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## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Hash class for use with MCE::Shared.
use strict;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized );
our $VERSION = '1.699_002';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
use bytes;
use overload (
q("") => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_stringify_h,
q(0+) => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_numify,
fallback => 1
sub _croak {
goto &MCE::Shared::Base::_croak;
my $self = bless {}, shift;
$self->mset(@_) if @_;
## Based on Tie::StdHash from Tie::Hash.
sub STORE { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
sub FETCH { $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
sub DELETE { delete $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = keys %{$_[0]}; each %{$_[0]} }
sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0]} }
sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]} = () }
sub SCALAR { scalar keys %{$_[0]} }
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## clone, flush, iterator, mget, mset, keys, values, pairs
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my $params = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
my ( %data, $key );
if ( @_ ) {
while ( @_ ) {
$key = shift;
$data{ $key } = $self->{ $key };
else {
%data = %{ $self };
$self->clear() if $params->{'flush'};
bless \%data, ref $self;
sub flush {
shift()->clone( { flush => 1 }, @_ );
sub iterator {
my ( $self, @keys ) = @_;
@keys = CORE::keys %{ $self } unless @keys;
return sub {
return unless @keys;
my $key = shift(@keys);
return ( $key => $self->{ $key } );
sub mget {
my $self = shift;
@_ ? @{ $self }{ @_ }
: ();
sub mset {
my ( $self, $key ) = ( shift );
while ( @_ ) {
$key = shift, $self->{ $key } = shift;
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
sub keys {
my $self = shift;
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? map { exists $self->{ $_ } ? $_ : undef } @_
: CORE::keys %{ $self };
else {
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
sub values {
my $self = shift;
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? @{ $self }{ @_ }
: CORE::values %{ $self };
else {
scalar CORE::keys %{ $self };
sub pairs {
my $self = shift;
if ( wantarray ) {
@_ ? map { $_ => $self->{ $_ } } @_
: %{ $self };
else {
( scalar CORE::keys %{ $self } ) << 1;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## find
sub find {
my ( $self, $search ) = @_;
my ( $attr, $op, $expr ) = split( /\s+/, $search, 3 );
## Returns ( KEY, VALUE ) pairs where KEY matches expression.
if ( $attr eq 'key' ) {
my $_find = $self->_find_keys_hash();
_croak('Find error: invalid OPCODE') unless length $op;
_croak('Find error: invalid OPCODE') unless exists $_find->{ $op };
_croak('Find error: invalid EXPR' ) unless length $expr;
$expr = undef if $expr eq 'undef';
$_find->{ $op }->( $self, $expr, CORE::keys %{ $self } );
## Returns ( KEY, VALUE ) pairs where VALUE matches expression.
elsif ( $attr eq 'val' || $attr eq 'value' ) {
my $_find = $self->_find_vals_hash();
_croak('Find error: invalid OPCODE') unless length $op;
_croak('Find error: invalid OPCODE') unless exists $_find->{ $op };
_croak('Find error: invalid EXPR' ) unless length $expr;
$expr = undef if $expr eq 'undef';
$_find->{ $op }->( $self, $expr, CORE::keys %{ $self } );
## Error.
else {
_croak('Find error: invalid ATTR');
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## append, decr, decrby, incr, incrby, pdecr, pincr
sub append { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } .= $_[2] || '' ; length $_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub decr { --$_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub decrby { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } -= $_[2] || 0 }
sub incr { ++$_[0]->{ $_[1] } }
sub incrby { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } += $_[2] || 0 }
sub pdecr { $_[0]->{ $_[1] }-- }
sub pincr { $_[0]->{ $_[1] }++ }
sub length {
( defined $_[1] )
? CORE::length( $_[0]->{ $_[1] } )
: scalar CORE::keys %{ $_[0] };
## Aliases.
no strict 'refs';
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::new' } = \&TIEHASH;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::set' } = \&STORE;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::get' } = \&FETCH;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::delete' } = \&DELETE;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::exists' } = \&EXISTS;
*{ __PACKAGE__.'::clear' } = \&CLEAR;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Hash - Class for sharing hashes via MCE::Shared
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Hash version 1.699_002
# non-shared
use MCE::Shared::Hash;
my $ha = MCE::Shared::Hash->new( @pairs );
# shared
use MCE::Shared;
my $ha = MCE::Shared->hash( @pairs );
# oo interface
$val = $ha->set( $key, $val );
$val = $ha->get( $key );
$val = $ha->delete( $key );
$bool = $ha->exists( $key );
void = $ha->clear();
$len = $ha->length(); # scalar keys %{ $ha }
$len = $ha->length( $key ); # length $ha->{ $key }
$ha2 = $ha->clone( @keys ); # @keys is optional
$ha3 = $ha->flush( @keys );
$iter = $ha->iterator( @keys ); # ($key, $val) = $iter->()
$len = $ha->mset( $key/$val pairs );
@vals = $ha->mget( @keys );
@keys = $ha->keys( @keys );
@vals = $ha->values( @keys );
%pairs = $ha->pairs( @keys );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val =~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val !~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "key =~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "key !~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val eq $string" ); # also, search key
%pairs = $ha->find( "val ne $string" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val lt $string" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val le $string" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val gt $string" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val ge $string" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val == $number" ); # ditto, find( "key ..." )
%pairs = $ha->find( "val != $number" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val < $number" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val <= $number" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val > $number" );
%pairs = $ha->find( "val >= $number" );
# sugar methods without having to call set/get explicitly
$len = $ha->append( $key, $string ); # $val .= $string
$val = $ha->decr( $key ); # --$val
$val = $ha->decrby( $key, $number ); # $val -= $number
$val = $ha->incr( $key ); # ++$val
$val = $ha->incrby( $key, $number ); # $val += $number
$val = $ha->pdecr( $key ); # $val--
$val = $ha->pincr( $key ); # $val++
Helper class for L<MCE::Shared|MCE::Shared>.
To be completed before the final 1.700 release.
=over 3
=item new
=item set
=item get
=item delete
=item exists
=item clear
=item length
=item clone
=item flush
=item iterator
=item mget
=item mset
=item keys
=item values
=item pairs
=item find
=item append
=item decr
=item decrby
=item incr
=item incrby
=item pdecr
=item pincr
=head1 CREDITS
Implementation inspired by L<Tie::StdHash|Tie::StdHash>.
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Core|MCE::Core>, L<MCE::Shared|MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>