Changes for version 1.809 - 2017-02-13
- Fixed bug in MCE::Shared::Queue (dequeue_nb) when queue has zero items.
- Applied small optimization in MCE::Shared::Sequence.
- Added MCE::Shared::Cache, a fast and memory-efficient LRU-cache module.
- Added pipeline methods to MCE::Shared::Array, Hash, Minidb, and Ordhash.
- Added recommends section to Makefile and META files: IO::FDPass, Sereal.
- Added cross-platform template to MCE::Hobo for making an executable.
- Added hobo_timeout option to MCE::Hobo for timeout capability. Also, imply posix_exit => 1 when Gearman::XS is present.
- Added MCE::Hobo + Gearman demonstrations (xs and non-xs) on Github:
- Changed kilobytes and megabytes to kibiBytes (KiB) and mebiBytes (MiB) respectively inside the documentation.
- Having IO::FDPass is beneficial for Condvar(s), Handle(s), and Queue(s). Thus, append IO::FDPass to PREREQ_PM if we can and not already installed. Run MCE_PREREQ_EXCLUDE_IO_FDPASS=1 perl Makefile.PL to bypass the check.
- Improved documentation for QUERY STRING in various helper classes.
- Updated SYNOPSIS in various helper classes.
- Updated LOCKING section in MCE::Shared.
A threads-like parallelization module
MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
Array helper class
Base package for helper classes
LRU-cache helper class
Condvar helper class
Handle helper class
Hash helper class
A pure-Perl in-memory data store
An ordered hash class featuring tombstone deletion
Hybrid-queue helper class
Scalar helper class
Sequence helper class
Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared