workers => $max_workers,
   chunk_size  => $chunk_size

## Below, $chunk_ref is a reference to an array containing the next
## $chunk_size items from @input_data.

$mce->forchunk(\@input_data, sub {

   my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   my @wk_result;

   foreach ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
      push @wk_result, sqrt($_);

   $self->do('display_result', \@wk_result, $chunk_id);


The input_data option is optional. One can simply use MCE to parallelize multiple workers. The "do" & "sendto" methods are used to pass data back to the main process or thread. One doesn't have to wait until the worker has completed processing to pass data back. Both "do" & "sendto" methods are processed serially by the main process on a first come, first serve basis. All 4 workers run in parallel for the demonstration below.

use MCE;

sub report_stats {
   my ($wid, $msg, $hash_ref) = @_;
   print "Worker $wid says $msg: ", $hash_ref->{'counter'}, "\n";

my $mce = MCE->new(
   max_workers => 4,

   user_func => sub {
      my ($self) = @_;
      my $wid = $self->wid();

      if ($wid == 1) {
         my %hash = ('counter' => 0);
         while (1) {
            $hash{'counter'} += 1;
            $self->do('report_stats', $wid, 'Hello there', \%hash);
            last if ($hash{'counter'} == 4);
            sleep 2;

      else {
         my %hash = ('counter' => 0);
         while (1) {
            $hash{'counter'} += 1;
            $self->do('report_stats', $wid, 'Welcome ...', \%hash);
            last if ($hash{'counter'} == 2);
            sleep 4;

      $self->sendto('stdout', "Worker $wid is exiting\n");


Worker 2 gets there first in 2nd output below.

$ ./
Worker 1 says Hello there: 1
Worker 2 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 3 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 4 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 1 says Hello there: 2
Worker 2 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 3 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 1 says Hello there: 3
Worker 2 is exiting
Worker 3 is exiting
Worker 4 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 4 is exiting
Worker 1 says Hello there: 4
Worker 1 is exiting

$ ./
Worker 2 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 1 says Hello there: 1
Worker 4 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 3 says Welcome ...: 1
Worker 1 says Hello there: 2
Worker 2 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 4 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 3 says Welcome ...: 2
Worker 2 is exiting
Worker 4 is exiting
Worker 1 says Hello there: 3
Worker 3 is exiting
Worker 1 says Hello there: 4
Worker 1 is exiting


Perl 5.8.0 or later




The source is hosted at:


Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>


Copyright (C) 2012 by Mario E. Roy

MCE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself