Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI - Collect translatable strings from Perl using PPI
is a Log::Report::Extract
my $ppi = Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI->new
( lexicon => '/usr/share/locale'
$ppi->process('lib/My/'); # call for each .pm file
$ppi->showStats; # optional
# See script xgettext-perl
This module helps maintaining the POT files, updating the list of message-ids which are kept in them. After initiation, the process() method needs to be called with all files which changed since last processing and the existing PO files will get updated accordingly.
If no translations exist yet, one $lexicon/$domain.po
file will be created. If you want to start a translation, copy $lexicon/$domain.po
to $lexicon/$domain/$lang.po
and edit that file. You may use poedit
to edit po-files. Do not forget to add the new po-file to your distribution (MANIFEST)
See documentation in the base class.
The extraction process
All pm-files need to be processed in one go: no incremental processing!
The Perl source is parsed using PPI, which does understand Perl syntax quite well, but does not support all features.
Automatically, the textdomain of the translations is discovered, as first parameter of use Log::Report
. You may switch textdomain inside one pm-file.
When all files have been processed, during the write(), all existing po-files for all discovered textdomains will get updated. Not only the $lexicon/$domain.po
template, but also all $lexicon/$domain/$lang.po
will be replaced. When a msgid has disappeared, existing translations will get disabled, not removed. New msgids will be added and flagged "fuzzy".
What is extracted?
This script will extract the msgids used in __()
, __x()
, __xn()
, and __n()
(implemented by Log::Report) For instance
__x"msgid", @more
__x'msgid', @more <--- no! syntax error!
__x("msgid", @more)
__x('msgid', @more)
__x(msgid => @more)
Besides, there are some helpers which are no-ops in the code, only to fill the po-tables: N__()
, N__n()
, N__()
What is not extracted?
Not extracted are the usage of anything above, where the first parameter is not a simple string. Not extracted are
__x($format, @more)
__x$format, @more
__x(+$format, _domain => 'other domain', @more)
__x($first.$second, @more)
In these cases, you have to use N__()
functions to declare the possible values of $format
See documentation in the base class.
See documentation in the base class.
See documentation in the base class.
See documentation in the base class.
- $obj->process(FILENAME, OPTIONS)
Update the domains mentioned in the FILENAME. All textdomains defined in the file will get updated automatically, but not written before all files where processed.
-Option --Default charset 'iso-8859-1'
- $obj->showStats([DOMAINs])
- $obj->write([DOMAIN])
This module is part of Log-Report distribution version 0.998, built on October 22, 2013. Website:
Copyrights 2007-2013 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See