use strict;
package Geo::Shape;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.001';
use Geo::Proj; # defines wgs84
use Geo::Point ();
use Geo::Line ();
use Geo::Surface ();
use Geo::Space ();
use Carp qw/croak confess/;
use overload '""' => 'string'
, '==' => 'equal'
, bool => sub {1};
sub new(@) { (bless {}, shift)->init( {@_} ) }
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
$self->{G2_proj} = $args->{proj} || Geo::Proj->defaultProjection;
sub proj() {shift->{G2_proj} }
sub in($) { croak "ERROR: in() not implemented for a ".ref(shift) }
sub projectOn($@)
{ # fast check: nothing to be done
return () if @_<2 || $_[0]->{G2_proj} eq $_[1];
my ($self, $projnew) = (shift, shift);
my $projold = $self->{G2_proj};
return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0]
if $projold eq $projnew;
if($projnew eq 'utm')
{ $projnew = Geo::Proj->bestUTMprojection($projold, $_[0])->nick;
return () if $projnew eq $projold;
($projnew, Geo::Proj->to($projold, $projnew, @_));
my $geodist;
sub distance($;$)
{ my ($self, $other, $unit) = (shift, shift, shift);
$unit ||= 'kilometer';
{ $geodist = Geo::Distance->new;
$geodist->reg_unit(radians => 1);
$geodist->reg_unit(degrees => deg2rad(1));
$geodist->reg_unit(km => 1, 'kilometer');
my $proj = $self->proj;
$other = $other->in($proj)
if $other->proj ne $proj;
if($self->isa('Geo::Point') && $other->isa('Geo::Point'))
{ return $self->distancePointPoint($geodist, $unit, $other);
die "ERROR: Distance calculation not implemented between a "
. ref($self) . " and a " . ref($other);
sub equal($;$)
{ confess "INTERNAL: equal() not implemented for ".ref(shift) }
sub sameAs($$)
{ confess "INTERNAL: sameAs() not implemented for ".ref(shift) }
sub bboxRing(@)
{ my ($thing, $xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax, $proj) = @_;
if(@_==1 && ref $_[0]) # instance method without options
{ $proj = $thing->proj;
($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = $thing->bbox;
Geo::Line->new # just a little faster than calling ring()
( points => [ [$xmin,$ymin], [$xmax,$ymin], [$xmax,$ymax]
, [$xmin,$ymax], [$xmin,$ymin] ]
, proj => $proj
, ring => 1
, bbox => [$xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax]
, clockwise => 0
sub bbox()
{ confess "INTERNAL: bbox() not implemented for ".ref(shift);
sub bboxCenter()
{ my $self = shift;
my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = $self->bbox;
Geo::Point->xy(($xmin+$xmax)/2, ($ymin+$ymax)/2, $self->proj);
sub area()
{ confess "INTERNAL: area() not implemented for ".ref(shift);
sub perimeter()
{ confess "INTERNAL: perimeter() not implemented for ".ref(shift);
sub deg2dms($$$)
{ my ($thing, $degrees, $pos, $neg) = @_;
$degrees -= 360 while $degrees > 180;
$degrees += 360 while $degrees <= -180;
my $sign = $pos;
if($degrees < 0)
{ $sign = $neg;
$degrees= -$degrees;
my $d = int $degrees;
my $frac = ($degrees - $d) * 60;
my $m = int($frac + 0.00001);
my $s = ($frac - $m) * 60;
$s = 0 if $s < 0.001;
my $g = int($s + 0.00001);
my $h = int(($s - $g) * 1000 + 0.0001);
$h ? sprintf("%dd%d'%d.%03d\"$sign", $d, $m, $g, $h)
: $s ? sprintf("%dd%d'%d\"$sign", $d, $m, $g)
: $m ? sprintf("%dd%d'$sign", $d, $m)
: sprintf("%d$sign", $d);
sub deg2dm($$$)
{ my ($thing, $degrees, $pos, $neg) = @_;
defined $degrees or return '(null)';
$degrees -= 360 while $degrees > 180;
$degrees += 360 while $degrees <= -180;
my $sign = $pos;
if($degrees < 0)
{ $sign = $neg;
$degrees= -$degrees;
my $d = int $degrees;
my $frac = ($degrees - $d) * 60;
my $m = int($frac + 0.00001);
$m ? sprintf("%dd%d'$sign", $d, $m)
: sprintf("%d$sign", $d);
sub dms2deg($)
{ my ($thing, $dms) = @_;
my $o = 'E';
$dms =~ s/^\s+//;
if($dms =~ s/([ewsn])\s*$//i) { $o = uc($1) }
elsif($dms =~ s/^([ewsn])\s*//i) { $o = uc($1) }
if($dms =~ m/^( [+-]? \d+ (?: \.\d+)? ) [\x{B0}dD]?
\s* (?: ( \d+ (?: \.\d+)? ) [\'mM\x{92}]? )?
\s* (?: ( \d+ (?: \.\d+)? ) [\"sS]? )?
{ my ($d, $m, $s) = ($1, $2||0, $3||0);
my $deg = ($o eq 'W' || $o eq 'S' ? -1 : 1)
* ($d + $m/60 + $s/3600);
return $deg;