Google::Merchant - provide Google shop with product info
is a XML::Compile::Cache
is a XML::Compile::Schema
is a XML::Compile
Google::Merchant is extended by
my $feed = Google::Merchant::AtomFeed->new
( title => 'My Webshop'
, website => ''
( # feed fields
title => 'washing machine'
, webpage => "$website/EAN1234.html"
# google base fields
, id => 'EAN1234'
, price => '12.34 EUR'
With the Merchant interface, shop-owners inform Google which products they have for sale. Read the documentation at Google
Google provides two XML syntaxes to denote product information (and a few other formats). This distribution can be used to produce files in the correct syntax. On the moment, only the feed of Atoms are implemented, although RSS should not be too hard to add. An attempt is made to hide the difference between the two in the here provided interface.
This module can not read merchant files. As you will also discover in the examples shown by Google: they do not use the schema themselves, nearly all examples will fail validation! Especially, the strict order of elements in a sequence is ignored by Google's examples.
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
- Google::Merchant->new(OPTIONS)
-Option --Defined in --Default allow_undeclared XML::Compile::Cache <false> any_element XML::Compile::Cache 'SKIP_ALL' block_namespace XML::Compile::Schema [] hook XML::Compile::Schema undef hooks XML::Compile::Schema [] ignore_unused_tags XML::Compile::Schema <false> key_rewrite XML::Compile::Schema [] opts_readers XML::Compile::Cache [] opts_rw XML::Compile::Cache [] opts_writers XML::Compile::Cache [] parser_options XML::Compile <many> prefixes XML::Compile::Cache <smart> schema_dirs XML::Compile undef string_format 'HTML' title <required> typemap XML::Compile::Cache {} website <required> xsi_type XML::Compile::Cache {}
- allow_undeclared => BOOLEAN
- any_element => CODE|'TAKE_ALL'|'SKIP_ALL'|'ATTEMPT'|'SLOPPY'
- hooks => ARRAY-OF-HOOK
- key_rewrite => HASH|CODE|ARRAY-of-HASH-and-CODE
- opts_readers => HASH|ARRAY-of-PAIRS
- opts_rw => HASH|ARRAY-of-PAIRS
- opts_writers => HASH|ARRAY-of-PAIRS
- parser_options => HASH|ARRAY
- prefixes => HASH|ARRAY-of-PAIRS
- string_format => 'TEXT'|'HTML'|'XHTML'
How are your text strings formatted by default? Google itself does not specify the content of the string elements (elements of type stringAttrValueType -which isn't an attribute type!) However, we do need to diffentiate between strings which already have entities encoded or not. HTML encoded strings are included as CDATA if they contain an ampersand '&'.
- title => STRING
- typemap => HASH|ARRAY
- website => URI
- xsi_type => HASH|ARRAY
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->addHook(HOOKDATA|HOOK|undef)
- $obj->addHooks(HOOK, [HOOK, ...])
- $obj->addKeyRewrite(PREDEF|CODE|HASH, ...)
- $obj->addSchemaDirs(DIRECTORIES|FILENAME)
- Google::Merchant->addSchemaDirs(DIRECTORIES|FILENAME)
- $obj->addSchemas(XML, OPTIONS)
- $obj->addTypemap(PAIR)
- $obj->addTypemaps(PAIRS)
- $obj->allowUndeclared([BOOLEAN])
- $obj->anyElement('ATTEMPT'|'SLOPPY'|'SKIP_ALL'|'TAKE_ALL'|CODE)
- $obj->blockNamespace(NAMESPACE|TYPE|HASH|CODE|ARRAY)
- $obj->hooks()
- $obj->typemap([HASH|ARRAY|PAIRS])
- $obj->useSchema(SCHEMA, [SCHEMA])
- $obj->xsiType([HASH|ARRAY|LIST])
Prefix management
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->learnPrefixes(NODE)
- $obj->prefix(PREFIX)
- $obj->prefixFor(URI)
- $obj->prefixed(TYPE|(NAMESPACE,LOCAL))
- $obj->prefixes([PAIRS|ARRAY|HASH])
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->addCompileOptions(['READERS'|'WRITERS'|'RW'], OPTIONS)
- $obj->compile(('READER'|'WRITER'), TYPE, OPTIONS)
- $obj->compileAll(['READERS'|'WRITERS'|'RW', [NAMESPACE]])
- $obj->initParser(OPTIONS)
- Google::Merchant->initParser(OPTIONS)
- $obj->reader(TYPE|NAME, OPTIONS)
- $obj->template('XML'|'PERL'|'TREE', ELEMENT, OPTIONS)
- $obj->writer(TYPE|NAME)
See documentation in base class.
- $obj->doesExtend(EXTTYPE, BASETYPE)
- $obj->elements()
- $obj->findName(NAME)
- $obj->findSchemaFile(FILENAME)
- Google::Merchant->findSchemaFile(FILENAME)
- $obj->importDefinitions(XMLDATA, OPTIONS)
- $obj->knownNamespace(NAMESPACE|PAIRS)
- Google::Merchant->knownNamespace(NAMESPACE|PAIRS)
- $obj->namespaces()
- $obj->printIndex([FILEHANDLE], OPTIONS)
- $obj->types()
- $obj->walkTree(NODE, CODE)
- $obj->addItem(OPTIONS)
The list of available OPTIONS is huge: all the fields which can be included in the atom. Not only a few which are RSS/Atom specific (see extension) but also dozens of fields specified by Google.
- $obj->stringFormat()
Returns the default text format.
Feed handling
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
Collecting definitions
See documentation in base class.
Addressing components
See documentation in base class.
Representing data-structures
See documentation in base class.
Schema hooks
See documentation in base class.
See documentation in base class.
Handling xsi:type
See documentation in base class.
Key rewrite
See documentation in base class.
Item fields
The RSS interface defines an 'Item', and Google uses that term as well to describe product listings. The Atom interface refers to these as 'Entry' elements.
The Atom interface defines 12 fields, of which Google only uses three: the title
, link
, and summary
. To reduce the gap between the Atom and RSS interface, you pass these three values via parameters title
, webpage
, and description
Google defined a huge list of parameters for any product. Look in the examples/
directory of this module for the template which lists the fields and explains their limitations. Most of these fields are described on the 'feed specification' on the google support website.
( # feed fields
title => 'washing machine'
, webpage => "$website/EAN1234.html"
, description => "Best you can buy"
# google base fields
, id => 'EAN1234'
string values
String values (elements of type g:stringAttrValueType) can either be represented as HTML/XHTML or (plain) TEXT. This difference minor but crucial: when HTML is passed as TEXT, you may get double encoding of entities. For instance, '"' may become '&quot;'.
Set the best default with new(string_format). Now, per field you may diverge from the default:
my $feed = Google::Merchant::AtomFeed->new(...
, string_format => 'HTML'
( brand => '>"<' # default, here HTML
, isbn => { type => 'TEXT'
, _ => '<">'
See documentation in base class.
This module is part of Google-Merchant distribution version 0.10, built on May 13, 2013. Website:
Other distributions in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA, XML::Compile::C14N, XML::Compile::WSS, XML::Compile::WSS::Signature, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Compile::RPC, XML::Rewrite, XML::eXistDB, and XML::LibXML::Simple.
Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at . For live contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile
channel on
Copyrights 2013 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See