The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## A threads-like parallelization module compatible with Perl 5.8.
use strict;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized once redefine );
package MCE::Child;
our $VERSION = '1.839';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
use MCE::Signal ();
use Time::HiRes 'sleep';
use bytes;
use overload (
q(==) => \&equal,
q(!=) => sub { !equal(@_) },
fallback => 1
sub import {
no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine';
*{ caller().'::mce_child' } = \&child;
## The POSIX module has many symbols. Try not loading it simply
## to have WNOHANG. The following covers most platforms.
use constant {
_WNOHANG => ( $INC{''} )
? &POSIX::WNOHANG : ( $^O eq 'solaris' ) ? 64 : 1
my ( $_MNGD, $_DATA, $_DELY, $_LIST ) = ( {}, {}, {}, {} );
my $_freeze = MCE::Channel::_get_freeze();
my $_thaw = MCE::Channel::_get_thaw();
my $_is_MSWin32 = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
my $_has_threads = $INC{''} ? 1 : 0;
my $_tid = $_has_threads ? threads->tid() : 0;
sub CLONE {
$_tid = threads->tid(), &_clear() if $_has_threads;
sub _clear {
%{ $_LIST } = ();
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Init routine.
bless my $_SELF = { MGR_ID => "$$.$_tid", WRK_ID => $$ }, __PACKAGE__;
sub init {
shift if ( defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
# -- options ----------------------------------------------------------
# max_workers child_timeout posix_exit on_start on_finish void_context
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".( caller eq __PACKAGE__ ? caller(1) : caller );
my $mngd = $_MNGD->{$pkg} = ( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? shift : { @_ };
@_ = ();
$mngd->{MGR_ID} = "$$.$_tid", $mngd->{PKG} = $pkg,
$mngd->{WRK_ID} = $$;
&_force_reap($pkg), $_DATA->{$pkg}->clear() if exists $_LIST->{$pkg};
# Start the shared-manager process if not running.
MCE::Shared->start() if $INC{'MCE/'};
if ( !exists $_LIST->{$pkg} ) {
my $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex' );
$_LIST->{ $pkg } = MCE::Child::_ordhash->new();
$_DELY->{ $pkg } = MCE::Child::_delay->new( $chnl );
$_DATA->{ $pkg } = MCE::Child::_hash->new( $chnl );
$_DATA->{"$pkg:seed"} = int(rand() * 1e9);
$_DATA->{"$pkg:id" } = 0;
if ( !exists $mngd->{posix_exit} ) {
$mngd->{posix_exit} = 1 if (
( $_has_threads && $_tid ) || $INC{'Mojo/'} ||
$INC{''} || $INC{''} || $INC{''} ||
$INC{''} || $INC{''} || $INC{''} ||
$INC{'Gearman/'} || $INC{'Gearman/'} ||
$INC{''} || $INC{'LWP/'} ||
$INC{'Win32/'} || $INC{''}
if ( $mngd->{max_workers} ) {
my $cpus = $mngd->{max_workers};
$cpus = MCE::Util::get_ncpu() if $cpus eq 'auto';
$cpus = 1 if $cpus !~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $cpus < 1;
$mngd->{max_workers} = int($cpus);
if ( $INC{'LWP/'} && !$INC{'Net/'} ) {
local $@; eval 'require Net::HTTP; require Net::HTTPS';
require POSIX
if ( $mngd->{on_finish} && !$INC{''} && !$_is_MSWin32 );
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 'new', 'child (mce_child)', and 'create' for threads-like similarity.
## 'new' and 'tid' are aliases for 'create' and 'pid' respectively.
*new = \&create, *tid = \&pid;
## Use "goto" trick to avoid pad problems from 5.8.1 (fixed in 5.8.2)
## Tip found in threads::async.
sub child (&;@) {
goto &create;
sub create {
my $mngd = $_MNGD->{ "$$.$_tid.".caller() } || do {
# construct mngd internally on first use unless defined
init(); $_MNGD->{ "$$.$_tid.".caller() };
shift if ( $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
# ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my $self = bless ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? { %{ shift() } } : { }, __PACKAGE__;
$self->{MGR_ID} = $mngd->{MGR_ID}, $self->{PKG} = $mngd->{PKG};
$self->{ident } = shift if ( !ref $_[0] && ref $_[1] eq 'CODE' );
my $func = shift; $func = caller().'::'.$func
if ( !ref $func && length $func && index($func,':') < 0 );
if ( !defined $func ) {
local $\; print {*STDERR} "code function is not specified or valid\n";
return undef;
my ( $list, $max_workers, $pkg ) = (
$_LIST->{ $mngd->{PKG} }, $mngd->{max_workers}, $mngd->{PKG}
$_DATA->{"$pkg:id"} = 10000 if ( ( my $id = ++$_DATA->{"$pkg:id"} ) > 2e9 );
if ( $max_workers ) {
local $!;
# Reap completed child processes.
for my $wrk_id ( keys %{ $list->[0] } ) {
waitpid($wrk_id, _WNOHANG) or next;
_reap_child($list->del($wrk_id), 0);
# Wait for a slot if saturated.
if ( keys(%{ $list->[0] }) >= $max_workers ) {
my $count = keys(%{ $list->[0] }) - $max_workers + 1;
_wait_one($pkg) for 1 .. $count;
# ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
local $SIG{TTIN} unless $_is_MSWin32;
local $SIG{TTOU} unless $_is_MSWin32;
local $SIG{WINCH} unless $_is_MSWin32;
my @args = @_; @_ = (); # To avoid (Scalars leaked: N) messages
my $pid = fork();
if ( !defined $pid ) { # error
local $\; print {*STDERR} "fork error: $!\n";
return undef;
elsif ( $pid ) { # parent
$self->{WRK_ID} = $pid, $list->set($pid, $self);
$mngd->{on_start}->($pid, $self->{ident}) if $mngd->{on_start};
return $self;
%{ $_LIST } = (), $_SELF = $self; # child
if ( UNIVERSAL::can('Prima', 'cleanup') ) {
no warnings 'redefine'; local $@; eval '*Prima::cleanup = sub {}';
MCE::Shared::init($id) if $INC{'MCE/'};
# Sets the seed of the base generator uniquely between workers.
# The new seed is computed using the current seed and ID value.
# One may set the seed at the application level for predictable
# results. Ditto for Math::Prime::Util, Math::Random, and
# Math::Random::MT::Auto.
srand( abs($_DATA->{"$pkg:seed"} - ($id * 100000)) % 2147483560 );
if ( $INC{'Math/Prime/'} ) {
abs($_DATA->{"$pkg:seed"} - ($id * 100000)) % 2147483560
if ( $INC{'Math/'} ) {
my $cur_seed = Math::Random::random_get_seed();
my $new_seed = ($cur_seed < 1073741781)
? $cur_seed + ((abs($id) * 10000) % 1073741780)
: $cur_seed - ((abs($id) * 10000) % 1073741780);
Math::Random::random_set_seed($new_seed, $new_seed);
if ( $INC{'Math/Random/MT/'} ) {
my $cur_seed = Math::Random::MT::Auto::get_seed()->[0];
my $new_seed = ($cur_seed < 1073741781)
? $cur_seed + ((abs($id) * 10000) % 1073741780)
: $cur_seed - ((abs($id) * 10000) % 1073741780);
_dispatch($mngd, $func, \@args);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Public methods.
sub equal {
return 0 unless ( ref $_[0] && ref $_[1] );
$_[0]->{WRK_ID} == $_[1]->{WRK_ID} ? 1 : 0;
sub error {
_croak('Usage: $child->error()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
$self->join() if ( !exists $self->{JOINED} );
$self->{ERROR} || undef;
sub exit {
shift if ( defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
my ( $self ) = ( ref $_[0] ? shift : $_SELF );
my ( $pkg, $wrk_id ) = ( $self->{PKG}, $self->{WRK_ID} );
if ( $wrk_id == $$ && $self->{MGR_ID} eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
MCE::Child->finish('MCE'); CORE::exit(@_);
elsif ( $wrk_id == $$ ) {
alarm 0; my ( $exit_status, @res ) = @_; $? = $exit_status || 0;
$_DATA->{$pkg}->set('R'.$wrk_id, @res ? $_freeze->(\@res) : '');
die "Child exited ($?)\n";
_exit($?); # not reached
return $self if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
if ( exists $_DATA->{$pkg} ) {
sleep 0.015 until $_DATA->{$pkg}->exists('S'.$wrk_id);
} else {
sleep 0.030;
if ($_is_MSWin32) {
CORE::kill('KILL', $wrk_id) if CORE::kill('ZERO', $wrk_id);
} else {
CORE::kill('QUIT', $wrk_id) if CORE::kill('ZERO', $wrk_id);
sub finish {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->finish()') if ref($_[0]);
shift if ( defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
my $pkg = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : caller();
if ( $pkg eq 'MCE' ) {
for my $key ( keys %{ $_LIST } ) { MCE::Child->finish($key); }
elsif ( exists $_LIST->{$pkg} ) {
return if $MCE::Signal::KILLED;
if ( exists $_DELY->{$pkg} ) {
delete($_DELY->{$pkg}), delete($_DATA->{"$pkg:seed"}),
delete($_LIST->{$pkg}), delete($_DATA->{"$pkg:id"}),
delete($_MNGD->{$pkg}), delete($_DATA->{ $pkg });
@_ = ();
sub is_joinable {
_croak('Usage: $child->is_joinable()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
my ( $wrk_id, $pkg ) = ( $self->{WRK_ID}, $self->{PKG} );
if ( $wrk_id == $$ ) {
elsif ( $self->{MGR_ID} eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
return undef if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
local $!; $_DATA->{$pkg}->reapdata;
( waitpid($wrk_id, _WNOHANG) == 0 ) ? '' : do {
_reap_child($_LIST->{$pkg}->del($self->{WRK_ID}), 0);
else {
return undef if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
$_DATA->{$pkg}->exists('R'.$wrk_id) ? 1 : '';
sub is_running {
_croak('Usage: $child->is_running()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
my ( $wrk_id, $pkg ) = ( $self->{WRK_ID}, $self->{PKG} );
if ( $wrk_id == $$ ) {
elsif ( $self->{MGR_ID} eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
return undef if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
local $!; $_DATA->{$pkg}->reapdata;
( waitpid($wrk_id, _WNOHANG) == 0 ) ? 1 : do {
_reap_child($_LIST->{$pkg}->del($self->{WRK_ID}), 0);
else {
return undef if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
$_DATA->{$pkg}->exists('R'.$wrk_id) ? '' : 1;
sub join {
_croak('Usage: $child->join()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
my ( $wrk_id, $pkg ) = ( $self->{WRK_ID}, $self->{PKG} );
if ( exists $self->{JOINED} ) {
_croak('Child already joined') unless exists( $self->{RESULT} );
return ( defined wantarray )
? wantarray ? @{ delete $self->{RESULT} } : delete( $self->{RESULT} )->[-1]
: ();
if ( $wrk_id == $$ ) {
_croak('Cannot join self');
elsif ( $self->{MGR_ID} eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
_reap_child($_LIST->{$pkg}->del($wrk_id), 1);
else {
sleep 0.3 until ( $_DATA->{$pkg}->exists('R'.$wrk_id) );
_reap_child($self, 0);
( defined wantarray )
? wantarray ? @{ delete $self->{RESULT} } : delete( $self->{RESULT} )->[-1]
: ();
sub kill {
_croak('Usage: $child->kill()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
my ( $wrk_id, $pkg, $signal ) = ( $self->{WRK_ID}, $self->{PKG}, $_[1] );
if ( $wrk_id == $$ ) {
CORE::kill($signal || 'INT', $$);
return $self;
if ( $self->{MGR_ID} eq "$$.$_tid" ) {
return $self if ( exists $self->{JOINED} );
if ( exists $_DATA->{$pkg} ) {
sleep 0.015 until $_DATA->{$pkg}->exists('S'.$wrk_id);
} else {
sleep 0.030;
CORE::kill($signal || 'INT', $wrk_id) if CORE::kill('ZERO', $wrk_id);
sub list {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->list()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
( exists $_LIST->{$pkg} ) ? $_LIST->{$pkg}->vals() : ();
sub list_joinable {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->list_joinable()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
return () unless ( my $list = $_LIST->{$pkg} );
local ($!, $?, $_);
map {
( waitpid($_->{WRK_ID}, _WNOHANG) == 0 ) ? () : do {
_reap_child($list->del($_->{WRK_ID}), 0);
sub list_running {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->list_running()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
return () unless ( my $list = $_LIST->{$pkg} );
local ($!, $?, $_);
map {
( waitpid($_->{WRK_ID}, _WNOHANG) == 0 ) ? $_ : do {
_reap_child($list->del($_->{WRK_ID}), 0);
sub max_workers {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->max_workers()') if ref($_[0]);
my $mngd = $_MNGD->{ "$$.$_tid.".caller() } || do {
# construct mngd internally on first use unless defined
init(); $_MNGD->{ "$$.$_tid.".caller() };
shift if ( $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
if ( @_ ) {
$mngd->{max_workers} = shift;
if ( $mngd->{max_workers} ) {
my $cpus = $mngd->{max_workers};
$cpus = MCE::Util::get_ncpu() if $cpus eq 'auto';
$cpus = 1 if $cpus !~ /^[\d\.]+$/ || $cpus < 1;
$mngd->{max_workers} = int($cpus);
sub pending {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->pending()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
( exists $_LIST->{$pkg} ) ? $_LIST->{$pkg}->len() : 0;
sub pid {
ref($_[0]) ? $_[0]->{WRK_ID} : $_SELF->{WRK_ID};
sub result {
_croak('Usage: $child->result()') unless ref( my $self = $_[0] );
return $self->join() if ( !exists $self->{JOINED} );
_croak('Child already joined') unless exists( $self->{RESULT} );
wantarray ? @{ delete $self->{RESULT} } : delete( $self->{RESULT} )->[-1];
sub self {
ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : $_SELF;
sub wait_all {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->wait_all()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
return wantarray ? () : 0
if ( !exists $_LIST->{$pkg} || !$_LIST->{$pkg}->len() );
local $_; ( wantarray )
? map { $_->join(); $_ } $_LIST->{$pkg}->vals()
: map { $_->join(); () } $_LIST->{$pkg}->vals();
*waitall = \&wait_all; # compatibility
sub wait_one {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->wait_one()') if ref($_[0]);
my $pkg = "$$.$_tid.".caller();
return undef
if ( !exists $_LIST->{$pkg} || !$_LIST->{$pkg}->len() );
*waitone = \&wait_one; # compatibility
sub yield {
_croak('Usage: MCE::Child->yield()') if ref($_[0]);
shift if ( defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ );
my $pkg = $_SELF->{PKG};
return unless ( my $mngd = $_MNGD->{$pkg} );
( $INC{'Coro/'} )
? Coro::AnyEvent::sleep( $_DELY->{$pkg}->seconds(@_) )
: sleep $_DELY->{$pkg}->seconds(@_);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Private methods.
sub _croak {
if ( $INC{''} ) {
goto &MCE::_croak;
else {
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&MCE::Signal::_die_handler;
$SIG{__WARN__} = \&MCE::Signal::_warn_handler;
$\ = undef; goto &Carp::croak;
sub _dispatch {
my ( $mngd, $func, $args ) = @_;
$mngd->{WRK_ID} = $_SELF->{WRK_ID} = $$;
$ENV{PERL_MCE_IPC} = 'win32' if $_is_MSWin32;
$SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{HUP} = \&_trap;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&_quit;
local $!;
(*STDERR)->autoflush(1) if defined( fileno *STDERR );
(*STDOUT)->autoflush(1) if defined( fileno *STDOUT );
# Run task.
$_DATA->{ $_SELF->{PKG} }->set('S'.$$, ''), $? = 0;
my $child_timeout = ( exists $_SELF->{child_timeout} )
? $_SELF->{child_timeout} : $mngd->{child_timeout};
my $void_context = ( exists $_SELF->{void_context} )
? $_SELF->{void_context} : $mngd->{void_context};
my @res; local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { alarm 0; die "Child timed out\n" };
if ( $void_context ) {
no strict 'refs';
eval {
alarm( $child_timeout || 0 );
$func->( @{ $args } );
else {
no strict 'refs';
@res = eval {
alarm( $child_timeout || 0 );
$func->( @{ $args } );
alarm 0; _exit($?) if ( $@ && $@ =~ /^Child exited \(\S+\)$/ );
if ( $@ ) {
my $err = $@;
$? = 1, $_DATA->{ $_SELF->{PKG} }->set('S'.$$, $err);
warn "Child $$ terminated abnormally: reason $err\n" if (
$err ne "Child timed out" && !$mngd->{on_finish}
$_DATA->{ $_SELF->{PKG} }->set('R'.$$, @res ? $_freeze->(\@res) : '');
sub _exit {
my ( $exit_status ) = @_;
# Check for nested workers not yet joined.
if ( !$_SELF->{SIGNALED} ) {
MCE::Child->finish('MCE') if ( keys %{ $_LIST } > 0 );
MCE::Hobo->finish('MCE') if ( $INC{'MCE/'} );
# Exit child process.
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { } unless $_tid;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
threads->exit($exit_status) if ( $_has_threads && $_is_MSWin32 );
if ( ! $_tid ) {
$SIG{HUP} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
$SIG{$_[0]} = $SIG{INT} = sub { };
CORE::kill($_[0], getppid()) if ( $_[0] eq 'INT' && !$_is_MSWin32 );
CORE::kill('KILL', $$);
my $posix_exit = ( exists $_SELF->{posix_exit} )
? $_SELF->{posix_exit} : $_MNGD->{ $_SELF->{PKG} }{posix_exit};
if ( $posix_exit && !$_is_MSWin32 ) {
eval { MCE::Mutex::Channel::_destroy() };
POSIX::_exit($exit_status) if $INC{''};
CORE::kill('KILL', $$);
sub _force_reap {
my ( $count, $pkg ) = ( 0, @_ );
return unless ( exists $_LIST->{$pkg} && $_LIST->{$pkg}->len() );
for my $child ( $_LIST->{$pkg}->vals() ) {
if ( $child->is_running() ) {
CORE::kill('KILL', $child->pid())
if CORE::kill('ZERO', $child->pid());
warn "Finished with active child processes [$pkg] ($count)\n"
if ( $count && !$_is_MSWin32 );
sub _quit {
my ( $name ) = @_;
$_SELF->{SIGNALED} = 1, $name =~ s/^SIG//;
$SIG{$name} = sub {}, CORE::kill($name, -$$)
if ( exists $SIG{$name} );
sub _reap_child {
my ( $child, $wait_flag ) = @_;
local @_ = $_DATA->{ $child->{PKG} }->get( $child->{WRK_ID}, $wait_flag );
( $child->{ERROR}, $child->{RESULT}, $child->{JOINED} ) =
( pop || '', length $_[0] ? $_thaw->(pop) : [], 1 );
if ( my $on_finish = $_MNGD->{ $child->{PKG} }{on_finish} ) {
my ( $exit, $err ) = ( $? || 0, $child->{ERROR} );
my ( $code, $sig ) = ( $exit >> 8, $exit & 0x7f );
if ( ( $code > 100 || $sig == 9 ) && !$err ) {
$code = 2, $sig = 1, $err = 'received SIGHUP' if $code == 101;
$code = 2, $sig = 2, $err = 'received SIGINT' if $code == 102;
$code = 2, $sig = 15, $err = 'received SIGTERM' if $code == 115;
$code = 2, $sig = 9, $err = 'received SIGKILL' if $sig == 9;
$child->{WRK_ID}, $code, $child->{ident}, $sig, $err,
@{ $child->{RESULT} }
sub _trap {
my ( $exit_status, $name ) = ( 2, @_ );
$_SELF->{SIGNALED} = 1, $name =~ s/^SIG//;
$SIG{$name} = sub {}, CORE::kill($name, -$$)
if ( exists $SIG{$name} );
if ( $name eq 'HUP' ) { $exit_status = 101 }
elsif ( $name eq 'INT' ) { $exit_status = 102 }
elsif ( $name eq 'TERM' ) { $exit_status = 115 }
sub _wait_one {
my ( $pkg ) = @_;
my ( $list, $data ) = ( $_LIST->{$pkg}, $_DATA->{$pkg} );
my ( $self, $wrk_id, $found ); local $!;
while () {
for my $child ( $list->vals ) {
$wrk_id = $child->{WRK_ID};
$found = $data->exists('R'.$wrk_id);
waitpid($wrk_id, 0), $self = $list->del($wrk_id), last if $found;
$self = $list->del($wrk_id), last if waitpid($wrk_id, _WNOHANG);
last if $self;
sleep 0.015;
_reap_child($self, 0);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Delay implementation suited for MCE::Child.
package # hide from rpm
sub new {
my ( $class, $chnl, $delay ) = @_;
if ( !defined $delay ) {
$delay = ($^O =~ /mswin|mingw|msys|cygwin/i) ? 0.015 : 0.008;
bless [ $delay, $chnl ], $class;
sub seconds {
my ( $self, $how_long ) = @_;
my ( $delay, $time ) = ( $how_long || $self->[0], Time::HiRes::time() );
my ( $lapse ) = $self->[1]->recv();
if ( !$lapse || $time >= $lapse ) {
$self->[1]->send($time + $delay);
return $delay;
$self->[1]->send( $lapse += $delay );
return $lapse - $time;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Hash and ordhash implementations suited for MCE::Child.
package # hide from rpm
use Time::HiRes 'sleep';
use constant {
_WNOHANG => ( $INC{''} )
? &POSIX::WNOHANG : ( $^O eq 'solaris' ) ? 64 : 1
sub new {
my ( $class, $chnl ) = @_;
bless [ {}, $chnl ], shift;
sub clear {
my ( $self ) = @_;
1 while ( $self->[1]->recv2_nb() );
%{ $self->[0] } = ();
sub exists {
my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
while ( my $data = $self->[1]->recv2_nb() ) {
$self->[0]{ $data->[0] } = $data->[1];
CORE::exists $self->[0]{ $key };
sub get {
my ( $self, $wrk_id, $wait_flag ) = @_;
if ( $wait_flag ) {
local $!;
( CORE::exists $self->[0]{ 'R'.$wrk_id } ) ? waitpid($wrk_id, 0) : do {
while () {
my $data = $self->[1]->recv2_nb();
if ( !defined $data ) {
last if waitpid($wrk_id, _WNOHANG);
sleep(0.015), next;
$self->[0]{ $data->[0] } = $data->[1];
waitpid($wrk_id, 0), last if $data->[0] eq 'R'.$wrk_id;
my $result = delete $self->[0]{ 'R'.$wrk_id };
my $error = delete $self->[0]{ 'S'.$wrk_id };
$result = '' unless defined $result;
$error = '' unless defined $error;
return ( $result, $error );
sub reapdata {
my ( $self ) = @_;
while ( my $data = $self->[1]->recv2_nb() ) {
$self->[0]{ $data->[0] } = $data->[1];
sub set {
$_[0]->[1]->send2([ $_[1], $_[2] ]);
package # hide from rpm
sub new { my $gcnt = 0; bless [ {}, [], {}, \$gcnt ], shift; }
sub exists { CORE::exists $_[0]->[0]{ $_[1] }; }
sub get { $_[0]->[0]{ $_[1] }; }
sub len { scalar keys %{ $_[0]->[0] }; }
sub clear {
%{ $_[0]->[0] } = @{ $_[0]->[1] } = %{ $_[0]->[2] } = ();
${ $_[0]->[3] } = 0;
sub del {
my ( $data, $keys, $indx, $gcnt ) = @{ $_[0] };
my $pos = delete $indx->{ $_[1] };
return undef unless defined $pos;
$keys->[ $pos ] = undef;
if ( ++${ $gcnt } > @{ $keys } * 0.667 ) {
my $i; $i = ${ $gcnt } = 0;
for my $k ( @{ $keys } ) {
$keys->[ $i ] = $k, $indx->{ $k } = $i++ if ( defined $k );
splice @{ $keys }, $i;
delete $data->{ $_[1] };
sub set {
my ( $key, $data, $keys, $indx ) = ( $_[1], @{ $_[0] } );
$data->{ $key } = $_[2], $indx->{ $key } = @{ $keys };
push @{ $keys }, "$key";
sub vals {
my ( $self ) = @_;
${ $self->[3] }
? @{ $self->[0] }{ grep defined($_), @{ $self->[1] } }
: @{ $self->[0] }{ @{ $self->[1] } };
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Child - A threads-like parallelization module compatible with Perl 5.8
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Child version 1.839
use MCE::Child;
max_workers => 'auto', # default undef, unlimited
child_timeout => 20, # default undef, no timeout
posix_exit => 1, # default undef, CORE::exit
void_context => 1, # default undef
on_start => sub {
my ( $pid, $ident ) = @_;
on_finish => sub {
my ( $pid, $exit, $ident, $signal, $error, @ret ) = @_;
MCE::Child->create( sub { print "Hello from child\n" } )->join();
sub parallel {
my ($arg1) = @_;
print "Hello again, $arg1\n" if defined($arg1);
print "Hello again, $_\n"; # same thing
MCE::Child->create( \&parallel, $_ ) for 1 .. 3;
my @procs = MCE::Child->list();
my @running = MCE::Child->list_running();
my @joinable = MCE::Child->list_joinable();
my @count = MCE::Child->pending();
# Joining is orderly, e.g. child1 is joined first, child2, child3.
$_->join() for @procs;
# Joining occurs immediately as child processes complete execution.
1 while MCE::Child->wait_one();
my $child = mce_child { foreach (@files) { ... } };
if ( my $err = $child->error() ) {
warn "Child error: $err\n";
# Get a child's object
$child = MCE::Child->self();
# Get a child's ID
$pid = MCE::Child->pid(); # $$
$pid = $child->pid();
$pid = MCE::Child->tid(); # tid is an alias for pid
$pid = $child->tid();
# Test child objects
if ( $child1 == $child2 ) {
# Give other workers a chance to run
# Return context, wantarray aware
my ($value1, $value2) = $child->join();
my $value = $child->join();
# Check child's state
if ( $child->is_running() ) {
sleep 1;
if ( $child->is_joinable() ) {
# Send a signal to a child
# Exit a child
MCE::Child->exit(0, @ret);
L<MCE::Child> is a fork of L<MCE::Hobo> for compatibility with Perl 5.8.
A child is a migratory worker inside the machine that carries the asynchronous
gene. Child processes are equipped with C<threads>-like capability for running
code asynchronously. Unlike threads, each child is a unique process to the
underlying OS. The IPC is handled via C<MCE::Channel>, which runs on all the
major platforms including Cygwin and Strawberry Perl.
C<MCE::Child> may be used as a standalone or together with C<MCE> including
running alongside C<threads>.
use MCE::Child;
use MCE::Shared;
# synopsis: head -20 file.txt | perl
my $ifh = MCE::Shared->handle( "<", \*STDIN ); # shared
my $ofh = MCE::Shared->handle( ">", \*STDOUT );
my $ary = MCE::Shared->array();
sub parallel_task {
my ( $id ) = @_;
while ( <$ifh> ) {
printf {$ofh} "[ %4d ] %s", $., $_;
# $ary->[ $. - 1 ] = "[ ID $id ] read line $.\n" ); # dereferencing
$ary->set( $. - 1, "[ ID $id ] read line $.\n" ); # faster via OO
my $child1 = MCE::Child->new( "parallel_task", 1 );
my $child2 = MCE::Child->new( \&parallel_task, 2 );
my $child3 = MCE::Child->new( sub { parallel_task(3) } );
$_->join for MCE::Child->list(); # ditto: MCE::Child->wait_all();
# search array (total one round-trip via IPC)
my @vals = $ary->vals( "val =~ / ID 2 /" );
print {*STDERR} join("", @vals);
=over 3
=item $child = MCE::Child->create( FUNCTION, ARGS )
=item $child = MCE::Child->new( FUNCTION, ARGS )
This will create a new child process that will begin execution with function
as the entry point, and optionally ARGS for list of parameters. It will return
the corresponding MCE::Child object, or undef if child creation failed.
I<FUNCTION> may either be the name of a function, an anonymous subroutine, or
a code ref.
my $child = MCE::Child->create( "func_name", ... );
# or
my $child = MCE::Child->create( sub { ... }, ... );
# or
my $child = MCE::Child->create( \&func, ... );
=item $child = MCE::Child->create( { options }, FUNCTION, ARGS )
=item $child = MCE::Child->create( IDENT, FUNCTION, ARGS )
Options, excluding C<ident>, may be specified globally via the C<init> function.
Otherwise, C<ident>, C<child_timeout>, C<posix_exit>, and C<void_context> may
be set uniquely.
The C<ident> option is used by callback functions C<on_start> and C<on_finish>
for identifying the started and finished child process respectively.
my $child1 = MCE::Child->create( { posix_exit => 1 }, sub {
} );
my $child2 = MCE::Child->create( { child_timeout => 3 }, sub {
sleep 1 for ( 1 .. 9 );
} );
if ( $child2->error() eq "Child timed out\n" ) {
The C<new()> method is an alias for C<create()>.
=item mce_child { BLOCK } ARGS;
=item mce_child { BLOCK };
C<mce_child> runs the block asynchronously similarly to C<MCE::Child->create()>.
It returns the child object, or undef if child creation failed.
my $child = mce_child { foreach (@files) { ... } };
if ( my $err = $child->error() ) {
warn("Child error: $err\n");
=item $child->join()
This will wait for the corresponding child process to complete its execution.
In non-voided context, C<join()> will return the value(s) of the entry point
The context (void, scalar or list) for the return value(s) for C<join> is
determined at the time of joining and mostly C<wantarray> aware.
my $child1 = MCE::Child->create( sub {
my @res = qw(foo bar baz);
return (@res);
my @res1 = $child1->join(); # ( foo, bar, baz )
my $res1 = $child1->join(); # baz
my $child2 = MCE::Child->create( sub {
return 'foo';
my @res2 = $child2->join(); # ( foo )
my $res2 = $child2->join(); # foo
=item $child1->equal( $child2 )
Tests if two child objects are the same child or not. Child comparison is based
on process IDs. This is overloaded to the more natural forms.
if ( $child1 == $child2 ) {
print("Child objects are the same\n");
# or
if ( $child1 != $child2 ) {
print("Child objects differ\n");
=item $child->error()
Child processes are executed in an C<eval> context. This method will return
C<undef> if the child terminates I<normally>. Otherwise, it returns the value
of C<$@> associated with the child's execution status in its C<eval> context.
=item $child->exit()
This sends C<'SIGQUIT'> to the child process, notifying the child to exit.
It returns the child object to allow for method chaining. It is important to
join later if not immediately to not leave a zombie or defunct process.
$child->join(); # later
=item MCE::Child->exit( 0 )
=item MCE::Child->exit( 0, @ret )
A child can exit at any time by calling C<MCE::Child->exit()>. Otherwise, the
behavior is the same as C<exit(status)> when called from the main process.
The child process may optionally return data, to be sent via IPC.
=item MCE::Child->finish()
This class method is called automatically by C<END>, but may be called
explicitly. An error is emitted via croak if there are active child
processes not yet joined.
MCE::Child->create( 'task1', $_ ) for 1 .. 4;
$_->join for MCE::Child->list();
MCE::Child->create( 'task2', $_ ) for 1 .. 4;
$_->join for MCE::Child->list();
MCE::Child->create( 'task3', $_ ) for 1 .. 4;
$_->join for MCE::Child->list();
=item MCE::Child->init( options )
The init function accepts a list of MCE::Child options.
max_workers => 'auto', # default undef, unlimited
child_timeout => 20, # default undef, no timeout
posix_exit => 1, # default undef, CORE::exit
void_context => 1, # default undef
on_start => sub {
my ( $pid, $ident ) = @_;
on_finish => sub {
my ( $pid, $exit, $ident, $signal, $error, @ret ) = @_;
# Identification given as an option or the 1st argument.
for my $key ( 'aa' .. 'zz' ) {
MCE::Child->create( { ident => $key }, sub { ... } );
MCE::Child->create( $key, sub { ... } );
Set C<max_workers> if you want to limit the number of workers by waiting
automatically for an available slot. Specify C<auto> to obtain the number
of logical cores via C<MCE::Util::get_ncpu()>.
Set C<child_timeout>, in number of seconds, if you want the child process
to terminate after some time. The default is C<0> for no timeout.
Set C<posix_exit> to avoid all END and destructor processing. Constructing
MCE::Child inside a thread implies 1 or if present CGI, FCGI, Coro, Curses,
Gearman::Util, Gearman::XS, LWP::UserAgent, Mojo::IOLoop, Prima, STFL,
Tk, Wx, or Win32::GUI.
Set C<void_context> to create the child process in void context for the
return value. Otherwise, the return context is wantarray-aware for
C<join()> and C<result()> and determined when retrieving the data.
The callback options C<on_start> and C<on_finish> are called in the parent
process after starting the worker and later when terminated. The arguments
for the subroutines were inspired by L<Parallel::ForkManager>.
The parameters for C<on_start> are the following:
- pid of the child process
- identification (ident option or 1st arg to create)
The parameters for C<on_finish> are the following:
- pid of the child process
- program exit code
- identification (ident option or 1st arg to create)
- exit signal id
- error message from eval inside MCE::Child
- returned data
=item $child->is_running()
Returns true if a child is still running.
=item $child->is_joinable()
Returns true if the child has finished running and not yet joined.
=item $child->kill( 'SIG...' )
Sends the specified signal to the child. Returns the child object to allow for
method chaining. As with C<exit>, it is important to join eventually if not
immediately to not leave a zombie or defunct process.
The following is a parallel demonstration comparing C<MCE::Shared> against
C<Redis> and C<Redis::Fast> on a Fedora 23 VM. Joining begins after all
workers have been notified to quit.
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Redis;
use Redis::Fast;
use MCE::Child;
use MCE::Shared;
my $redis = Redis->new();
my $rfast = Redis::Fast->new();
my $array = MCE::Shared->array();
sub parallel_redis {
my ($_redis) = @_;
my ($count, $quit, $len) = (0, 0);
# instead, use a flag to exit loop
$SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { $quit = 1 };
while () {
$len = $_redis->rpush('list', $count++);
last if $quit;
sub parallel_array {
my ($count, $quit, $len) = (0, 0);
# do not exit from inside handler
$SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { $quit = 1 };
while () {
$len = $array->push($count++);
last if $quit;
sub benchmark_this {
my ($desc, $num_procs, $timeout, $code, @args) = @_;
my ($start, $total) = (time(), 0);
MCE::Child->new($code, @args) for 1..$num_procs;
sleep $timeout;
# joining is not immediate; ok
$_->kill('QUIT') for MCE::Child->list();
# joining later; ok
$total += $_->join() for MCE::Child->list();
printf "$desc <> duration: %0.03f secs, count: $total\n",
time() - $start;
sleep 0.2;
benchmark_this('Redis ', 8, 5.0, \&parallel_redis, $redis);
benchmark_this('Redis::Fast', 8, 5.0, \&parallel_redis, $rfast);
benchmark_this('MCE::Shared', 8, 5.0, \&parallel_array);
=item MCE::Child->list()
Returns a list of all child objects not yet joined.
@procs = MCE::Child->list();
=item MCE::Child->list_running()
Returns a list of all child objects that are still running.
@procs = MCE::Child->list_running();
=item MCE::Child->list_joinable()
Returns a list of all child objects that have completed running.
Thus, ready to be joined without blocking.
@procs = MCE::Child->list_joinable();
=item MCE::Child->max_workers([ N ])
Getter and setter for max_workers. Specify a number or 'auto' to acquire the
total number of cores via MCE::Util::get_ncpu. Specify a false value to set
back to no limit.
=item MCE::Child->pending()
Returns a count of all child objects not yet joined.
$count = MCE::Child->pending();
=item $child->result()
Returns the result obtained by C<join>, C<wait_one>, or C<wait_all>. If the
process has not yet exited, waits for the corresponding child to complete its
use MCE::Child;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
sub task {
my ($id) = @_;
sleep $id * 0.333;
return $id;
MCE::Child->create('task', $_) for ( reverse 1 .. 3 );
# 1 while MCE::Child->wait_one();
while ( my $child = MCE::Child->wait_one() ) {
my $err = $child->error() || 'no error';
my $res = $child->result();
my $pid = $child->pid();
print "[$pid] $err : $res\n";
Like C<join> described above, the context (void, scalar or list) for the
return value(s) is determined at the time C<result> is called and mostly
C<wantarray> aware.
my $child1 = MCE::Child->create( sub {
my @res = qw(foo bar baz);
return (@res);
my @res1 = $child1->result(); # ( foo, bar, baz )
my $res1 = $child1->result(); # baz
my $child2 = MCE::Child->create( sub {
return 'foo';
my @res2 = $child2->result(); # ( foo )
my $res2 = $child2->result(); # foo
=item MCE::Child->self()
Class method that allows a child to obtain it's own I<MCE::Child> object.
=item $child->pid()
=item $child->tid()
Returns the ID of the child.
pid: $$ process id
tid: $$ alias for pid
=item MCE::Child->pid()
=item MCE::Child->tid()
Class methods that allows a child to obtain its own ID.
pid: $$ process id
tid: $$ alias for pid
=item MCE::Child->wait_one()
=item MCE::Child->wait_all()
Meaningful for the manager process only, waits for one or all child processes
to complete execution. Afterwards, returns the corresponding child objects.
If a child doesn't exist, returns the C<undef> value or an empty list for
C<wait_one> and C<wait_all> respectively.
The C<waitone> and C<waitall> methods are aliases respectively.
use MCE::Child;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
sub task {
my $id = shift;
sleep $id * 0.333;
return $id;
MCE::Child->create('task', $_) for ( reverse 1 .. 3 );
# join, traditional use case
$_->join() for MCE::Child->list();
# wait_one, simplistic use case
1 while MCE::Child->wait_one();
# wait_one
while ( my $child = MCE::Child->wait_one() ) {
my $err = $child->error() || 'no error';
my $res = $child->result();
my $pid = $child->pid();
print "[$pid] $err : $res\n";
# wait_all
my @procs = MCE::Child->wait_all();
for ( @procs ) {
my $err = $_->error() || 'no error';
my $res = $_->result();
my $pid = $_->pid();
print "[$pid] $err : $res\n";
=item MCE::Child->yield( [ floating_seconds ] )
Give other workers a chance to run, optionally for given time. Yield behaves
similarly to MCE's interval option. It throttles workers from running too fast.
A demonstration is provided in the next section for fetching URLs in parallel.
# total run time: 1.00 second
MCE::Child->create( sub { MCE::Child->yield(0.25) } ) for 1 .. 4;
This demonstration constructs two queues, two handles, starts the
shared-manager process if needed, and spawns four workers.
For this demonstration, am chunking 64 URLs per job. In reality,
one may run with 200 workers and chunk 300 URLs on a 24-way box.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# perl -- all output
# perl >/dev/null -- mngr/child output
# perl 2>/dev/null -- show results only
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
use strict;
use warnings;
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use MCE::Child;
use MCE::Shared;
# Construct two queues, input and return.
my $que = MCE::Shared->queue();
my $ret = MCE::Shared->queue();
# Construct shared handles for serializing output from many workers
# writing simultaneously. This prevents garbled output.
mce_open my $OUT, ">>", \*STDOUT or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $ERR, ">>", \*STDERR or die "open error: $!";
# Spawn workers early for minimum memory consumption.
MCE::Child->create({ posix_exit => 1 }, 'task', $_) for 1 .. 4;
# Obtain or generate input data for workers to process.
my ( $count, @urls ) = ( 0 );
push @urls, map { "http://127.0.0.$_/" } 1..254;
push @urls, map { "http://192.168.0.$_/" } 1..254; # 508 URLs total
while ( @urls ) {
my @chunk = splice(@urls, 0, 64);
$que->enqueue( { ID => ++$count, INPUT => \@chunk } );
# So that workers leave the loop after consuming the queue.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Loop for the manager process. The manager may do other work if
# need be and periodically check $ret->pending() not shown here.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
my $start = time;
printf {$ERR} "Mngr - entering loop\n";
while ( $count ) {
my ( $result, $failed ) = $ret->dequeue( 2 );
# Remove ID from result, so not treated as a URL item.
printf {$ERR} "Mngr - received job %s\n", delete $result->{ID};
# Display the URL and the size captured.
foreach my $url ( keys %{ $result } ) {
printf {$OUT} "%s: %d\n", $url, length($result->{$url})
if $result->{$url}; # url has content
# Display URLs could not reach.
if ( @{ $failed } ) {
foreach my $url ( @{ $failed } ) {
print {$OUT} "Failed: $url\n";
# Decrement the count.
printf {$ERR} "Mngr - exiting loop\n\n";
printf {$ERR} "Duration: %0.3f seconds\n\n", time - $start;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Child processes enqueue two items ( $result and $failed ) per each
# job for the manager process. Likewise, the manager process dequeues
# two items above. Optionally, child processes may include the ID in
# the result.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sub task {
my ( $id ) = @_;
printf {$ERR} "Child $id entering loop\n";
while ( my $job = $que->dequeue() ) {
my ( $result, $failed ) = ( { ID => $job->{ID} }, [ ] );
# Walk URLs, provide a hash and array refs for data.
printf {$ERR} "Child $id running job $job->{ID}\n";
walk( $job, $result, $failed );
# Send results to the manager process.
$ret->enqueue( $result, $failed );
printf {$ERR} "Child $id exiting loop\n";
sub walk {
my ( $job, $result, $failed ) = @_;
# Yielding is critical when running an event loop in parallel.
# Not doing so means that the app may reach contention points
# with the firewall and likely impose unnecessary hardship at
# the OS level. The idea here is not to have multiple workers
# initiate HTTP requests to a batch of URLs at the same time.
# Yielding behaves similarly like scatter to have the child
# process run solo for a fraction of time.
MCE::Child->yield( 0.03 );
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar();
# Populate the hash ref for the URLs it could reach.
# Do not mix AnyEvent timeout with child timeout.
# Therefore, choose event timeout when available.
foreach my $url ( @{ $job->{INPUT} } ) {
http_get $url, timeout => 2, sub {
my ( $data, $headers ) = @_;
$result->{$url} = $data;
# Populate the array ref for URLs it could not reach.
foreach my $url ( @{ $job->{INPUT} } ) {
push @{ $failed }, $url unless (exists $result->{ $url });
$ perl
Child 1 entering loop
Child 2 entering loop
Child 3 entering loop
Mngr - entering loop
Child 2 running job 2
Child 3 running job 3
Child 1 running job 1
Child 4 entering loop
Child 4 running job 4
Child 2 running job 5
Mngr - received job 2
Child 3 running job 6
Mngr - received job 3
Child 1 running job 7
Mngr - received job 1
Child 4 running job 8
Mngr - received job 4
Child 2 exiting loop
Mngr - received job 5
Child 3 exiting loop
Mngr - received job 6
Child 1 exiting loop
Mngr - received job 7
Child 4 exiting loop
Mngr - received job 8
Mngr - exiting loop
Duration: 4.131 seconds
Making an executable is possible with the L<PAR::Packer> module.
On the Windows platform, threads, threads::shared, and exiting via
threads are necessary for the binary to exit successfully.
# pp -o demo.exe
# ./demo.exe
use strict;
use warnings;
use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads";
use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads::shared";
# Include minimum dependencies for MCE::Child.
# Add other modules required by your application here.
use Storable ();
use Time::HiRes ();
# use IO::FDPass (); # optional: for condvar, handle, queue
# use Sereal (); # optional: for faster serialization
use MCE::Child;
use MCE::Shared;
# For PAR to work on the Windows platform, one must include manually
# any shared modules used by the application.
# use MCE::Shared::Array; # if using MCE::Shared->array
# use MCE::Shared::Cache; # if using MCE::Shared->cache
# use MCE::Shared::Condvar; # if using MCE::Shared->condvar
# use MCE::Shared::Handle; # if using MCE::Shared->handle, mce_open
# use MCE::Shared::Hash; # if using MCE::Shared->hash
# use MCE::Shared::Minidb; # if using MCE::Shared->minidb
# use MCE::Shared::Ordhash; # if using MCE::Shared->ordhash
# use MCE::Shared::Queue; # if using MCE::Shared->queue
# use MCE::Shared::Scalar; # if using MCE::Shared->scalar
# Et cetera. Only load modules needed for your application.
use MCE::Shared::Sequence; # if using MCE::Shared->sequence
my $seq = MCE::Shared->sequence( 1, 9 );
sub task {
my ( $id ) = @_;
while ( defined ( my $num = $seq->next() ) ) {
print "$id: $num\n";
sleep 1;
sub main {
MCE::Child->new( \&task, $_ ) for 1 .. 3;
# Main must run inside a thread on the Windows platform or workers
# will fail duing exiting, causing the exe to crash. The reason is
# that PAR or a dependency isn't multi-process safe.
( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) ? threads->create(\&main)->join() : main();
threads->exit(0) if $INC{""};
=head1 CREDITS
The inspiration for C<MCE::Child> comes from wanting C<threads>-like behavior
for processes compatible with Perl 5.8. Both can run side-by-side including
safe-use by MCE workers. Likewise, the documentation resembles C<threads>.
The inspiration for C<wait_all> and C<wait_one> comes from the
C<Parallel::WorkUnit> module.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 3
=item * L<forks>
=item * L<forks::BerkeleyDB>
=item * L<MCE::Hobo>
=item * L<Parallel::ForkManager>
=item * L<Parallel::Loops>
=item * L<Parallel::Prefork>
=item * L<Parallel::WorkUnit>
=item * L<Proc::Fork>
=item * L<Thread::Tie>
=item * L<threads>
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Channel>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>