MCE::Shared::Cache - A hybrid LRU-plain cache helper class
This document describes MCE::Shared::Cache version 1.832
A cache helper class for use as a standalone or managed by MCE::Shared.
This module implements a least-recently used (LRU) cache with its origin based on MCE::Shared::Ordhash, for its performance and low-memory characteristics. It is both a LRU and plain implementation. LRU logic is applied to new items and subsequent updates. A fetch however, involves LRU reorder only if the item is found in the lower section of the cache. This equates to extra performance for the upper section as fetch behaves similarly to accessing a plain cache. Upon reaching its size restriction, it prunes items from the bottom of the cache.
The 50% LRU-mode (bottom section), 50% plain-mode (upper-section) applies to fetches only.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Cache;
my $ca;
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new(); # max_keys => undef, max_age => undef
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "unlimited", max_age => "never" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => undef, max_age => undef ); # ditto
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "4 KiB" ); # 4*1024
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "1 MiB" ); # 1*1024*1024
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "43200 seconds" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => 43200 ); # ditto
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "720 minutes" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "12 hours" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "0.5 days" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "1 week" );
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "never" ); # or undef
$ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "now" ); # or 0
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
my $ca;
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache(); # max_keys => undef, max_age => undef
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "unlimited", max_age => "never" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => undef, max_age => undef ); # ditto
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "4 KiB" ); # 4*1024
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "1 MiB" ); # 1*1024*1024
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "43200 seconds" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => 43200 ); # ditto
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "720 minutes" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "12 hours" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "0.5 days" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "1 week" );
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "never" ); # or undef
$ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "now" ); # or 0
# hash-like dereferencing
my $val = $ca->{$key};
$ca->{$key} = $val;
%{$ca} = ();
# OO interface
if ( !defined ( $val = $ca->get("some_key") ) ) {
$val = $ca->set( some_key => "some_value" );
$val = $ca->set( $key, $val );
$val = $ca->get( $key );
$val = $ca->delete( $key ); # del is an alias for delete
$bool = $ca->exists( $key );
void = $ca->clear();
$len = $ca->len(); # scalar keys %{ $ca }
$len = $ca->len( $key ); # length $ca->{ $key }
$iter = $ca->iterator( @keys ); # ($key, $val) = $iter->()
@keys = $ca->keys( @keys ); # @keys is optional
%pairs = $ca->pairs( @keys );
@vals = $ca->values( @keys ); # vals is an alias for values
$len = $ca->assign( $key/$val pairs ); # equivalent to ->clear, ->mset
$cnt = $ca->mdel( @keys );
@vals = $ca->mget( @keys );
$bool = $ca->mexists( @keys ); # true if all keys exists
$len = $ca->mset( $key/$val pairs ); # merge is an alias for mset
# included, sugar methods without having to call set/get explicitly
$len = $ca->append( $key, $string ); # $val .= $string
$val = $ca->decr( $key ); # --$val
$val = $ca->decrby( $key, $number ); # $val -= $number
$val = $ca->getdecr( $key ); # $val--
$val = $ca->getincr( $key ); # $val++
$val = $ca->incr( $key ); # ++$val
$val = $ca->incrby( $key, $number ); # $val += $number
$old = $ca->getset( $key, $new ); # $o = $v, $v = $n, $o
# pipeline, provides atomicity for shared objects, MCE::Shared v1.09+
@vals = $ca->pipeline( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" )
[ "set", foo => "a_a" ],
[ "set", bar => "b_b" ],
[ "set", baz => "c_c" ],
[ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ]
For normal hash behavior, the TIE interface is supported.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Cache;
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared::Cache", max_keys => undef, max_age => undef;
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared::Cache", max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour";
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared::Cache", { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs;
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
# one option is needed minimally to know to use MCE::Shared::Cache
use MCE::Shared;
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared", max_keys => undef, max_age => undef;
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared", max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour";
tie my %ca, "MCE::Shared", { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs;
# usage
my $val;
if ( !defined ( $val = $ca{some_key} ) ) {
$val = $ca{some_key} = "some_value";
$ca{some_key} = 0;
tied(%ca)->incrby("some_key", 20);
tied(%ca)->incrby(some_key => 20);
Several methods take a query string for an argument. The format of the string is described below. In the context of sharing, the query mechanism is beneficial for the shared-manager process. It is able to perform the query where the data resides versus the client-process grep locally involving lots of IPC.
o Basic demonstration
@keys = $ca->keys( "query string given here" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "val =~ /pattern/" );
o Supported operators: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
o Multiple expressions delimited by :AND or :OR, mixed case allowed
"key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
"key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)"
"key =~ /pattern/i :And val =~ /pattern/i"
"val eq foo baz :OR key !~ /pattern/i"
* key matches on keys in the cache
* likewise, val matches on values
o Quoting is optional inside the string
"key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq 'foo bar'" # val eq "foo bar"
"key =~ /pattern/i :AND val eq foo bar" # val eq "foo bar"
# search capability key/val: =~ !~ eq ne lt le gt ge == != < <= > >=
# key/val means to match against actual key/val respectively
@keys = $ca->keys( "key eq 'some key' :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "key eq some key :or (val > 5 :and val < 9)" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "key !~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "val =~ /$pattern/i" );
@keys = $ca->keys( "val !~ /$pattern/i" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "key == $number" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "key != $number :and val > 100" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "key < $number :or key > $number" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "val <= $number" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "val > $number" );
%pairs = $ca->pairs( "val >= $number" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "key eq $string" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "key ne $string with space" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "key lt $string :or val =~ /$pat1|$pat2/" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "val le $string :and val eq 'foo bar'" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "val le $string :and val eq foo bar" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "val gt $string" );
@vals = $ca->vals( "val ge $string" );
This module involves TIE when accessing the object via hash-like behavior. Both non-shared and shared instances are impacted if doing so. Although likely fast enough for many use cases, the OO interface is recommended for best performance.
Accessing an item is likely to involve moving its key to the top of the cache. Various methods described below state with Reorder: Yes
or Reorder: No
as an indication.
The methods keys
, pairs
, and values
return the most frequently accessed items from the upper section of the cache first before the lower section. Returned values may not be ordered as expected. This abnormally is normal for this hybrid LRU-plain implementation. It comes from fetches not involving LRU movement on keys residing in the upper section of the cache.
When max_age
is set, accessing an item which has expired will behave similarly to a non-existing item.
- new ( { options }, key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Constructs a new object.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process use MCE::Shared::Cache; $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new(); # max_keys => undef, max_age => undef $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "unlimited", max_age => "never" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => undef, max_age => undef ); # ditto $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "4 KiB" ); # 4*1024 $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => "1 MiB" ); # 1*1024*1024 $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "43200 seconds" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => 43200 ); # ditto $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "720 minutes" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "12 hours" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "0.5 days" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "1 week" ); $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "never" ); # or undef $ca = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_age => "now" ); # or 0 $ca->assign( @pairs ); # construction for sharing with other threads and processes use MCE::Shared; $ca = MCE::Shared->cache(); # max_keys => undef, max_age => undef $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( { max_keys => 500 }, @pairs ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "unlimited", max_age => "never" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => undef, max_age => undef ); # ditto $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => 500, max_age => "1 hour" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "4 KiB" ); # 4*1024 $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => "1 MiB" ); # 1*1024*1024 $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "43200 seconds" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => 43200 ); # ditto $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "720 minutes" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "12 hours" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "0.5 days" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "1 week" ); $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "never" ); # or undef $ca = MCE::Shared->cache( max_age => "now" ); # or 0 $ca->assign( @pairs );
Reorder: Yes, when given key-value pairs contain duplicate keys
- assign ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Clears the cache, then sets multiple key-value pairs and returns the number of keys stored in the cache. This is equivalent to
.$len = $ca->assign( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );
Reorder: Yes, when given key-value pairs contain duplicate keys
- clear
Removes all key-value pairs from the cache.
$ca->clear; %{$ca} = ();
- delete ( key )
Deletes and returns the value by given key or
if the key does not exists in the cache.$val = $ca->delete( "some_key" ); $val = delete $ca->{ "some_key" };
- del
is an alias fordelete
. - exists ( key )
Determines if a key exists in the cache.
if ( $ca->exists( "some_key" ) ) { ... } if ( exists $ca->{ "some_key" } ) { ... }
Reorder: No
- get ( key )
Gets the value of a cache key or
if the key does not exists. LRU reordering occurs only if the key is found in the lower section of the cache. Seepeek
to not promote the key internally to the top of the list.$val = $ca->get( "some_key" ); $val = $ca->{ "some_key" };
Reorder: Yes
- iterator ( key [, key, ... ] )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs stored in the cache when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns a code reference for iterating the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the
value.The list of keys to return is set when the closure is constructed. Later keys added to the hash are not included. Subsequently, the
value is returned for deleted keys.$iter = $ca->iterator; $iter = $ca->iterator( "key1", "key2" ); while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) { ... }
Reorder: No
- iterator ( "query string" )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns a code reference for iterating a list of key-value pairs that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the
query string
is described above.$iter = $ca->iterator( "val eq some_value" ); $iter = $ca->iterator( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" ); $iter = $ca->iterator( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" ); $iter = $ca->iterator( "key =~ /$pattern/" ); while ( my ( $key, $val ) = $iter->() ) { ... }
Reorder: No
- keys ( key [, key, ... ] )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns all keys in the cache by most frequently accessed when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the
value. In scalar context, returns the size of the cache.@keys = $ca->keys; @keys = $ca->keys( "key1", "key2" ); $len = $ca->keys;
Reorder: No
- keys ( "query string" )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns only keys that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the
query string
is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.@keys = $ca->keys( "val eq some_value" ); @keys = $ca->keys( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" ); @keys = $ca->keys( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" ); $len = $ca->keys( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
Reorder: No
- len ( key )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns the size of the cache when no arguments are given. For the given key, returns the length of the value stored at key or the
value if the key does not exists.$size = $ca->len; $len = $ca->len( "key1" ); $len = length $ca->{ "key1" };
Reorder: Yes, only when key is given
- max_age ( [ secs ] )
Returns the maximum age set on the cache or "never" if not defined internally. When seconds is given, it adjusts any keys by subtracting or adding the time difference accordingly.
$age = $ca->max_age; $ca->max_age( "43200 seconds" ); $ca->max_age( 43200 ); # ditto $ca->max_age( "720 minutes" ); $ca->max_age( "12 hours" ); $ca->max_age( "0.5 days" ); $ca->max_age( "1 week" ); $ca->max_age( "never" ); # or undef $ca->max_age( "now" ); # or 0
- max_keys ( [ size ] )
Returns the size limit set on the cache or "unlimited" if not defined internally. When size is given, it adjusts the cache accordingly to the new size by pruning the head of the list if necessary.
$size = $ca->max_size; $ca->max_keys( "unlimited" ); $ca->max_keys( undef ); # ditto $ca->max_keys( "4 KiB" ); # 4*1024 $ca->max_keys( "1 MiB" ); # 1*1024*1024 $ca->max_keys( 500 );
- mdel ( key [, key, ... ] )
Deletes one or more keys in the cache and returns the number of keys deleted. A given key which does not exist in the cache is not counted.
$cnt = $ca->mdel( "key1", "key2" );
- mexists ( key [, key, ... ] )
Returns a true value if all given keys exists in the cache. A false value is returned otherwise.
if ( $ca->mexists( "key1", "key2" ) ) { ... }
Reorder: No
- mget ( key [, key, ... ] )
Gets the values of all given keys. It returns
for keys which do not exists in the cache.( $val1, $val2 ) = $ca->mget( "key1", "key2" );
Reorder: Yes
- mset ( key, value [, key, value, ... ] )
Sets multiple key-value pairs in a cache and returns the number of keys stored in the cache.
$len = $ca->mset( "key1" => "val1", "key2" => "val2" );
Reorder: Yes
- merge
is an alias formset
. - pairs ( key [, key, ... ] )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns key-value pairs in the cache by most frequently accessed when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns key-value pairs for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the
value. In scalar context, returns the size of the cache.@pairs = $ca->pairs; @pairs = $ca->pairs( "key1", "key2" ); $len = $ca->pairs;
Reorder: No
- pairs ( "query string" )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns only key-value pairs that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the
query string
is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.@pairs = $ca->pairs( "val eq some_value" ); @pairs = $ca->pairs( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" ); @pairs = $ca->pairs( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" ); $len = $ca->pairs( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
Reorder: No
- peek ( key )
Same as
without changing the order of the keys. Gets the value of a cache key orundef
if the key does not exists.$val = $ca->get( "some_key" ); $val = $ca->{ "some_key" };
Reorder: No
- pipeline ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
Combines multiple commands for the object to be processed serially. For shared objects, the call is made atomically due to single IPC to the shared-manager process. The
method is fullywantarray
-aware and receives a list of commands and their arguments. In scalar or list context, it returns data from the last command in the pipeline.@vals = $ca->pipeline( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" ) [ "set", foo => "a_a" ], [ "set", bar => "b_b" ], [ "set", baz => "c_c" ], [ "mget", qw/ foo bar baz / ] ); $len = $ca->pipeline( # 3, same as $ca->len [ "set", foo => "i_i" ], [ "set", bar => "j_j" ], [ "set", baz => "k_k" ], [ "len" ] ); $ca->pipeline( [ "set", foo => "m_m" ], [ "set", bar => "n_n" ], [ "set", baz => "o_o" ] );
Reorder: Very likely, see API on given method
- pipeline_ex ( [ func1, @args ], [ func2, @args ], ... )
Same as
, but returns data for every command in the pipeline.@vals = $ca->pipeline_ex( # ( "a_a", "b_b", "c_c" ) [ "set", foo => "a_a" ], [ "set", bar => "b_b" ], [ "set", baz => "c_c" ] );
Reorder: Very likely, see API on given command
- purge ( )
A utility method for purging any *tombstones* in the keys array. It also resets a couple counters internally. Expired items are also purged when max_age is defined.
- set ( key, value )
Sets the value of the given cache key and returns its new value.
$val = $ca->set( "key", "value" ); $val = $ca->{ "key" } = "value";
Reorder: Yes
- values ( key [, key, ... ] )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns all values in the cache by most frequently accessed when no arguments are given. Otherwise, returns values for the given keys in the same order. Keys that do not exist will have the
value. In scalar context, returns the size of the cache.@vals = $ca->values; @vals = $ca->values( "key1", "key2" ); $len = $ca->values;
Reorder: No
- values ( "query string" )
is set, prunes any expired keys at the head of the list.Returns only values that match the given criteria. It returns an empty list if the search found nothing. The syntax for the
query string
is described above. In scalar context, returns the size of the resulting list.@vals = $ca->values( "val eq some_value" ); @vals = $ca->values( "key eq some_key :AND val =~ /sun|moon|air|wind/" ); @vals = $ca->values( "val eq sun :OR val eq moon :OR val eq foo" ); $len = $ca->values( "key =~ /$pattern/" );
Reorder: No
- vals
is an alias forvalues
This module is equipped with sugar methods to not have to call set
and get
explicitly. In shared context, the benefit is atomicity and reduction in inter-process communication.
The API resembles a subset of the Redis primitives with key representing the cache key.
- append ( key, string )
Appends a value to a key and returns its new length.
$len = $ca->append( $key, "foo" );
Reorder: Yes
- decr ( key )
Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its new value.
$num = $ca->decr( $key );
Reorder: Yes
- decrby ( key, number )
Decrements the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.
$num = $ca->decrby( $key, 2 );
Reorder: Yes
- getdecr ( key )
Decrements the value of a key by one and returns its old value.
$old = $ca->getdecr( $key );
Reorder: Yes
- getincr ( key )
Increments the value of a key by one and returns its old value.
$old = $ca->getincr( $key );
Reorder: Yes
- getset ( key, value )
Sets the value of a key and returns its old value.
$old = $ca->getset( $key, "baz" );
Reorder: Yes
- incr ( key )
Increments the value of a key by one and returns its new value.
$num = $ca->incr( $key );
Reorder: Yes
- incrby ( key, number )
Increments the value of a key by the given number and returns its new value.
$num = $ca->incrby( $key, 2 );
Reorder: Yes
One might want to benchmark this module. If yes, remember to use the non-shared construction for running on a single core.
use MCE::Shared::Cache;
my $cache = MCE::Shared::Cache->new( max_keys => 500_000 );
Otherwise, the following is a parallel version for a benchmark script found on the web. The serial version was created by Celogeek for benchmarking various caching modules.
The MCE progress
option makes it possible to track progress while running among many workers. Being a parallel script means that it involves IPC to and from the shared-manager process, where the data resides. In regards to IPC, fetches may take longer on Linux versus running on Darwin or FreeBSD.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say', 'state';
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_base64/;
use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use MCE 1.814; # requires 1.814 minimally
use MCE::Shared;
sub get_current_process_memory {
state $pt = Proc::ProcessTable->new;
my %info = map { $_->pid => $_ } @{$pt->table};
return $info{$$}->rss;
$| = 1; srand(0);
# construct shared variables
# MCE::Shared handles serialization automatically, when needed
my $c = MCE::Shared->cache( max_keys => 500_000 );
my $found = MCE::Shared->scalar( 0 );
# construct and spawn MCE workers
# workers increment a local variable $f
my $mce = MCE->new(
chunk_size => 4000,
max_workers => 4,
user_func => sub {
my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
if ( $mce->user_args()->[0] eq 'setter' ) {
for ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) { $c->set($_, {md5 => $_}) }
else {
my $f = 0;
for ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) { $f++ if ref $c->get($_) eq 'HASH' }
say "Mapping";
my @todo = map { md5_base64($_) } (1..600_000);
say "Starting";
my $mem = get_current_process_memory();
my ($read, $write);
my $s = time;
progress => sub { print "Write: $_[0]\r" },
user_args => [ 'setter' ],
}, \@todo);
$write = time - $s;
say "Write: ", sprintf("%0.3f", scalar(@todo) / $write);
my $s = time;
progress => sub { print "Read $_[0]\r" },
user_args => [ 'getter' ],
}, \@todo);
$read = time - $s;
say "Read : ", sprintf("%0.3f", scalar(@todo) / $read);
say "Found: ", $found->get();
say "Mem : ", get_current_process_memory() - $mem;
The progress
option is further described on Metacpan. Several examples are provided, accommodating all input data-types in MCE.
Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>