Geo::GML - Geography Markup Language processing
Geo::GML has extra code in
is a XML::Compile::Cache
use Geo::GML ':gml321';
my $gml = Geo::GML->new('READER', version => '3.2.1');
# see XML::Compile::Cache on how to use readers and writers
my $data = $gml->reader("gml:GridCoverage")->($xmlmsg);
my $xml = $gml->writer($sometype)->($doc, $perldata);
# or without help of the cache, XML::Compile::Schema
my $r = $gml->compile(READER => $sometype);
my $data = $r->($xml);
# overview (large) on all defined elements
# To discover the perl datastructures to be passed
print $gml->template("gml:Surface");
# autoloaded logic to convert Geo::Point into GML
$data->{...somewhere...} = $gml->GPtoGML($objects);
Provides access to the GML definitions specified in XML. The details about GML structures can differ, and therefore you should be explicit which versions you understand and produce.
If you need the <b>most recent</b> version of GML, then you get involved with the ISO19139 standard. See CPAN module Geo::ISO19139.
The first releases of this module will not powerful, but hopefully people contribute. For instance, an example conversion script between various versions is very welcome! It would be nice to help each other. I will clean-up the implementation, to make it publishable, but do not have the knowledge about what is needed.
Option --Default
allow_undeclared <true>
prefixes undef
version <required>
. allow_undeclared => BOOLEAN
In the optimal case, all types used in your application are declared during the initiation phase of your program. This will make it easy to write a fast daemon application, or transform your program into a daemon later. So: "false" would be a good setting. However, on the moment, the developer of this module has no idea which types people will use. Please help me with the specs!
. prefixes => ARRAY|HASH
Prefix abbreviations, to be used by cache object. Which prefixes are defined depends on the schema version.
Only used when the object is created directly from this base-class. It determines which GML syntax is to be used. Can be a VERSION like "3.1.1" or a NAMESPACE URI like 'NS_GML_300'.
Returns 'READER', 'WRITER', or 'RW'.
GML version, for instance '3.2.1'.
$obj->template('PERL'|'XML', TYPE, OPTIONS)
See XML::Compile::Schema subroutine template. This will create an example of the data-structure based on GML. All OPTIONS are passed to the template generator, the only reason to have this method, is to avoid the need to collect all the GML XML files yourself.
use Geo::GML;
use Geo::GML::Util qw/NS_GML_321/;
use XML::Compile::Util qw/pack_type/;
my $gml = Geo::GML->new(version => NS_GML_321);
# to simplify the output, reducing often available large blocks
my @types = qw/gml:MetaDataPropertyType gml:StringOrRefType
my %hook = (type => \@collapse_types, replace => 'COLLAPSE');
# generate the data-structure
my $type = 'gml:RectifiedGridCoverage'; # any element name
print $gml->template(PERL => $type, hook => \%hook);
$obj->printIndex([FILEHANDLE], OPTIONS)
List all the elements which can be produced with the schema. By default, this only shows the elements and excludes the abstract elements from the list. The selected FILEHANDLE is the default to print to.
This module is part of Geo-GML distribution version 0.12, built on January 21, 2009. Website: All modules in this suite: "Geo::GML", "Geo::ISO19139", "Geo::EOP", "Geo::Point", "Geo::Proj4", "Geo::WKT", and "Math::Polygon".
Please post questions or ideas to|the Geo-Perl mailinglist
License of the CODE
Copyrights of the perl code and the related documentation by 2008-2009 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See
License of the SCHEMAS
The included schemas are copyrighted by the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. They are unmodified copied from the files at Read OGCs disclaimer and copyright statements on documentation and software at The license text is also included in this CPAN distribution.