MIME::Type - Definition of one MIME type


use MIME::Types;
my $mimetypes = MIME::Types->new;
my MIME::Type $plaintext = $mimetype->type('text/plain');
print $plaintext->mediaType;   # text
print $plaintext->subType;     # plain

my @ext = $plaintext->extensions;
print "@ext"                   # asc txt c cc h hh cpp

print $plaintext->encoding     # 8bit
if($plaintext->isBinary)       # false
if($plaintext->isAscii)        # true
if($plaintext->equals('text/plain') {...}
if($plaintext eq 'text/plain') # same

print MIME::Type->simplified('x-appl/x-zip') #  'appl/zip'


MIME types are used in MIME entities, for instance as part of e-mail and HTTP traffic. Sometimes real knowledge about a mime-type is need. Objects of MIME::Type store the information on one such type.

This module is built to conform to the MIME types of RFC's 2045 and 2231. It follows the collection kept at



Create a new MIME::Type object which manages one mime type.

OPTION                    DEFAULT
type                      <obligatory>
simplified                <derived from type>
extensions                undef
encoding                  <depends on type>
system                    undef
  • type => STRING

    The type which is defined here. It consists of a type and a sub-type, both case-insensitive. This module will return lower-case, but accept upper-case.

  • simplified => STRING

    The mime types main- and sub-label can both start with x-, to indicate that is a non-registered name. Of course, after registration this flag can disappear which adds to the confusion. The simplified string has the x- thingies removed and are translated to lower-case.

  • extensions => REF-ARRAY

    An array of extensions which are using this mime.

  • encoding => '7bit'|'8bit'|'base64'|'quoted-printable'

    How must this data be encoded to be transported safely. The default depends on the type: mimes with as main type text/ will default to quoted-printable and all other to base64.

  • system => REGEX

    Regular expression which defines for which systems this rule is valid. The REGEX is matched on $^O.


Returns the long type of this object, for instance 'text/plain'

simplified [STRING]

(Instance method or Class method) Returns the simplified mime type for this object or the specified STRING. Mime type names can get officially registered. Until then, they have to carry an x- preamble to indicate that. Of course, after recognition, the x- can disappear. In many cases, we prefer the simplified version of the type.


my $mime = MIME::Type->new(type => 'x-appl/x-zip');
print $mime->simplified;                     # 'appl/zip'
print $mime->simplified('text/plain');       # 'text/plain'
print MIME::Type->simplified('x-xyz/x-abc'); # 'xyz/abc'

The media type of the simplified mime. For 'text/plain' it will return 'text'.

For historical reasons, the 'mainType' method still can be used to retreive the same value. However, that method is deprecated.


The sub type of the simplified mime. For 'text/plain' it will return 'plain'.


Mime-types which are not registered by IANA nor defined in RFCs shall start with an x-. This counts for as well the media-type as the sub-type. In case either one of the types starts with x- this method will return false.


Returns a list of extensions which are known to be used for this mime type.


Returns the type of encoding which is required to transport data of this type safely.


Returns the regular expression which can be used to determine whether this type is active on the system where you are working on.


Returns true when the encoding is base64.


Returns false when the encoding is base64, and true otherwise. All encodings except base64 are text encodings.


Returns true when the type is in the list of known signatures.


Compare this mime-type object with a STRING or other object. In case of a STRING, simplification will take place.




Mark Overmeer (


This code is stable, version 1.002.

Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Mark Overmeer. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.