Revision history for perl module HTML::Video::Embed
0.016000 2014-10-30
Added secure mode - if in secure mode use https if supported, or return undef if not supported
Added version to modules, and check to not load modules with a missing/mismatched version
Deleted kontraband module as it's gone now
Delete yahoo screen module as it wasn't working properly
0.015003 2014-02-22
Changed github repo url
0.015002 2013-07-29
Reformatted Changes file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
Changed issue tracker to github
0.015001 2013-07-27
Added github repo to Makefile.PL
0.015000 2013-07-08
Youtube timecode fixed (now uses start query param instead of t)
0.014000 2013-06-25
Youtube uses nocookie site, https & html5
Fullscreen should work properly now
Changed metacafe embed to use iframe
0.013000 2013-04-18
Added support for youtube query timecode, as well as fragment timecode (&t=1h2m3s)
Added support for liveleak ?f=$vid urls (if someone copies the url from the embed code, instead of the page url)
0.012001 2013-04-18
(hopefully) fixed regex compile error in perl < 5.12 that was causing test failures. thanks CPAN Testers! :)
0.012 2013-04-17
Added support for youtube timecodes (#t=1h2m3s in url)
0.011 2013-04-10
Fixed regex not matching in some cases where there was extra data on string (eg ebaumsworld has dropped the last / off the url and was no longer matching)
Added support for viemo mobile urls (has a /m before the video id)
0.010 2013-04-01
Fixed missing META.yml
0.009 2013-04-01
Removed video sites no longer avaiable (google, spiked humour, megavideo and yahoo (replaced with yahoo-screen)
Changed embed codes to use iframe (where avaiable) instead of embed
Tided up code
Changed from Moose to Moo
Added t/bin/ script, will output html test page for visual inspection of functioning embedder
0.008 2012-08-27
Changed to take css class instead of height and width
Added support for
0.007 2012-01-19
Forgot to update MANIFEST to include module :/
0.006 2012-01-19
Added support for
0.005 2011-08-27
Fixed invalid html on youtube embed
0.004 2011-05-17
Forgot to update MANIFEST to include ebaumsworld module :/
0.003 2011-05-17
Added support for ebaumsworld
0.002 2011-05-15
Fixed pod
0.001 2011-05-15
First version