Changes for version 1.825 - 2017-04-28

    • Do not enable barrier mode for Queue on the Windows platform.
    • Fixed MCE::Hobo on the Windows platform for older Perl < v5.16.
    • Added Curses and Prima to list for enabling the posix_exit option.
    • Added module option for using a class implicitly when tie'ing a variable.
    • Added unbless option when exporting a shared object. Thank you, Nick Tonkin.
    • Improved support for running MCE::Hobo on the NetBSD platform.
    • Enhanced IPC and signal handling. Reduced memory consumption.
    • Bumped MCE dependency to 1.828.


A threads-like parallelization module
MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
Array helper class
Base package for helper classes
A hybrid LRU-plain cache helper class
Condvar helper class
Handle helper class
Hash helper class
A pure-Perl in-memory data store
An ordered hash class featuring tombstone deletion
Hybrid-queue helper class
Scalar helper class
Sequence helper class
Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared