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## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Sequence helper class.
use strict;
use 5.010001;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric );
our $VERSION = '1.848';
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use constant {
_BEGV => 0, # sequence begin value
_ENDV => 1, # sequence end value
_STEP => 2, # sequence step size
_FMT => 3, # sequence format
_CKSZ => 4, # chunk_size option, default 1
_ONLY => 5, # bounds_only option, default 0
_ITER => 6, # iterator count
use overload (
q("") => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_stringify,
q(0+) => \&MCE::Shared::Base::_numify,
fallback => 1
sub _croak {
goto &MCE::Shared::Base::_croak;
sub _reset {
my $self = shift;
my $opts = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift() : {};
@{ $self } = @_;
_croak('invalid begin') unless looks_like_number( $self->[_BEGV] );
_croak('invalid end' ) unless looks_like_number( $self->[_ENDV] );
$self->[_STEP] = ( $self->[_BEGV] <= $self->[_ENDV] ) ? 1 : -1
unless ( defined $self->[_STEP] );
$self->[_FMT] =~ s/%// if ( defined $self->[_FMT] );
_croak('invalid step' ) unless looks_like_number( $self->[_STEP] );
for my $_k (_BEGV, _ENDV, _STEP) {
$self->[$_k] = int($self->[$_k]) unless ( $self->[$_k] =~ /\./ );
$self->[_CKSZ] = $opts->{'chunk_size' } || 1;
$self->[_ONLY] = $opts->{'bounds_only'} // 0;
_croak('invalid chunk_size' ) unless ( $self->[_CKSZ] =~ /^[0-9e\+]+$/ );
_croak('invalid bounds_only' ) unless ( $self->[_ONLY] =~ /^[01]$/ );
$self->[_CKSZ] = int($self->[_CKSZ]);
$self->[_ITER] = undef;
sub _sprintf {
my ( $fmt, $arg ) = @_;
# remove tainted'ness
($fmt) = $fmt =~ /(.*)/;
return sprintf("$fmt", $arg);
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Public methods.
# new ( begin, end [, step, format ] )
# new ( )
sub new {
my ( $class, $self ) = ( shift, [] );
if ( !@_ ) {
@{ $self } = ( 0, 0, 1, '__NOOP__' );
} else {
_reset( $self, @_ );
bless $self, $class;
# next ( )
sub next {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $iter = $self->[_ITER];
if ( defined $iter ) {
my ( $begv, $endv, $step, $fmt, $chunk_size, $bounds_only ) = @{ $self };
my ( $begn, $seqn );
# computes from *begv* value to not lose precision during iteration
if ( $begv <= $endv ) {
$begn = $seqn = $begv + ( $iter++ * $chunk_size * $step );
return if ( $begv == $endv && $begn != $begv );
return if ( $seqn > $endv );
else {
$begn = $seqn = $begv - -( $iter++ * $chunk_size * $step );
return if ( $seqn < $endv );
$self->[_ITER] = $iter;
if ( $chunk_size == 1 || $begv == $endv ) {
$seqn = _sprintf( "%$fmt", $seqn ) if ( defined $fmt );
return ( $bounds_only ) ? ( $seqn, $seqn, $iter ) : $seqn;
if ( $bounds_only ) {
my ( $seqb, $seqe ) = ( $seqn );
if ( $begv <= $endv ) {
if ( $step * ( $chunk_size - 1 ) + $seqn <= $endv ) {
$seqe = $step * ( $chunk_size - 1 ) + $seqn;
elsif ( $step == 1 ) {
$seqe = $endv;
else {
for my $i ( 1 .. $chunk_size ) {
last if ( $seqn > $endv );
$seqe = $seqn;
$seqn = $step * $i + $begn;
else {
if ( $step * ( $chunk_size - 1 ) + $seqn >= $endv ) {
$seqe = $step * ( $chunk_size - 1 ) + $seqn;
elsif ( $step == -1 ) {
$seqe = $endv;
else {
for my $i ( 1 .. $chunk_size ) {
last if ( $seqn < $endv );
$seqe = $seqn;
$seqn = $step * $i + $begn;
return ( defined $fmt )
? ( _sprintf("%$fmt",$seqb), _sprintf("%$fmt",$seqe) )
: ( $seqb, $seqe, $iter );
my @n;
if ( $begv <= $endv ) {
if ( !defined $fmt && $step == 1 && abs($endv) < ~1 && abs($begv) < ~1 ) {
return ( $seqn + $chunk_size <= $endv )
? ( $seqn .. $seqn + $chunk_size - 1 )
: ( $seqn .. $endv );
for my $i ( 1 .. $chunk_size ) {
last if ( $seqn > $endv );
push @n, defined $fmt ? _sprintf( "%$fmt", $seqn ) : $seqn;
$seqn = $step * $i + $begn;
else {
for my $i ( 1 .. $chunk_size ) {
last if ( $seqn < $endv );
push @n, defined $fmt ? _sprintf( "%$fmt", $seqn ) : $seqn;
$seqn = $step * $i + $begn;
return @n;
else {
$self->[_ITER] = 0;
# rewind ( begin, end [, step, format ] )
# rewind ( )
sub rewind {
my $self = shift;
if ( !@_ ) {
$self->[_ITER] = undef unless ( $self->[_FMT] eq '__NOOP__' );
} else {
_reset( $self, @_ );
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Sequence - Sequence helper class
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Sequence version 1.848
A number sequence class for use as a standalone or managed by L<MCE::Shared>.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Sequence;
my $seq_a = MCE::Shared::Sequence->new( $begin, $end, $step, $fmt );
my $seq_b = MCE::Shared::Sequence->new(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 },
$begin, $end, $step, $fmt
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
my $seq_a = MCE::Shared->sequence( 1, 100 );
my $seq_b = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 },
1, 100
# example
use MCE::Hobo;
sub parallel_a {
my ( $id ) = @_;
while ( defined ( my $num = $seq_a->next ) ) {
print "$id: $num\n";
sub parallel_b {
my ( $id ) = @_;
while ( my ( $beg, $end ) = $seq_b->next ) {
for my $num ( $beg .. $end ) {
print "$id: $num\n";
MCE::Hobo->new( \&parallel_a, $_ ) for 1 .. 2;
MCE::Hobo->new( \&parallel_b, $_ ) for 3 .. 4;
# ... do other work ...
=head2 MCE::Shared::Sequence->new ( { options }, begin, end [, step, format ] )
=head2 MCE::Shared::Sequence->new ( begin, end [, step, format ] )
=head2 MCE::Shared->sequence ( { options }, begin, end [, step, format ] )
=head2 MCE::Shared->sequence ( begin, end [, step, format ] )
Constructs a new object. C<step>, if omitted, defaults to C<1> if C<begin> is
smaller than C<end> or C<-1> if C<begin> is greater than C<end>. The C<format>
string is passed to C<sprintf> behind the scene (% may be omitted).
$seq_n_formatted = sprintf( "%4.1f", $seq_n );
Two options C<chunk_size> and C<bounds_only> are supported, which default to
1 and 0 respectively. Chunking reduces the number of IPC calls to and from the
shared-manager process for large sequences.
If C<< bounds_only => 1 >> is specified, the C<next> method computes the
C<begin> and C<end> values only for the chunk and not the numbers in between
(hence boundaries only).
use MCE::Shared;
# demo 1
$seq1 = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 0 }, 1, 20
# @chunk = $seq1->next; # ( qw/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / )
# @chunk = $seq1->next; # ( qw/ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 / )
while ( my @chunk = $seq1->next ) {
# demo 2
$seq2 = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 }, 1, 100
# ( $beg, $end ) = $seq2->next; # ( 1, 10 )
# ( $beg, $end ) = $seq2->next; # ( 11, 20 )
# ( $beg, $end ) = $seq2->next; # ( 21, 30 )
# ...
# ( $beg, $end ) = $seq2->next; # ( 81, 90 )
# ( $beg, $end ) = $seq2->next; # ( 91, 100 )
# The optional chunk_id value, starting at 1, applies to sequence
# objects configured with the bounds_only option set to a true
# value. API available since 1.834.
while ( my ( $beg, $end, $chunk_id ) = $seq2->next ) {
for my $i ( $beg .. $end ) {
Parameters may be given later with C<rewind> before calling C<next>.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Sequence;
$seq = MCE::Shared::Sequence->new;
$seq->rewind( -1, 1, 0.1, "%4.1f" );
$seq = MCE::Shared::Sequence->new(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 }, 1, 100
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
$seq = MCE::Shared->sequence;
$seq->rewind( 1, 100 );
$seq = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 }, 1, 100
=head2 next
Returns the next computed sequence(s). An undefined value is returned when
the computed C<begin> value exceeds the value held by C<end>.
# default: { chunk_size => 1, bounds_only => 0 }
$seq = MCE::Shared->sequence( 1, 100 );
while ( defined ( my $num = $seq->next ) ) {
# chunking
$seq = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10 }, 1, 100
while ( my @chunk = $seq->next ) {
# chunking, boundaries only
$seq = MCE::Shared->sequence(
{ chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 }, 1, 100
while ( my ( $beg, $end, $chunk_id ) = $seq->next ) {
for my $i ( $beg .. $end ) {
=head2 rewind ( { options }, begin, end [, step, format ] )
=head2 rewind ( begin, end [, step, format ] )
Sets the initial value back to the value held by C<begin> when no arguments
are given. Otherwise, resets the sequence with given criteria.
$seq->rewind( { chunk_size => 10, bounds_only => 1 }, 1, 100 );
while ( my ( $beg, $end ) = $seq->next ) {
for my $i ( $beg .. $end ) {
$seq->rewind( 1, 100 );
while ( defined ( my $num = $seq->next ) ) {
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Hobo>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>